F3 Knoxville

Down on the Docks

THE SCENE: Nice cool morning.  About 55 degrees with no humidity.

Started with 25 SSH on 4ct then mosey’d to pavilion flag pole for 10 tempo merkins, 10 windmills, and 10 mountain climbers all on the 4 count.  Mosey’d to Circus Maximus for some butt kickers down and jog back and skips down jog backs
Mosey’d to dock on the back side near cardiac for 4 rounds of 4 exercises followed by running the short loop there.  Exercises were

  • 20 Dry Docks
  • 20 Calf Raises
  • 20 LBC’s
  • 10 Burpees
  • Then run loop

Competed 4 rounds then mosey’d to cardiac for10 squat jumps at bottom light pole, first bend, second bend, and top.  We bernie’d all the way up.

Mosey’d to tail of dragon for a trip down route 66 with Merkins

After completion…back to the AO

Had time for some Freddie Mercury’s, Heel touches, and LBC’s all 20 on 4ct

Discussed how character always rises to the top.  Used a story about Grant Williams as an example in light of his NBA record night a few days ago.  What do you do when you think people aren’t watching?

Walls of Jericho

THE SCENE: High 50s and perfect


SSH – 25, BAC – 10 , church lap

Walls of Jericho

  • Peoples Chair
  • Blockees
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Dips
  • Military style Merkins
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Lawn Mowers


Halfday, Cow Patty, Shoelaces, Grouch, Rep Sleepy, Streaker, Doppelgänger, Shenanigans, Doctor, and Trousers
Read Joshua 6:1-5

God may ask us to do something that makes absolutely no sense to us, but it doesn’t matter. We trust His commands and the outcome is up to Him. He has called us simply to be obedient.


Are You Ready?

THE SCENE: Beautiful, sunny, 85 degress. Low humidity and slight breeze, but the heat of summer cometh…


– 20 SSH IC

– 8 Tempo Merkins

– 8 Tempo Squats

– 8 Cherry Pickers (4-ct), in cadence

– 8 BAC forward, backward (4-ct, IC)

– Imperial Walkers until Swimmies joined us.


Mosey down Roadshow Run to path, admiring the nicely cut grass on Everest on the way down.

NICKLE DIME QUARTERS going south on the path.  (Run 1 light, do 5 reps, run 2 lights do 10 reps, run 5 lights, do 25 reps).

  1. Squats
  2. CDDs
  3. Dive Bombers

Mosey to Gravel circle near Field of Dreams.


  • Near end: Lunge around turn
  • Run to ½ way point. 25 Merkins. Run to curve
  • Far End: Bear Crawl around turn
  • Run to ½ way point. 25 Squats. Run to Curve.
  • Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to Roundabout south of the Colosseum, doing Imperial Squat Walkers and other maintenance exercises until 6 catches up.

Partner up.  One Partner runs to end of Roundabout, do 5 BBSs, 5 2-CT American Hammers, 5 Leg Lifts 3x increasing by 5 each time. Switch off after each set. Other partner does LBCs.

Return to AO

Stretching with Pele. Ahhh…

8 strong. Cheetah Boy not tagged.
Showed the PAX an inspirational video about F3 (hat tip to Blindside, who put it out on FB).  Here’s the transcript:

Make no mistake men. Every day you’re in a battle. A battle for your health. A battle for your family. A battle for your very soul. There are forces, seen and unseen, that want you to fail. They’re counting on you to fail. There are voices in your head that are reminding you of your past failures and telling you hey, stay in the comfort of your house, don’t come out to this work out, instead of getting out there, doing something difficult, and accelerating with other men who support you, and require your support in return. This is F3. There are no lone wolves. We’re a pack of men with a shared vision to plant, grow, and most importantly to serve, for the invigoration of male leadership in our community. We are… F3.

Are you ready?

Prayers for Abscess’s recovery
Launch of new AO in Farragut at the end of the Month, the RAMPART.  May charity drive is underway.  Details to be posted on SLACK.

Friday the 13th @ Rampart

THE SCENE: 60’s, clear and perfect

  • Tempo Squats
  • LBACs
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Down dog – Up dog
  • Chatty Cherry Pickers


  • Mosey to Amphitheater
  • 13s from stage to top row
    • Merkins on stage (78)
    • Freddy Mercury (4-ct) top row
  • Mosey to hill below track
    • On the way, stop for a few Wall-ups along the trail
  • 13s up the hill
    • Squats at the bottom
    • BBS at the top
  • Mosey to playground
    • 3-5 pullups
    • 10 heels to heaven
    • Repeat 2 times
  • RTF

No time
Today is Friday thr 13th, culturally a day of bad omen. Wikipedia claims this is because the number 13 is associated with the number of people at the last supper, and Friday was the day Christ died. Put them together, and you have double trouble. Every year has at least one Friday the 13th, and no year has more than 3. My friend Dave at work was born on Friday the 13th, and his mother always told him it was his lucky day. So, does this matter? Is there something special about the day when Friday and 13 intersect?

What can be said for sure is that it matters to some people. There are living, breathing people who dramatically alter their day to day life because of this intersection. Or perhaps, more precisely, because of what their culture has taught them is the significance of this day. That person’s head has been filled with an idea that for one day rules them. It has been said by some that “people don’t have ideas, ideas have people.” I think Friday the 13th is an example of that. Jesus says it this way, “Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Mt 12:34) What you are filled with will manifest itself, whether you like it or not. We like to think that we can consume media full of violence, perversion, and lies without being affected, but that is an illusion. If you want to be a man of virtue, making it your primary input is a pretty darn good start.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Phillipians 4:8-9
Great to see the sunrise with you, and glad to see Bobbitt at the COT.
Rampart Official Launch – Memorial Day!

The Asylum PM’rs Take On The Compound

[ The Scene ]

  • 70s
  • Hot
  • Character building
  • Pre-Ruck with Guppy

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • A few things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own belief
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.
  • FNGs?

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • 10×4 Around the Clock Lunges (12, 3, 6, 9)
  • 10×4 Cherry Pickers
  • 10×4 Windmill
  • 10×4 merkins 
  • 10×4 SSH

Cash-In with some ATMs

[ The Thang ]

(Mosey to The Compound)

(1) The Timeless Classic: 11s

  • but since today is the 10th, we’ll just do 10s
  • Here: Merkins
  • There: Star jacks
    • (9 + 1, 8 + 2, etc)

(2) Battle Buddy Bays

  • 3 POCs or “bays”
  • 1 BB will wall sit up here + execute raise the roofs until recovered
  • 1 BB will run to the bay and execute 25 reps of an exercise at each of the 3 bays.
    • Bay 1: Merkins
    • Bay 2: Bobby Hurleys
    • Bay 3: LBCs
  • So you and your BB team will graduate from 1 bay to the next. Each BB will complete the X for each bay
  • The wall sits remain the same throughout

(3) There And Back Again

  • 2 POCs: The Compound + The Dock
  • Compound: triad merkins and run to The Dock
    • 1 reg, 1 wide, 1 diamond
    • Run up tue platform and back down, and then up to The Dock
  • The Dock: triad of squats
    • 1 reg, 1 sumo, 1 together and then run back to The Compound
  • Rinse and Repeat, adding 1 rep to each station (round 2: 2 reg, 2 wide, 2 diamond + 2 reg, 2 sumo, 2 together) until you complete 5 reps of each triad.
  • Recover at The Compound

[ Mary ]

American Indian run back up to the AO

BTTW (Balls To The Wall) to the AO about 50 yards out

[ COT ]

  • # off — 9
  • Name o Rama
    • Guppy, Brick, Drum Major, Crispr, High-Heels, F6, Mr. Jinxy, Rooney, Steam
  • FNGs — 0
  • BOM

For my BOM tonight, I’m going to try and listen to myself as I talk, because I really need to hear this, and I feel like this was  put on my heart to share as well, and just maybe, you’ll find some things that will apply to your life as well.

I’d like to start off by sharing a story.

Last night, I was asked to play goalie in my fiancé’s soccer game with her brother and some of the women she coaches at Johnson University. Now I played soccer growing up, and while I did play church league soccer, I also played competitively, but I was always a midfielder or forward. I ran and kicked, I didn’t block. So after some prompting from both my fiancé and future brother in law to play goalie, I said okay, knowing that this was about to be way better than I expected, or way worse than I expected. So we took the field and I was pretty pumped up.

Now I didn’t get too upset when the first 2 goals were scored on me, but man, the last 5 were brutal. One of the 5 was between my legs, another one out of the 5 I mis-timed and tipped it back into the goal for an own goal, and yet another one out of the 5 was shot from midfield and sailed past my head. I was furious. I was ashamed. I was humiliated. I was disappointed. I was upset. I used an expletive or 3 both in my head and out loud. I had failed. I had let the team down. I wasn’t good enough. I was furious with myself for my performance. Even in the midst of my fiancé, future brother in law, and some of the other collegiate women who were on the team’s “Hey you did great” and “We’re just out here to have fun” and “You did way better than I would have done” my internal programming and messaging screamed LIAR. FALSE. INCORRECT. NOT TRUE. I don’t want to be consoled, or comforted or your pity, I know how badly I did out there. After a hasty and very unloving hug and “I love you” I have my fiancé, I sped out of that parking lot in rage for how poorly I had performed.

One thing my fiancé said to me before I left was “You have to stop beating yourself up about this. You need to quit being so hard on yourself.” To which I replied a measly “yeah.” My internal response to this in that moment and all the way home and as I went to bed last night and woke up this morning was “NO I DON’T HAVE TO. I CAN’T STOP. I FAILED AND I AM GOING TO LET MYSELF KNOW IT. IF I STOP BEING HARD ON MYSELF AND BEATING MYSELF UP I WON’T BE GOOD ENOUGH. Whoah…..there’s something deeper there. My fiancé has not heard me communicate any of this to her yet, but she knows me well enough to know what type of humiliating and self-deprecating dialogue was going on internally for me.

Maybe you’ve heard these things before:

  • I’m my own harshest critic
  • I’m so hard on myself
  • I just beat myself up about this or that

As those goals continued to pummel me throughout the game, I kept thinking “Cmon Dan you’re better than this. You should be doing better than this. You’re failing. Goal after goal after goal, the same mental assault crashed like waves on a beach, louder and louder.

Until I realized this – and honestly the Holy Spirit loved me so well in this moment and helped me realize: You’ve never played goalie before Dan. Why did you think that? Why did you think you would be so much better than this? Why did you allow yourself to set standards of near perfection that you were never going to achieve? You’re destroying yourself mentally. I’ve never played goalie before guys. But it didn’t matter, I showed up and gave it my all, shouldn’t I have been better than this?! I MEAN CMON.

And maybe you’ve found yourself on the wrong side of a mental fuse the enemy has lit. And all he has to do is sit back and watch you start to believe that lie a little bit more and a little bit more until you’re furious. And humiliated. And have talked yourself out of grace, mercy, gratitude, and love.

As men we can be so hard on ourselves and beat ourselves up until we are mentally and emotionally and spiritually black and blue. STOP IT. Go easy on yourself. If you’re too hard on yourself like I typically am, here is something I found today, or that found me today, that helped take back some lost ground, mentally.

Three Warning Signs That You’re Too Hard On Yourself


            1. First, you’re being too hard on yourself if your failures to meet your standards result in a depressed loss of joy in the Lord.

“Christ has made you his own. That changes everything about how you run your race.”

            1. Second, it’s evidence of a person’s being too hard on himself if his failures result in hurtful anger: hurtful toward himself, inclining him toward habits that are self-destructive, or hurtful toward others.
            1. Third, it’s evidence that he’s being too hard on himself if his failures produce paralyzing fear or anxiety about approaching the tasks of his life. If he feels like he’s fallen short so often that he loses the capacity to attempt anything of significance, it’s evidence that he’s being too hard on himself in the sense that he’s not trusting Christ for the ability to keep him going.

So maybe we change the mental conversation and quit being so hard on ourselves as men. And maybe it sounds something like this:

“I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:12-14‬ ‭MSG‬‬ (https://bible.com/bible/97/php.3.12-14.MSG)