F3 Knoxville

Did someone order Pizza?

THE SCENE: Perfect

  • SSH IC x 20
  • Ranger Merkins (4 ct) IC x 10
  • Windmills (4 ct) IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers (4 ct – Dog Pound Style) IC x 5

Grab a CMU

  • Partner Up
    • Partner A – Drops down for 5 Burpees and 5 Ranger Merkins then runs to catch up to Partner B
    • Partner B – Farmer Carrying both CMU’s – alternating until you reach the base of Matterhorn
  • Rinse & Repeat the following until you reach the top of Matterhorn
    • 10 Sumo Hi-Pulls (Standing)
    • 15 Pizza Box Carry (Traveling Forward)
    • 10 Thrusters (Standing)
  • Mosey to Pull up Bars and deposit the CMU while you take a “Hot Lap” around the Big Island
  • AMRAP Cindy for Time
    • 5 Pull-ups
    • 10 Merkins
    • 15 Squats
  • Repeat Partner Exercise back to AO

Appreciate Mayberry calling out some abs to get us finished.

Let your mess be your message. I shared a story on FB to mark the 3 year anniversary of a death of a close friend. I talked about his struggles with his addiction and shed light on some of mine. Ultimately, he didn’t make it, but he left me with the advice to Never Stop working out. As result of sharing this story, his ex-girlfriend reached out to me to say that she hasn’t been herself since his passing. That when she read the post he could hear him encouraging her to get past her excuses and get back in the gym. I told her to send me a message when she gets her first workout in. She said that she was in the gym signing up at that moment! This shows that we relate to people more in the struggle than we do in the good times. Let your mess be your message.

Tried to make this one continuous circuit today, but the new exercises and the multiple locations made it too complex. We just have to take it one circuit at a time.
Everyone loved Escape from Haw Ridge!


1. Lap around Parking Lot
2. Projectivator x8
3. Tempo Squat x7
4. Tempo Merk x5
5. Mtn Climber x10
6. LBAC F/B X10
7. Grady Corns x10
8. Chattanooga Cherry Pickers x10
9. 5 Burpees OYO
10. Stretch OYO
11. Grab a CMU and mosey to baseball parking lot


 FLORA 1-2-3 (partner up, 1CMU/PAX)
1. Upper: P1 – 100 Diamond Merk (switch every 10)
P2 – Plank on CMU
P1+P2 Lap Parking Lot with CMU
2. CORE: P1 – 200 LBC (switch every 20)
P2 – Hold legs 6” w/ CMU above head
P1+P2 Lap parking lot with CMU
3. LOWER: P1 – 300 Squats w/ CMU (switch every 25)
P2 – Al Gore with CMU
P1+P2 Lap parking lot with CMU

1. Lunges – 20 Squats
2. Rifle Carry – 20 Curls
3. Bear Crawl – 20 Thrusters

4. Mosey – 20 Tri Extensions

5. Lunges – 10 Blockees
6. Rifle Carry – 20 Am Hammers (2-ct)
7. Bear Crawl – 20 Kettle Swings
8. Mosey – 20 Good Mornings

Wingman, Olive Oil, Skeletor, Piston, Creeper, and Snaggletooth


Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

God Disciplines His Children
4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. 5 And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says,

“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline,
and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
6 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves,
and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”[a]

Great time with the Rampart men! “Thanks for enjoying that workout!”

Official LAUNCH of RAMPART: Memorial Day!

Wondering Where The Lions Are

THE SCENE: Sunny and warm, temp in low eighties.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Twisties, 10 Rockettes, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Little Baby to Big Wide Arm Circles Forward and 10 Backward

We will mosey past the stop sign at the northeast corner of the Admin Bldg and go to the grassy area by the perimeter trail.  We will do 20 Flutter Kicks in the grass.  Next, will run west on the perimeter trail, stopping every ten lights to do ten of each of the following exercises.  Those arriving to the tenth light first will rinse and repeat until the six has done ten of each exercise.  Here are the exercises for each tenth light:

  • Merkins, Big Boys
  • Squat Jumps, Lunges (each leg = 1)
  • Carolina Dry Docks, Hello Dollies

Next, we will run to Area 51.  Stop at the area by the parking lot on the right.  We will split into teams of two.  While one team member does an exercise, the other runs to the curb at the end of area 51, does 10 jump squats, and runs back.  The partners then switch.  When each partner had done an exercise twice, they shift to the next exercise.  Here are the exercises:

  • Gas pumps
  • Rocky Balboas
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Iron Mikes

Next, we will run up the hill above Area 51 to roadway above the big tree.  Those getting there first will do bench dips until the six arrives.

Mosey to AO by running to gravel parking lot area, walking along the parking lot area, then running to AO.

Next we will do sprints to sign by parking lot and slow job back to where we started.  Repeat sprints three more times.  Then slow jog back to AO.


35 Baby Crunches
15 showing, no FNGs.
Wondering Where The Lions Are

Have you heard or do you remember the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den from the Bible?  Daniel was a Jew who was serving Darius, the King of Babylon or Prussia.  Daniel was an excellent administrator and King Darius liked him.  The other administrators and officials of King Darius were jealous of him.  They did know how strongly he worshipped his God.  They planned a scheme where , supposedly to celebrate the king, they convinced King Darius to issue a decree that any person in the kingdom who prayed to or worshipped any God or human for the next 30 days, other than King Darius, should be thrown in a Lion’s Den.  Daniel worshipped his God daily and continued to do so after the decree.  Caught, he was thrown in the Lions Den.  The next morning King Darius rushed to the den to find Darius alive, the ferocious lions acting tamely beside him.  King Darius, who cared for and admired Daniel then proclaimed:

“I issue a decree that in every part of my kingdom people must fear and reverence the God of Daniel. For he is the living God and he endures forever”.

As a psychologist, I see many people who suffer from anxiety.  I recently had my first session with a mid-thirties woman who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (anxiety that occurs after one suffers from a trauma), Social Anxiety (anxiety about being in social situations), and Agoraphobia (condition where a person panics if they leave their household). Ten years ago, she could hardly leave her home without breaking down. She even had difficulty answering phone calls, too anxious to talk to strangers.  Fortunately, she met a therapist who helped her out. He talked to her about how anxiety can be incredibly crippling but that some anxiety can be gradually overcome through something called exposure therapy.  If people, who have been frightened in the past, can expose themselves to the situation they fear and see that nothing disastrous happens, the anxiety can, over time, decrease.  He used a metaphor with my patient.  He said if we were to open a door and have a ferocious lion attack us, we would be very frightened of ever opening that door again, even if the lion was taken away and people tried to rationally convince us there was no lion there anymore.  We may panic trying to open the door and our hearts might pound like crazy.  But, each day, if we continued to open the door and see that no lion was there, we would gradually be less anxious about doing it.  We might not ever fully wipe out the anxiety but we would be better off.  That is what has happened to this lady.  She still gets nervous when going into public settings but can now do so.  And she wants to continue that process so that in the future, she will be even better at it.

In life, we face difficult and challenging situations.  We get burned sometimes in these situations or we fail at them.  We then fear trying similar situations.  We worry about the consequences.  We worry that we can’t face up to the situation.  But, if we can expose ourselves to the challenging situations and learn from them, we grow.  If we can trust that God is on our side, we can tame the lions we fear.

One of my favorite songwriters, Bruce Cockburn, wrote a song that talks about the ecstasy that comes with belief in God and His eternity.  He also talks about about how fear is diminished with the knowledge of this belief.  I will finish my message with some lines from that song which is entitled, “Wondering Where the Lions Are”:

Sun’s up . . . looks okay
The world survives into another day
And I’m thinking ’bout eternity
Some kinda ecstasy got a hold on me

I had another dream about lions at the door
They weren’t half as frightening as they were before
But I’m thinking ’bout eternity
Some kinda ecstasy got a hold on me.

And I’m wondering where the lions are
I’m wondering where the lions are
I’m wondering where the lions are.


Prayers for safe travels for Pusher and Rusty on their vacation.  Prayers for Thunderstruck and his family after the death of his mother.
CSAUP tomorrow night at Haw Ridge, 9 pm.

Asylum Star Wars Day in 3 Episodes

THE SCENE: In a Galaxy Far, Far Away… the weather was pleasant. The rain moved out and we were dry!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: If you recently battled a Wookie, maybe this workout isn’t for you

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 Each Way | TIE Fighters IC x10 each way | Tempo Squats IC x10

Episode I:

Mosey to the top of Mini-Cardiac for a Kessel Run in 12 parsecs

(12s of Merkins & BBS at each light pole down Rt. 66)

Episode II:

Travel to Cloud City 

(Partner 1 runs around Pavilion; while the other partner completes AMRAP of the following: Curls, OH Press, Tris, Rows)

  • Episode III:

    Chewbacca Carry CMU to the end of the parking lot for Han Solo Shuttle Runs (Suicides at each island while partner does exercises.

    Cumulative reps:

    200 → Imperial Walkers


    100→OH Press

    50→Hello Dolly

    25→4 ct. SSH

SWB: Stretching with Blindside until time called

13 HIMs; 0 FNGs

Numbers 6:22-27 The LORD said to Moses: “Speak to Aaron & his sons & tell them: This is how you shall bless the Israelites. Say to them: The LORD bless you & keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, & be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly & give you peace! So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites, & I will bless them.”

May the Force be with you.

We hear this quite often in Star Wars. It’s not always a Jedi that says it–one of the first instances is Han Solo telling it to Luke Skywalker, It was often used as “good luck on this dangerous mission” but also as a blessing, for good things to come your way.

Over the past 40 years, it’s become the most notable phrase from the saga. The entire notion of Star Wars Day on May 4 comes from the pun on the phrase. It has taken on almost a religious aspect for fans. It’s not surprising to see some fans respond by saying, “and also with you” as you would hear in a litany in a church.

We want to be blessed and we want to pass along the blessing. When I was in college, the Emory & Henry Choir would close every performance since its founding in 1958 with a hymn with a version of these words called the “Lutkin Benediction.” It was always a powerful and emotional moment at the close of a concert. I had the pleasure of attending many of their performances during my time at Emory since several of my fraternity brothers were always in the choir. Whatever may come, God will be with you. I ask His blessing on you as you go out into the world today. I pray that you will seek Him regularly, that you will call on Him in your dark times and praise Him all the time. May the Force (of the Lord) be with you!


Matterhorn Partner CMU Circuit

THE SCENE: Gorgeous morning to burn off some goo…
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  Done. I’m not a pro, you’ll see soon enough

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Cherry Pickers IC x5 | Tempo Squats IC x 10


Grab a CMU & Colonizer Run with Curls to the bottom of Matterhorn. Partner up, 1st Partner AMRAPs the exercises while 2nd partner runs to the Backbone for 5 pull-ups, repeat until each round is over. Partners then run together up Matterhorn for 5 Burpees together, return and start the next round

  • Round 1
    • Goblet Squats
    • Curls
    • CMU Flutters
  • Round 2
    • Imperial Squat Walkers
    • OH Press
    • American Hammers
  • Round 3
    • Squat Thrusters
    • Rows
    • BBS w/ CMU Raise
  • Round 4
    • CMU Merkins
    • SSH
    • LBCs
  • Round 5
    • Plank Jacks
    • Blockees
    • Hello Dolly w/ CMU overhead

We were attempting to do a couple of Peter Parkers, the Q even let Tweet-E lead them as they are his favorite. HOWEVER, per the usual, Mr. Tweet-E took talked a little too much, so we only did about 1/2 of one.

16 HIMS; 1 FNG (Zack Attack); 1 Pre-Rucker

Mayberry, Junk, Tweet-E, BlueCross, GoatDish, Earmuffs, ExciteBike, Frosty, Inspector Gadget, JaggedPill, Aladdin, Tonka, Biscuits, ICP, ZackAttack, Blindside


“The only thing in your control is effort.
That’s all & that’s everything.” -Mark Cuban

Perseverance. It is a word that I have struggled with as of late. I am in the very late stages of my Ph.D. dissertation and all of the motivation MUST be intrinsic. I must continue to persevere. I must continue to put the effort in every day to finish. This lesson isn’t just for my dissertation, but also for my job, my family, and my relationship with my M.

CSAUP this Friday at HawRidge