F3 Knoxville

Bracket Reveal

THE SCENE: nice and cool. Threat of rain never materialized. Perfect

8 motivators in honor of Kentucky’s 8 national championships
Everyone drew a team and their seed and was sent to the corresponding pod

  • San Diego: top seeds. Easiest pod. AMRAP of shuttle sprints. Big boys. Lunges
  • Greenville: decent seeds. AMRAP of squats, flutters, merkins
  • lndianapolis. Harder road to navigate.  AMRAP  of step ups. Decline merkins. Butt touches
  • Buffalo: lowest seeds. Run a mild then bump the other pods

Stretched to One Shining Moment. (The Luther Vandross version…not that other abomination.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Matthew 6:34. Live for today. Don’t wish your life away looking to the future. Serve God and others today. Tomorrow will be fine on its own
This word is still weird
F3 bracket challenge benefitting Wesley House

CSAUP in 49 short weeks

The Fab Four

THE SCENE: Not bad at all.  About 45 degrees give or take at circle up

Warmed up with 20 SSH on 4ct, Baby arm circles x10 front and back, a bit of ole fashioned stretching, some Imperial Walkers x10, and a quick lap around the parking lot
11’s with CMU’S in the parking lot with Curls on one end Thrusters on the other.  Carry CMU back and forth.  Once done with 11’s we completed 50 reps of 4ct flutters and weighted squats.

When completed, partnered up for: Partner 1 does farmer carry down and back while partner 2 does AMRAP LBC’S. Rinsed and repeated that.

Then to pavilion for a 6 minute EMOM of table rows, dips, LBCs, wall sit, and side straddle hops

then 7 minute Ab EMOM of dollys, flutters, LBC, BIG BOYS, gas pumpers, and right and left side crunch

She didn’t show up.

Talked about the importance of what we do as men and being there for eachother.  Reaching out to those men around us and leading them.


Tears of Joy

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Motivators, starting with seven.  10 Tempo Merkins.  10 Cherry Pickers. 10 Windmills.  Ten Twisties.  Ten Baby Arm Circles forward and backward.
Mosey to the stop sign by the main park road and the road that goes to Admin Bldg.  We will do 10 Imperial Walkers and 10 Lunges with each foot.

Mosey to the bottom of Mt. Everest.  We will do Ten Speed Skaters, then run up Mt. Everest.  Those reaching the top can do invisible skip ropes until everyone arrives.

Mosey to the steps at the front of the admin bldg.  We will go around the loop that goes from the Admin Bldg to the Coliseum.  We will stop at the following spots to do the following exercises:

  • On porch of Admin bldg:  20 Merkins
  • At south curve of loop:  20 Squat Jumps
  • At benches of Coliseum:  20 Bench Dips
  • At north curve of loop:  20 Squats
  • Rinse and repeat above two times.

Next, we will have a snowball fight in the grassy area in the middle of the loop.  Last man hit by a snowball gets a free breakfast from your Q.

Mosey to Pavilion that is close to AO.  We will do 20 Bench Dips then run to AO parking lot to do 20 Iron Mikes (one leg = 1).  Rinse and repeat but with 20 Decline Merkins at the Pavilion.  Rinse and repeat one more time but with 20 Picnic Table Pull-ups at the Pavilion.  (Note:  we will do 20 Iron Mikes in the parking lot with each rinse and repeat).

Mosey to the baseball field directly behind AO parking lot.  We will go to grassy area.  We will have a game of Ultimate Frisbee Football.

Mosey to AO.

Eleven men, no FNGs.  Great to have La-Z Boy visit our AO this Saturday morning.
Feeling The Tears of God Brings Joy

I heard in interesting story on NPR this past Monday.  It was about a man named Brandon Jackson who was recently released from prison after being convicted of armed robbery 25 years ago.  The conviction was based on a 10-2 split jury decision in the State of Louisiana.  Louisiana courts began to allow 10-2 decisions on such felony cases during the Jim Crow era.  The purpose was to be able to dismiss the votes of the occasional black juror that might make up a jury and vote someone innocent.  No one actually witnessed Brandon Jackson commit the alleged robbery.  His conviction was based on the testimony of a witness who had changed his story a number of times and got off on a lighter sentence based on his testimony.  The Louisiana Supreme Court in 2020 declared a split-jury conviction on such a felony case to be unconstitutional.  However, the ruling was not considered to be retroactive.

Brandon Jackson spent his time in Angola prison, a notoriously violent prison.  After an altercation with correctional officers, five of his years was spent in solitary confinement.  He got out on parole one month ago.  He has always maintained that he is innocent.  I don’t know whether he was innocent or guilty of the crime but I liked his interview.  Imagine your own reactions to our world today if you had spent 25 years behind bars.  He told the interviewer about how he waited at the counter of a grocery store for a long time waiting for someone to check him out.  Finally, an employee showed him how to scan his own items.  He was baffled and amazed.

I also liked some of the things that Brandon Jackson had to say about happiness and joy.  He said happiness is fleeting but that joy is something different.  He said that he doesn’t hold any grudges or regrets about what happened to him in the past.  Now that he is out of prison, he wants to help those in his community who may also have been in trouble.  He commented that, perhaps God had allowed his imprisonment to happen to prepare him for some purpose he needs to fulfill. As for joy, he finds it in small things.  He finds joy in sipping coffee with his mother each morning and reading the bible with her.  He finds joy in simply going outside.  This man, who had spent so much time behind bars, remarked, “We had a little rain one day, so I just went outside and stood in the middle of the backyard.  I wanted to feel God’s tears pour on me, so I just stayed there.”

The great Christian theologian, C.S. Lewis, also talked about the difference between happiness and joy.  He also said happiness is fleeting.  Joy is different.  It is a walk, a journey, a state of being.  C.S. Lewis indicated that people long for joy but do not find it in riches, fame, or power.  He said that when we finally discover joy, we find that joy itself is not what we are really seeking.  It is the Source of Joy that we seek.  That source, Lewis says, is God and Jesus Christ.

Brothers, may each of us find the source of Joy in our life journey.

Prayers for Crawdad’s friends in the Ukraine.
Brolympics on November 5 this year!

Little Captain

THE SCENE:  Pretty morning.  Around 39 degrees at circle up

25 4ct ssh , 12 baby arm circles front and back, 10 dive bombers, 12 imperial walkers and 2 laps
4 Cones:

Flagpole at the pavilion

Bottom of Baby Everest

Heading up Dragons Tail

Bend heading towards the cloud

Perform 10 diamond Merkins at cone one, 10 4ct LBC at cone 2, 10 man makers at cone 3, and 10 4ct Hello Dolly’s at 4.  Rinse and repeat 4 times

Mosey to flagpole for session of 10 merkins, 10 4ct flutters, then 9 merkins 9 4ct flutters…all the way to 5 merkins and 5 4ct flutters.  Then we went back up 6 reps, 7 reps…up to 10

then to bleachers:

step ups on bleachers with 1 squat at every step on the way up and on the way down.  Then 5 jump squats at the bottom.  Rinse and repeat 5 times

20 4 count hello dolly’s and 20 4ct freddy mercury’s

We tend to look at the big picture too much.  All God is asking us to do is today.  Do what he has asked us to do today in the moment.  When we are faithful and do that, we string them together and we end up where he desires.  Lamentations 3:22-23


Life is an Adventure

THE SCENE: Perfect.  Low 60s and plenty o’ sun!


– 20 SSH (4ct, IC)

– 20 Moroccan Nightclubs (4 ct, IC)

– 10 Windmills (4 ct, IC)

– 10 Tempo squats

– 10 Grady Corns (4 ct, IC)

-Leg Stretches

We repeated some of the exercise stations from CSAUP so that the guys who missed could experience it a bit, and to recreate the nightmare for those that did attend. 🙂

MOSEY to Area 51


OBJECTIVE: Your adventures have gotten off to an inauspicious beginning.  You have been charged with a crime! You must serve your punishment by doing hard labor.

  • Do 10 PRISONER GET UPS in the parking lot


  • BEAR CRAWL to Wall of building, do 10 PRISONER CELL MERKIN BURPEES (PCMBs).


  • EL CAPITAN back to parking lot. RINSE AND REPEAT.


MOSEY to Gravel Parking Lot


OBJECTIVE: After that short little mosey, I can hear you panting like a She-Dragon in Labor! You are already out of breath, and you call yourself a HIM?? To achieve ultimate HIM-dom, you must train to IMPROVE YOUR ENDURANCE!

Do a SEABISCUIT! Run one lap around the parking lot (staying outside of the cones) and then do:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 Big Boy Situps
  • 30 Squats

Run TWO laps, Repeat the exercises

Run THREE laps, Repeat the exercises

Mosey to AO, stopping twice to do some American Hammers and LBCs.


OBJECTIVE: You must rescue the princess trapped in the Tower, but first you must slay the dragon that guards her!



SAVE the Princess! RUN to top of tower (Space Needle), do 20 SQUATS at each turn of the stairs. Touch the picture of the princess and return to bottom.

No time for good ol’ Mary.
13 plus two dogs plus one 2.0, plus one ex Nan’taan

Life is not a problem to be solved, but an adventure to be lived!

  • John Eldredge, Wild at Heart.

When I was young I read every Choose Your Own Adventure book I could get my hands on.  For a kid who had a very active imagination, but was also constrained by little things like school, chores, going to Grandma’s house every Sunday, “rules”, avoiding getting beat up by a big brother, and on and on…. I usually didn’t get to live out those wild dreams that were always in my head.  And being a scrawny little runt who was always the smallest kid in class and in our neighborhood gang, I was far from looking the part of the noble hero or the brave adventurer.  The books were a wonderful diversion.  You could pretend you were a swashbuckling pirate on the high seas, an astronaut on a far-away planet, a wizard infiltrating the castle of frost giants, or a treasure hunter looking for a lost artifact in a distant land. And the books made you feel like you had a little bit of control, but in the end, you usually died anyway. Kind of like what happened in CSAUP. 😉  But then as you grow up, you gradually start to lose a bit of that magic.  Life gets in the way.  Bills, jobs, responsibilities.  Like little Jackie Paper, painted wings and giants rings make way for other toys.  And one day it happens… and you stop frolicking with a magic dragon in a land called Honnalee.

But every once in awhile, it’s great to revisit those places of imagination and dreams.  And that’s why I loved helping to create the CSAUP story line.  Yeah, I got to torture all of you guys who participated… but it was fun to bring just a little bit of magic and adventure to a morning that was completely stupid and utterly pointless.  I hope you all enjoyed it too.  And if you missed it… Take a visit back to Honnalee.  pick up one of your old Choose Your Own Adventure books and go through it again.  But every time you slay the dragon of save the princess, or find the treasure… you owe me 20 burpees!


Prayers for Ukraine, CRISPR’s work environment, Pusher’s daughter’s band trip to Florida
