F3 Knoxville

The Pumpkin Says…

THE SCENE: Sunny, a bit warm, low 80s.  Maybe the last 80 degree day of the year?…



-20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– Air Squared (Squat chair while forward extended arm claps) 10 Overhead, then 10 sideways (seal claps)

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct, in cadence)

-LBCs, forward/backward

-Leg Stretches


Mosey to Big Tree next to circle drive, south of the Admin bldg.  What’s that?? A bag?? A bag with a PUMPKIN IN IT??!! Let’s get it.

Get Pumpkin.  Indian Run to oval parking lot down by Field of Dreams.  Pass the Pumpkin to the back of the line.  When it gets there, that person runs to front, carrying it over his head, then passes it backwards.

  • The Pumpkin Says What You’re Going to Be! This was my favorite Halloween song from grade school.  I can’t remember the exact lyrics, but it talks about how the pumpkin will select what your get-up is for Trick or Treating that year.  So… Pick a card from the Trick or Treat container.  This is the “disguise” we will have for Halloween, and an associated exercise..
    • A DRAGON!
      • Do a 5-count Welsh Dragon. RUN A LAP
    • AN INMATE!
      • Do 10 Prisoner Get Ups. RUN A LAP
      • Do 20 Bobby Hurleys, RUN A LAP
      • Do 20 Imperial Squat Walkers, RUN A LAP
      • Do 20 Smurf Jacks, RUN A LAP
      • Do 20 Hello Dollies (4-ct), RUN A LAP
    • A ZOMBIE!
      • 20 Walking ROCKETTES (feet straight out) (4-ct), RUN A LAP
    • A PIMP!
      • 20 Pickle Pounders, RUN A LAP
    • THOR!
      • Do a round of CAPTAIN THORS (up to 5 reps), RUN A LAP
      • 20 Peter Parkers (4-ct), RUN A LAP
    • A ZOMBIE!
      • 20 Zombie Crunches each side (LBC with both legs laid to the side like a dead zombie), RUN A LAP

REVERSE INDIAN RUN UP PICKET’S CHARGE.  Person in front runs with the Pumpkin over their head as long as they can, then hands it off and goes to back of line.

Mid-way up Pickett’s… Pumpkin Line Dance.  Get in a line.  Do the following exercises, doing a special Pumpkin exercise when it gets to you (in parentheses).

  • Big Boy Situps (5 American Hammers w/ pumpkin)
  • Hold Plank (5 Pumpkin Press Burpees)
  • Tempo Squats (5 Squat Thrusts with Pumpkin)

The PAX did some ab work while the 6 caught up.  Then some stretching to wrap it up.
Nine little ghouls! And a pumpkin.  Which we smashed at the end.  It was a good pumpkin.  It deserved better.
Scrapped my original Word, and talked about how grateful I am to have to of our Double-Respect HIMs, Lilydipper and Jinxy, back from their hip surgeries and working out with us again.  We are a better PAX for it, and their dedication and effort to recover and get back into our workout group is nothing short of inspiring.

Christmas Party!

Stick It Out for the Sticky Notes

F3 Q: 10.12.21

AO: Asylum PM

5:45pm – 6:30pm

[ The Scene ]

  • 70s
  • Sunny

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

My name is Steam and I will be your Q this evening

Before we begin let’s get a few things out of the way:

  • FNGS?
  • I’m not a professional
  • You’re here on your own volition
  • If you need to modify anything we do this evening, please feel free to do so BUT push yourself and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.

[ Warm o Rama ]

  1. SSH — 12×4 IC
    • Light mosey down the stairs
  1. Rockette — 12×4 IC
    • Light mosey up the stairs
  1. Windmill — 12×4 IC
    • Light mosey down the stairs
  1. Baby Arm Circles (Forward) — 12×4 IC
    • Light mosey up the stairs
  1. Baby Arm Circles (Backwards) — 12×4 IC

[ The Thang ]


(1) DORA

  • Battle buddy up
  • Top of stairs: 300 merkins, 200 squats, 100 SSHs (together as a team)
  • Bottom of Stairs: 10 BBSs
  • BB1 is knocking out reps at the top, while BB2 is running down the stairs, knocking out the 10 BBSs, and then coming to recover BB1 up top at whatever # of reps he’s on  (finish all 300 Merkins, 200 squats, and 100 SSHs

(Mosey to the Colesium)

(2) The Gladiator

  • HQ for the Arena: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 SSHs
  • Run down to the right
    • Halfway — 10 dive bombers
  • Run back up and complete the HQ Xs
  • Run down to the left
    • Halfway — 10 lunges
  • Run back up and complete the HQ Xs
  • Run straight down to the plateau
    • 10 man makers
  • Run back up and complete the HQ Xs

(Mosey around to the right to the Long Curve)

(3) The Long Curve

  • Release run

[ Mary ]


[ COT ]

  • # off
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs
  • BOM

“Do for a few, what you wish you could do for many.” — John Maxwell

What did Jesus do? He did for a few what he was going to do for many.

Here’s the deal with this picture below. I walked into Starbucks this morning to get my coffee on the way to work, and they had this little board up on a table, with sticky notes covering all of it. On these sticky notes were encouraging words, mantras, and more — based on the directions for people to write down something encouraging, positive, uplifting, and unique on a sticky note and post it on the board, to spread positivity throughout people’s day. Here’s the cool thing, and surprising thing for me actually — there were more mentions of Jesus, God, and Bible verses on this board that I thought. They actually outweighed everything else pretty much. So as I waited for my coffee, I wrote down one of my favorites, “Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight” and stuck it on there.

That reminded me of the John Maxwell quote. For me personally, sometimes I have all these big ideas that I want to start and implement and create for people all over, but then I see these sticky notes and it so quickly reminded me of “Do for a few, what you wish you could do for many.” The people that are immediately around me (family, friends, co-workers, etc), am I serving them well? So the question I must ask myself, and I believe we as HIM must ask ourselves is “what can I do for a few, that I wish i could do for many?”

And men, sometimes it’s as simple as putting a positive, encouraging, and uplifting message, verse, phrase, mantra on a sticky note. But what good does this sticky note (now with this powerful message on it) do if it is not shared and spread? So the Asylum PM men and I were discussing this tonight and I gave them this challenge: take this sticky note idea and implement it in your life this week. Write a personal favorite verse, encouraging word, positive phrase or mantra on a sticky note and give/share it with someone. You’ll be amazed at what something just as small as this can do for a few, to affect and serve the many.

Let’s take this a step further. I want to hear from you. Other men in our PAX want (and need) to hear from you as well. Across different AOs and parts of our city and region. So not only are we externalizing this, but we’re internalizing it for F3 Knoxville as well. Check out a new channel on slack called #sticky-note-encouragement. This channel will be created to allow the men of our region to do this. We all need encouragement, and sometimes it’s as easy as putting it on a sticky note and sharing it. #ISI

Rainy Daze

THE SCENE: Wet but no rain…

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Lunges (forwards, backwards, side to side)
Cherry Pickers
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Tempo Squats
Tempo Merkins
Moroccan nightclub 20
10 Windmills in cadence
5 mins of CORE:
BBS, Plank w/ variations, Superman, LBCs, etc…

  • Mosey w/ the person in the front falling off for 2 burpees to the parking lot below sophomore hill
  • 25 flutter kicks in cadence
  • 10 Merkins
  • Soccer drills between 2 spaces:
    High knees
    Butt kicks
    Walking lunges
    Side lunge hops
  • 25 flutter kicks in cadence
  • 10 Merkins
  • Mosey to the coupon pile w/ the person in back weaving his way to the front.

    Pit stop 🛑 at coupon pile

  • 25 flutter kicks in cadence
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 thrusters
    Run stairs
    5 pull ups
  • 25 curls
    Run stairs
    5 pull ups
  • 25 triceps
    Run stairs
    5 pull ups
  • 25 scissor kicks in cadence
  • 10 Merkins
  • Mosy back to the flag

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
1 Corinthians 16: 13-14
13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. 14 And do everything with love.

This sounds like the perfect recipe. You’ve got God on your side! There’s nothing you can’t accomplish. Knowing that and acting out of love and putting Him first, will lead to great things.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Sampler Platter

THE SCENE: Little drizzle.  Humid.  Temps in the 60’s

Warmed up with 20 SSH on the 4ct, 10 tempo Merkins, 10 4ct plank jacks, 10 windmills, 10 OH Claps
Ran Baby Everest 3 times with 10 merkins at the bottom and 20 squats up top


Mosey to Circus Maximus for a sprint the sides walk the ends then mosey to pavillion

Did a random circuit of 1 min or 30 seconds worth of various exercises: Burpees, SSH, Wall sit, Plank Jacks, Table Rows, Dips, Decline Merkins, squats, step ups, box cutters, flutter kicks, big boys, ran a bit.  Little bit of everything.


Love one another and take comfort in the fact that God has a plan for you and he knows what he’s doing.

1 John 3:18-20



Do Work. Be Happy.


F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and done


SSH IC x20; LBAC IC x10ew; Tempo Squat IC x10; Tempo Merkin IC x10


  1. Mosey to STOP sign by Chapel: Partner up! One partner runs to the next STOP sign and back while the other completes: 
    1. V-ups 
    2. Hello Dolly’s 
    3. Flutter Kicks 
    4. Repeat until each partner does all three exercises.
  2. Mosey to the bottom of Route 66. Every other light pole; do a Captain Thor (1 BBS and 2 ct American Hammer), sprint to the next station. Adding 1 Captain Thor at each stop keeping the 1:2 ratio. Finish with 10:20. Kobra Kai stretches while waiting on the SIX. 
  3. Mosey to the Overlook:  
  1. Bear Crawl to the first pole; sprint back
  2. Bear Crawl to the second pole; sprint back 
  1.  Body Builder + Ghostman Baseball (Body Builder + is a Burpee/ShoulderTap/PlankJack/ToeTouch Combo)
    1. One group does “dealer’s choice abs while the other runs the bases
    2. Round 1: 
      1. 1st= 1 BB+
      2. 2nd= 2 BB+
      3. 3rd= 3 BB+
      4. 2nd= 2 BB+
      5. 1st= 1 BB+
    3. Round 2:
      1. 1st= 3 BB+
      2. 2nd= 2 BB+
      3. 3rd= 1 BB+
      4. 2nd= 2 BB+
      5. 1st= 3 BB+
  2. Return to AO 
    1. Ring of Fire: 5 → 1 Merkins  


9 HIMs; No FNGs


“It is the working man who is the happy man. It is the idle man who is the miserable man.” -Benjamin Franklin

We need to be “working” constantly. Whether that is working on bettering our bodies, our minds, our spiritual life, our family life, etc. Once we become idle, we start to deteriorate. Do Work. Be Happy.