F3 Knoxville

Saturday Morning BOGO

Clear, cool, and Qless was the forecast Friday afternoon. In a perfect world, that Q would have belonged to Lilydipper, but an uncooperative hip has other ideas. Crawdad won’t stand for an open Saturday Q. He made some decisions. He placed some calls. Continue reading if you’d like the details, but the summary is that it takes two men to do what one Lily does.

We took em to 100. Tie Fighters, The Junk Science, some stretching, and 10 burpees for Snitch, who I’ve never seen come in late, ever, so he must have had some serious business to do this morning. I didn’t ask but I’m betting Cheet Sheet was similarly relieved when he arrived.
The first part of this BOGO was to discover that our Non Privately Owned Naturally Occurring Mineral Formations (NOPO-NOMIFs) were just laying there beneath the trees, as nature presumably left them. Partner AMRAPs as some stragglers caught up, curls, presses, rows, more curls. All I know is that a lot of you have way more reps in you than I do.

Catch Me If You Can w/5 burpees up baby Everest and down the Dragon. Deposit the NOPOs and begin the second part of the BOGO.

We built pyramids on the Cloud, with Crawdad bringing out his famous Louisiana Whistle. Box Jumps, Irkins, Dips, Derkins, Merkins. Unless you cut your reps, your arms were jelly.

Recovering on our feet, we made our way to the dustbowl and some Doras. 200 reps and then another 100 of whatever you wanted.

Back to AO for Mary AND a visit to the ATM.

Welcome Scott W, Billy Goat!

Your F3 friends are a deep and wide pool of help and challenge. You’d be nuts not to lean on them when you need to. It would be a waste to not be challenged by them. You’d be foolish not to step in and try to lead.

Next Right Thing

THE SCENE: 70 and Sunny in the Fake Gloom

Little of this, that, and the other.  SHH, Cherry Pickers, and Rockettes of course

Rounds of:  Squat Jumps, Lunges, Iron Mikes, Tempo Squat, Apollo Ono, Bridges, CLIMB THE HILL and then 4-ct Box Cutters, Big Boys, 4-ct Freddy Mercury, LBCs, 4-ct American Twist, 4-ct Flutter Kicks

Battle Buddies: 250 Side Straddle Hops, 200 Calf Raises, 150 Squats, 100 Push Ups, 50 Burpees

Rounds of: Diamond Push Ups, 4-ct Mountain Climbers, Carolina Dry Docks, Wide Push Ups, 8-ct Man Makers, Motivators (Starting at 5), RUN ACROSS THE FIELD then, 4-ct Box Cutters, Big Boys, 4-ct Freddy Mercury, LBCs, 4-ct American Twist, 4-ct Flutter Kicks


Recently I’ve been pretty overwhelmed with life.  Some good problems to have, just a lot of stuff.  My wife told me, “You know what Ana says – just do the next right thing.”  It made sense to just take one step at a time.  I can’t tackle everything at once.  Chip away at it and everything will be OK.  A few days later I was complaining again about all that’s going on and my wife says again, “You know what Ana says – just do the next right thing.”  At that point I asked, “Who is Ana?”.  My wife replies, “You know.  Ana.  From Frozen II.”

Sometimes wisdom comes from the strangest places.

Charity kick ball tournament coming up.  Pele will post details in Slack.


THE SCENE: Pre Rain and warm.  Around 60 degrees or so at circle up.

30 SSH on 4ct while we waited on Showcase.  Then curb for baby arm circles, mosey to other end to reverse them.  Mosey back down for rockettes, mosey to other end for imperial walkers (all at 10 on 4ct) Last did a down and back with tempo merkins and plank jacks…
Mosey to bottom of cardiac.  Ran up to benches.  Six up then went back down to first light pole.  Went back up cardiac but this time Bernie up.  Wait on six then back down to first light pole.  3rd time up cardiac 10 merkins at bottom, first bend, second bend, and top.  Waited on six then did 10 4ct flutters on way down at top, 2 bends and bottom.  Then…

Mosey towards Circus Maximus for reverse Route 66 with 4ct plank jacks at every pole.  When six was up, mosey to Pavilion for 2Rounds of 20 table rows/20 dips and 20 step ups and 20 Bulgarian squats.

Ab sesh with

20 4ct freddie mercury

20 4ct heel touches

20 side crunch (10R and 10L)

Mosey to Little Everest…up 2x’s with 5 squats at top each time.

Circle up

She wasn’t there

It was my 18 year wedding anniversary.  Message was serve your wife.  Love her and serve her without looking for something in return.  We are to love her like Christ loves the Church.

Treat all your relationships this way.


THE SCENE: 64 and nice

10 baby arm circles in cadence

10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

10 cherry pickers in cadence

10 imperial walkers in cadence

25 SSH in cadence
Tabata circuit :20 work :10 rest :60 rest between exercises 7 exercises

  • Burpees
  • squats
  • Reverse lunges
  • Skater hops
  • Mountain climbers
  • flutter kicks
  • merkins

Cool down Tabata :30 seconds movements 10 rounds: Is, Ys, Ts, Butt kicks, high knees, inch worms, arm stacks, plank, lunges, calf raises
15 pax no FNGs
Over the course of a few weeks at work, I encountered 2 instances where patients or coworkers yelled for help. Instinctively, I sprang into action. It’s easier to answer the calls for help when they are loud enough for everyone to hear, but what about the cries we don’t hear? Be aware of those around you who aren’t outwardly crying for help. Be kind to others, we don’t know what everyone is going through.

Calls for donations. 2nd F opportunity at Pokeworks noon 5/5/21

Hello Darlin

SSH, Tie Fighters, Butts-Up, Preachers, etc.
Unlike CMUs, rocks found in the woods can’t be thought of as private property, and they don’t seem like huge threats to children’s safety. There happened to be some (rocks not kids), so we took them out for a shuffle.

We did the Hands Fast Ten, then over to the Caribbean.

Laps around the islands, 20-15-10-5 reps each lap, with and without our naturally occurring, non privately owned and totally harmless companions. Q has to admit that he cheated his reps on the hand release merkins. Let this be a lesson to everyone that if you can’t do it, you shouldn’t Q it. Conway got Ribbed pumped up, and I failed Kentucky by not playing “Borderline” by MDNA. She was next on the playlist!

Lesslie Newbigin said that rational doubt always rests on faith and not vice versa.