F3 Knoxville

Mend House Beat Down

THE SCENE: Perfect fall evening

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith.  I am not a professional.  You know your limitations so push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.

SSH IC x 20, Baby arm circles each way IC x 20, Imperial Walkers IC x 15
Mosey up to upper parking lot at the church.

  • AMRAP:
  • Flutter Kicks x 25
  • Merkins x 15
  • Squats x 25
  • Diamond Merkins x 15
  • SSH x 25
  • Repeat list until 10 minutes is complete.


  • Merkins x 100
  • LBC x 200
  • SSH x 300

Cut a Flip:

  • Merkin x 5
  • BBS x 5
  • Repeat until 50 reps of each is completed.

Slow mosey back to parking area where we started.

“So how can you spot a wise person?  He is the meek/gentle one.  The meek person submits to God’s Word and lives for God’s glory.  Meekness is not weakness!  The meek person may well be a very strong individual, but he is humble and welcoming, under control, operating with a genuine sensitivity to the Lord.” – Christ-Centered Conflict Resolution by Tony Merida.
Herbie’s had a rough week.  They had to put their dog down this week and it’s not been easy on the family.  Also prayed for others who are having some health issues.

Swimmies + 2 For Tuesday Tribute


70s, feeling good, feeling great, pre-ruckers come back around 1735


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness-Fellowship-Faith
  • Name is Steam and I’m honored to be out here as your Q tonight
  • Couple of things before we kick off
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have so if you do need to modify anything we do this evening feel free to do so but push yourself and the men around you

(COVID concerns – maintain 6ft if possible)

  • FNGs — Edgar (GORUCK)


(Swimmies Birthday Warm-o-Rama)

  • 35×4 SSH
  • 35×4 SSH
  • 17×4 Rockette
  • 17×4 Rockette
  • 17×4 Baby Arm Circles Forward
  • 17×4 Baby Arm Circles Backwards
  • 17×4 shoulder taps
  • 17×4 shoulder taps



(Mosey to the Bat Cave)

(1) 20s

  • 2 points of contact: bottom of the stairs + up here at the Bat Cave
  • Bottom of the stairs: Imperial Walkers
  • Bat Cave: BackBelly Flops
    • 1 BBS — 1 burpee (chest on ground)
  • 5 reps each POC for a total of 20 reps
    • All on a 1 count
  • Happy 2FT
    • R&R — everything on a 4 count now

(35 count from Swimmies – first 35 count in the history of F3 probably)

Running against the remaining time, PAX mosey down the hill around the back side of the AO, stopping every so often to knock out 5 reps of an exercise either on a 4 count or 1 count (SSH, merkins, flutter kicks, wall-sit bus drivers)

(Mosey back to AO — Snowflake sprints because he’s a beast)


Core 4 – Happy Birthday edition

– Flutter Kicks while PAX sings Happy Birthday once through

– Rinse and Repeat because 2 For Tuesday

American Hammers while PAX sings Happy birthday once through

– Rinse and Repeat because 2 For Tuesday


26 including 1 FNG – Goosecall


[ “What A Time To Be Alive” ]

The Crucible – USMC

  • The final challenge of recruit training is known as the Crucible. It is a 54-hour training exercise that validates the physical, mental and moral training they’ve endured throughout recruit training.
  • The recruits are broken down into squads to face the challenges of the Crucible. They face challenges testing their physical strength, skills and the Marine Corps values they have learned throughout training. Throughout the event, the recruits are only allowed a limited amount of food and sleep.
      • Anyone else faced challenges this year that have tested their physical strength and skills and their values?
      • Anyone else had limited sleep this year?
      • Anyone else learn anything in the past year?
  • The final stage of the Crucible is a 9-mile hike from the training grounds to the Iwo Jima flag raising statue at Peatross Parade Deck. Upon completing this challenge, the recruits are handed their Eagle, Globe and Anchors, symbolizing the completion of their arduous journey to become U.S. Marines.


  • There was a time in my life not too long ago that I wanted to make it there more than anything. I studied, I worked hard, I put in the hours, I did all of the right things – and it’s not what the Lord had for me at that time.
  • I craved it. I could see it. I wanted it so bad. And it’s not what the Lord had for me at that time. But that’s not the point.


As HIM – we’re in the crucible right now. Congratulations, you made it.

And what a time to be alive — for such a time as this.

And I can understand that it might feel like we’ve been in that final 9 mile ruck March for months now. But if you stop at mile 7 you miss it. If you stop at mile 8 you miss it. If you stop at mile 8.5 you miss it.

And unlike the Marine Core Crucible – you don’t get anything for making it through tough times. You don’t (always) get this tangible thing you can hold in the palm in your hand as a representation of how much you’ve been through. No ones going to give you anything for making it through.

But there is someone who gave up everything so that you COULD go through. So that you could go through the crucible for such a time as this. And He gives you everything you need to do so.


Proverbs 4:25-27 (ESV & Message)

Enter the Sanctuary – Embrace the Crucible (sermon by Rick Dunn) — https://subspla.sh/c6sz9xd

– Prayer requests for loved ones that are no longer with us


F3’s 5 Year Anniversary Convergence

– Saturday, November 7th

– Asylum AO

– 0700 – 0800 followed by transfer of leadership of Nantann role and breakfast celebration

Give Up Your Seat

THE SCENE: Perfect! Mid 70s, slight breeze, partly cloudy, low humidity

Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community.  I’m Pele and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!  Some additional COVID-19 considerations: keep your distance between you and other members of the PAX and any other folks that we pass during moseys, etc. to 6-10 feet.  We will be splitting up into groups smaller than 50 if necessary.  We need to set good examples and be good neighbors out here at this public park, especially with so many folks out and about.


– 7 decreasing Motivators (in cadence)

– 10 Steve Earl’s

– Little bit of this and that

– 10 Cherry Pickers (4 ct, IC)

–  15 Moroccan Nightclub (4 ct, IC)


Mosey to Hill near Area 51.

  • HILL PYRAMID : Do each exercise then run to hill after each set (All are 4-ct, except plank jacks)
    • 20 Tempo Squats
    • 20 Tempo Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers
    • 20 Tempo Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers, 20 Plank Jacks
    • 20 Mountain Climbers, 20 Plank Jacks
    • 20 Plank Jacks

Mosey to parking lot near Area 51

    • Partner does modified suicide (HOP to first cone, run back, LUNGE to second cone, run back, BEAR CRAWL to last cone, run back), while partner does the following, then switch. Cumulative reps:
      • 100 CDDs, 100 LBCs, 100 Side Straddle hops

Mosey to mowed field southeast of Admin building.

    • How to get to the corners… : Short Side 1: Bear Crawl Merkins (Four Bear Crawls, then 1 merkin), Short Side 2: Burpee Broad Jumps (4 broad jumps then 1 burpee) Long Side 1: Suicides, Long Side 2: Bernie Suicides.

Mosey to stairs that lead to the Coliseum.  50 Calf Raises OYO.

Mosey to AO.


Captain Thors

12 HIMs, no FNGs



I recently watched the clip above, and it hit me at a time when I needed to watch something to remind me of good in the world, of true kindness.  It’s only 3 minutes long, and is worth the watch.  In summary, it portrays an elderly man walking down the aisle of a crowded train.  Most of the passengers– with one exception– avoid looking at the man, not wanting to make eye contact, out of shame… they know they should offer their seat to the old man, but are unwilling to sacrifice their own comfort for his.  The exception is a middle-aged woman who offers him her seat.  He initially refuses, as his is a standing room only seat.  She winks at him and says that hers is as well, and that she is younger and has more energy and won’t mind standing.  He finally accepts the seat, and they travel in silence for awhile.  Day turns to evening and evening to night. She has 5 more hours to go, standing the whole way.  A conductor comes down to check tickets.  When he checks her ticket, he realizes that she has a ticket for the seat where the old man is napping.  She gives the conductor a conspirational wink, indicating that she willingly gave up her seat, and that there is no need to disturb the man.  The conductor appreciates this gesture, and tells the woman there is an empty seat in another car that she can have.  She nods and thanks him.  Then she reaches up to the luggage rack and takes down crutches, which she uses to walk down the aisle.  She is handicapped. Yet she sacrificed her own comfort, standing for hours, to help a stranger in greater need than her own.

This story reminded me a bit of SANTA MOUSE, my favorite Christmas story.  Santa Mouse who was a lonely mouse in a big, empty house, who had nobody to talk to and very little food, and no name.  He has imaginary friends, has imaginary tea parties, and scrounges for scraps of food.  His greatest possession is a small hunk of cheese he has been saving.  On Christmas Eve, he carefully wraps up the cheese, his greatest treasure, to give to Santa, because he realizes that Santa gives away presents, but never receives any in return.  Santa is so grateful for the gift that he takes on the mouse as his helper, and gives him a proper name for the first time… Santa Mouse.

Real kindness is when you are willing to give up something that you very much need yourself.

LUKE 21: 1-4

1 As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

Prayers for Guppy’s Grandmother.

Convergence and Third F this Saturday at the Bomb Shelter, 7 am.  Bring a lawn chair and suggested $10 donation for breakfast, which will be provided.  Drifter will be the speaker.  Another convergence is planned at the Asylum on Nov. 7.

Back blast and use of worst metaphor in F3 History at BOM

THE SCENE: Low 50s, light rain, random dude sitting down with umbrella drinking coffee at top of AO…nice aroma every time we ran by.

I am worst than a nonprofessional , follow Covid guideline

SSH x 20, Arm Circles, Cherrypickers, Leg over leg stretch, Butterfly stretch ( Included Coach Dunn’s advice) Couple of yoga stretches

Ran to top of AO at Parks and Rec office area and did a circuit run between the end points of the Colosseum/overlook. Did a exercise at each stop point and then ran back to start point

Start point at Haslam monument

  • Squat x 20
  • Squat Jump x 20
  • Fire Hydrant x 20 ( 10 each side )

Mid-Point at center of overlook

  • Flutter Kick 4 count x 20
  • Hello Dolly 4 count x 20
  • LBS x 20

End-Point at stop sign at bottom of hill

  • Mountain Climber 4 count x 20
  • CDD x 20
  • Merkins x 20

Slow Mosey to base of Everest

2 sets of Break dance Merkins with run half way up Everest

Then…ran to Summit of Everest and then mosey to AO.


10 Burpies followed by 20 LBS

14 Pax got better today~ Pluto, Rainbow, Archie, Gibbler, Hands, Crab-legs, Code Brown, Cat Gut, Bunny, Kentucky, Fabio, Toll Bridge, Hot Tub, Matlock
Worst metaphor inF3 history…

Shared that as High Impact men we are often striving to be leaders in our families, church, work, and friend groups. You are working hard to both fit in AND to stand out. Working hard and stepping up to be a humble leader when called upon to do so… each of us is carrying a lot of strength as Hims, yet it may not be noticed as we live life as humble servants, yet when called to do so we step up and show our strength and stand out when called to do so.

Shared a story about how while driving home from our vacation yesterday my son had noticed and commented on seeing an El Camino driving in our neighborhood.

Shared that as HIMs sometimes we are like an El Camino… We may look simple, fit in, and appear to be a regular person or Sad Clown at first glance. Like looking at an El Camino from the front …Heck it looks like a car!

Yet each of us has strength and power that through our humility is not apparent at the first head on glance.  Our strength, power and influence as a HIM is seen after getting the full picture of each of us as a man. Much like an El Camino has the strength to haul almost 1,500 lbs in the back and in many models  a high performance engine making it a true muscle car! We each can look like an average man from the front, yet as we strive to be HIMS we have the extra strength in the back that you might not see at first.

So strive to be like an El Camino … humble, car like, and unassuming at first glance, yet strong, capable of carrying a heavy weight, and a high performance HIM who is a servant to others.

EDIT: Added this link after initial post of back blast – Today is the anniversary of the introduction of the El Camino… I had no idea this was the case when I planned the Q last night!


Closed with this verse from Thessalonians 5:14

” And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all”
Reminded everyone of the Convergence & 3rd F at Bomb Shelter tomorrow morning

Avett Brothers

THE SCENE: Great fall morning.  50’s for temps

Start with SSH on 4ct (25), Tempo Merkins (10), Thai Fighters 4ct (10) Right and Left, Cherry Pickers (8), 2 Mosey laps around the lot then grab a CMU
Mosey to parking lot for:

25 Curls then Right arm farmer carry length of parking lot, 25 up over cmu abs, Mosey to open chapel 30 sec wall sit, Left arm farmer carry back down…Replace curls with (OH Press, then CMU Merkin, then Rocky Balboa) performing all other exercises in first circuit.  Complete 4 Rounds

Mosey to Cloud for some ab work:

25 4ct Freddy Mercury

25 4ct Hello Dolly

25 4ct LBC

25 4ct Heel touch



Return CMU’s and circle up.

Thought of the Avett Brother’s song “Head Full of Doubt” and the lyrics:

“When nothing is owed, deserved, or expected.  And your life doesn’t change with the man that’s elected.  If you’re loved by someone you’re never rejected, decide what to be and go be it.”

Remember that God is requiring us as men to be the change that is needed.  We can’t look to elections, or anything else.  God has equipped us to be leaders and we are to lead by example.  No outside factors can stop you from doing what God has put you here to do.  Go do it.