F3 Knoxville

Faith of a Child

THE SCENE: Partly sunny, temp near 80 degrees.

20 Side-straddle hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Body Twists, 10 Windmills, Little of This and That
Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeast Corner of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers.

Mosey north toward perimeter trail and then mosey east to benches at top of Cardiac.  20 Heel Touchers.

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac.  We will go back up Cardiac stopping at the following turns to do the following exercises.  Then we will come back down to do the same two more times (three times total):

  • First Turn:  20 Hello Dollies (four count)
  • Second Turn:  20 Bicycle Kicks (four count)
  • Third Turn: 20 Decline Merkins
  • Fourth Turn:  20 Bench Dips

Mosey from bottom of Cardiac past northern fields batting cages to CMU pile. First, we will do 10 Burpees.  Then, each man picks up CMU.  We will, as a group, do the following, sprinting to the end of parking lot and back between each exercise:

  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Rows
  • 20 Squats

Mosey to Mini Cardiac.  We will Bernie Sanders 2/3 of the way up and then sprint up the rest of the way.

Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeastern Corner of Admin Bldg.  20 American Hammers.

Mosey to AO.

20 Buzz Saws, Boat Canoe.
Seven men, no FNG’s.
The Trust of a Child

Let the Children Come to Me (Mark 10:  13-16)

13 And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. 14 But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. 15 Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” 16 And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

When I was a boy of about age 5 or 6, I came to the front door of our house, after playing outside, to enter.  The door was locked.  I rang the door bell but nobody came.  I could see my mother through the large front window of our house.  It was kind of difficult to see her but she was sitting on the couch.  I rang the doorbell again and also knocked loudly but no one answered.  I ran to the front window again.  My mother was just sitting on the couch. I thought she was ignoring me, shutting me out.  I was startled and hurt. How could she not come to the door?  Didn’t she love me anymore?  I ran in tears to the back yard.  I sat out there crying.  Maybe she didn’t love me.  Maybe she didn’t want me as her child anymore.  I was angry, I was dejected, I was dumbfounded.  I don’t know how long it took me to go to the front of the house again.  This time I banged as hard as I could on the window, screaming for my mother, demanding her to come to the door.  My mother had been sleeping heavily and was startled awake by the banging.  She quickly walked to the front door, probably in an angry mood because of her son banging on a window.  She opened the door and her anger quickly changed to concern.  She saw her boy in a state of agony, in despair, his face and shirt wet with tears, his voice blubbering.  She took him into her arms and held him close, asking “what’s wrong, what’s wrong.”  The boy explained that she had failed come to him and demanded why she didn’t do so?  She didn’t react in anger to his demands, understanding the shock of the boy of her not coming, the need to know she cared.  She explained she had been sleeping, explained that she would always love him, that she would never intentionally not come to him, that he could always count on her love.  We went that night to my favorite hamburger restaurant.  We ate together and she bought me an ice cream cone after that.  It was special to have that, but what was more special was the knowledge that my mother did love me, that she always did and always would.

God speaks of us coming to Him like children.  I believe he wants us to come with that same childlike need that I had then for my mother.  He wants us not just to have the faith of a child but the desperate urgency of a child who needs his parent.  After all, we do need Him.  We need Him desperately. If we have to wrestle with him to make him bless us like Isaac did, so be it.  If we have to bang on Heaven’s window, like I, at age 5, banged on the window of my house to make sure I was loved, so be it.  I don’t think God will mind too much if you, in utter honesty and desperation, call on Him and demand that he love you, demand your blessing from Him.  If your demand comes from your heart, He’s gonna be there.

Prayers for Mr. Jinxy’s co-worker who has lost two friends to suicide this year.  Prayers for the family of those who committed the suicides.  Prayers to the families of the young person who died this past week in a car accident in Alcoa.
3rd F on Saturday, August 10 with Convergence beforehand at the Big Ball.

Walking with God

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

20 Plank Jacks, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Windmills, 40 Above Head Hand Clappers (4 count), High Knees to end of parking lot, Butt Kickers back to start of parking lot.
Mosey on roadway toward gate entrance at Lyons Bend.  Stop on right side of road where walking trail hits road. 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to Cone that will be about 30 yards east on trail. We will do Route 66’s to cone that will be on trail east and then south on trail.  We will come back to starting cone after each Route 66.  We do four Route 66’s with the following exercises:

  • Mountain Climbers (4 count)
  • Merkins
  • Big Boys
  • Dive Bombers

Mosey west and cross roadway.  We will stop to do 20 more American Hammers.

Mosey on trail to bottom of Mt. Everest.  We will do the following exercises then run to summit of Mt. Everest and repeat the exercises.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Squats
  • 40 Baby Crunches

Mosey to stop sign at northeastern corner of Admin bldg.  We will stop to do 20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to Monument and then down the Dragon Fly to the shaded parking lot across the street from parking lot at entryway to Northern Ball Park.  We will have the following races across the parking lot with the man winning the most races getting a free breakfast from Lily:

  • Bear Crawl Race (small length of parking lot)
  • Hop Race (small length of parking lot)
  • Bernie Sanders Race (long length of parking lot)
  • Frisbee Accuracy Throw
  • Sprint Race (long length of parking lot)
  • If there is a tie between the winners (for example, five different men win the above events) then we will have a playoff with a Paddle Ball Accuracy Contest

Mosey to AO.

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

What Does A Walk With God Look Like?

Have you ever wondered what taking a walk with God would be like?  What would he want to talk about?  How often would he glance at you as you walked along a path?  What would it be like to have Him in your presence?  Would it be comforting?  Scary?  Terrifying?  Wonderful?  Would God be gazing at nature as He walked along with you?  What would you want to say to Him?  What would you want to ask Him?  What if he touched you?  What would that be like?

In the Bible, we read of those who are awestruck in the presence of God.  They fall to their knees before Him.  Yet we also read of God being the great Comforter, the great Physician, the rock upon which we can lean and rest.

The Bible teaches us that God is always with us.  He is omnipresent.  As we walk along in our journey of life, He is there.  So if He is truly there, why not talk to him?  Why not ask Him what He is thinking?  Why not talk to Him about both the beauty and ugliness you see in this world.  Why not ask Him for his strong and steady hand?  Why not lead on him like he is your father, your Heavenly father?

I got the idea for this message when I was listening to Careless (Shawn Slate) deliver a sermon at Redeemer Church of Knoxville.  He talked about taking walks with his wife.  He commented that he tends to walk with a fast pace, rushing ahead, wanting to hurry up and get to whatever the destination is.  His wife, meanwhile, walks much more slowly, not so rushed, wanting to gaze at the scenery, the world around her.  Careless said he has learned more about walking with God by walking with his wife.  He has learned to slow the pace, take time to see the beauty of God’s world, and also take time to talk to the woman he loves and married.

I want to spend more time walking with God.  I need to take the time to do that with a slower pace in mind.  I need to truly focus on Him better when doing so, actually think of Him being in my presence, truly there with me.  When I pray, I need to think of Him reaching out to touch me.  It may raise some hairs on my head but it will also bring me closer to Him.  That’s what He wants.  And, when I think about it, that’s what I want to.  Furthermore, isn’t that what YOU WANT?  Use your imagination if you have to at first.  Expand your thoughts, think of Him with you, walking beside you.  Slow your pace for a while and converse with God.

Prayers for Junk’s wife, for Thurnderstruck’s mother, for Crawdad’s wife, for Farva’s friend who died, and for Baby Smalls who was recently born.
Next 3rd F is August 10 at 8:30, Redeemer Church of Knoxville.

Uva Uvam Viviendo Varia Fit

THE SCENE: Warm but not the complete toaster oven of recent workouts.  Mid 80s, partly sunny, slight breeze.



Motivators, 7 count decreasing, cherry pickers x10 4-Ct, Mosey to curb at intersection NE of admin building, 25 calf raises, 25 step ups


Mosey to trail at the top of the Tail of the Dragon

  • ROUTE 66 Burpees (note to self… never do this exercise again with Burpees!)

Mosey to big oval parking lot south of the Ball fields

  • NO MERCY MILE (ended up being a little under 1/2 of a mile)
    • Near end: Bear Crawl around turn
    • Run to ½ way point. 25 Merkins. Run to curve
    • Far End: Lunges around turn
    • Sprint to ½ way point. 25 Squats. Run to Curve.
    • Rinse and Repeat. (only got 1/2 way around before we had to get a move on)

Mosey to bottom of Baby Cardiac.

  • Hill Suicides
    • Run up to ½ way point (where the shade stopped) and back 3 times.
    • 25 flutter kicks (2-ct)
    • Run up to ½ way point and two times, then get to the top and do 25 LBCs

Mosey to stop sign at intersection of circle drive where we did the calf raises, 20 American Hammers, 4-ct IC

20 heel touches on 6.

10 strong (Gobbler not tagged)


UVA UVAM VIVIENDO VARIA FIT (inscription on the Sign of the Hat Creek Cattle Company in the book Lonesome Dove; part 2 of the LD Word Post)

The inscription at the bottom of the sign of the Hat Creek Cattle Company, a fictional business run by ex-Texas Rangers Gus and Call in the book Lonesome Dove, is mangled Latin that Gus (a decorated ex-Ranger and all around fun dude, but who isn’t quite as smart as he would like to believe, or like others to believe) tacked on there on a whim (and probably to make others think he was a scholarly fella) that loosely translates to A Grape changes color (ripens) when it sees another grape. We are changed by the lives of those around us. Toxic people can cause us to wither and rot.  Gus and Call, in the book, are complete opposites in personality, but deep down they love and respect each other, and complement each other to the point that together they overcome many life-threatening challenges during the great cattle drive described in the book.  Look to surround yourself with people who will help you ripen!  There’s a theory that your personality is shaped by the 5 people you spend the most time with, so pick them wisely!

  • Proverbs 12:26 The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.
  • Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. (Who knew that one of F3’s slogans was immortalized at the bottom of a sign in one of the Great American Novels??)

Prayers for Hooker’s friend, who passed away recently, leaving a grieving family behind.  Thankful that Jinxy was able to show up again with us in the Fake Gloom and crush the workout in spite of a recent health scare.


CMU, CMMe… CM4always, That’s the Way It Should Be

THE SCENE: There was weather.  I think.  It might have felt a little cooler than recent, I forget.  Once we got going, sweat volume was unchanged.

SSH x25 IC
CherryPickers x9 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
Tempo Merkins x15 IC (reduce cadence speed after each 5)
Go get some CMUs and circle back up!
Round-the-Blocks merkins to the right, then to the left (11 each way)
Blockee Hop x5 OYO (demo exercise for later) – Burpee with hands on CMU, leave it on the ground and hop over.
Blocky Hurley x5 OYO (demo exercise for later) – Bobby Hurley holding CMU
Merky-Derky x5 OYO (demo exericse for later) – Merkin on block, bear crawl forward, derkin with feet on block, bear crawl back (that’s 1)

Mosey with blocks over to the Dragon and pair up in groups of 3.
One PAX up the hill (with CMU), one at bottom (with CMU) one in transition.
Do each exercise until relieved by PAX in transition. Advance to next exercise in list upon return.


Uphill: Bernie Sanders
Downhill: Bear Crawl

Top of the hill:
Overhead Press
Lawn Mower
Upright Row
Forward Press
Merky Derky

Bottom of the hill:
Step-up (onto vertical CMU)
Overhead Lunge
Calf Raise
Blocky Hurley
Blockee Hop
Lunge (back foot on block)

PAX complained about lack of preparation for Q by YHC – Grass on the hill had not been adequately dried off in advance, leading to somewhat slippery conditions.
Dagnabbit, outta time again.
11 PAX came out for this CMUesday!
This week marks the second anniversary of my first Q. I encourage everyone, if you’ve not tried it, take the plunge. It’s leadership, it’s service, and it’s fun!
The AO was a bit of a mess this morning due to someone firing off a bunch of fireworks in the parking lot. Thanks to everyone for hanging around afterward and cleaning it up!
Watch for info about 3rd F coming next month!

Smile! You’re on Candid Camera!

THE SCENE: Low 70’s, high humidity.  Easy to get the muscles warm.

SSH x 25 (4 ct); Imperial Squat Walkers x 15; mosey around the circuit for a preview of each station

Divide into 5 groups, 1 group per station as follows:

Station 1: Baby Cardiac.

Bernie up the hill.  3 burpees.  Back down.  3 burpees. Sprint up the hill.  3 burpees.  Back down.  Wagon wheel to pick up the 6 and finish together.  Mosey to Station 2 and bump that group on.

Station 2:  Brickyard Bearcrawl:  Bearcrawl across parking lot, 1 derkin with feet on curb.  Bearcrawl back, 2 derkins. Bearcrawl across again, 3 derkins.  Etc till you reach 10 derkins.  Then Flutters x 25 (4 ct).  Repeat till you’ve been bumped.

Station 3:  Doras in the opposite parking lot.  Partner up for 50 man makers, and then as many monkey humpers as you can get before you’re bumped.

Station 4:  The cloud for 11s of Box Jumps/ Dips and then BBS/CDD.  Rinse and repeat till bumped.

Station 5:  CMU station.  With 2 CMUs set up, dips to a sitting position and then back up.  At the highest point, touch head with one hand, then another dip.  Next up, touch head with other hand.  Do 20 of these, then 25 curls.  Rinse and repeat till bumped.

I believe everybody got through one circuit at every station.

Boat/Canoe for 4 minutes.

We focused on Lou Gehrig and the type of character demonstrated over a lifetime to feel like you are “the luckiest man on the face of the Earth” in the face of adversity like being diagnosed with ALS in the prime of your life.  It was inspired by listening to an F3 podcast about Crablegs (from the Raleigh area, not our own Crablegs) who has been diagnosed with ALS and is on a tour of the country visiting F3 AOs and MLB ballparks with his family, all while demonstrating the same strength of character we saw with the “Ironman” and his famous speech at Yankee Stadium.  Gehrig gave his famous speech on July 4, 1939.  He died less than 2 years later, June 2, 1941.  If you want to watch his speech some of his speech and the background , there’s a nice segment here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLoq_st_JEo

Thanks to Filter for following us around to get some great photos and his work on updating our website and social media.