F3 Knoxville

Sandy and her cousin

THE SCENE: Upper 50s, beautiful sunrise, perfect

SSH – x25 IC

Cherry Pickers – x10 IC

Tempo Squat – x10 IC

Little bit of this – some of these

Moroccan Night Clubs – x20 IC
Mosey to church parking lot. 3-lap indian run around the lot with 30lb sand bag.

11’s –

10 Burpees + 1 LBC. There are 2 30-lb sandbags for 3 PAX. Rotate each lap accordingly. 2 on, 1 off.

Mosey to pavilion with combined 60lb Sandy. 2 PAX do a suitcase run with Sandy and shovelflag. Remaining PAX does 10 merkins. Runs to catch up and trade off when done. Tradeoff PAX does 10 merkins and then catches up – repeat until we arrive at the pavilion.

3 set, 3-exercise routine with 30lb Sandy at pavilion

  • Merkin conveyor belt. PAX line up and do merkins passing the 30lb sandy thru from one end to the other. Repeat 3x.
  • Sandbag getups – 1 PAX does a sandbag getup 3x – lay completely down with sandbag, sit up, stand up for 1 rep. Repeat 3x. Pass off to next PAX. Remaining 2 PAX are doing BBS until it’s their turn.
  • Catalina Wine Mixers – 15 OYO
  • Repeat routine 3x or for time

Ran out of time.
Wilson, Herbie, Filter
“The servant leader is servant FIRST. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. The best test is: do those served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants?” – Robert Greenleaf – Servant Leadership

Are the people you are serving left in better shape than before you joined them?
Prayers for Roland, Wilson’s friend.
YHC dropped the shovel flag in shame. Did 60 burpees as penalty. WIll do other 40 later. 🙂 Hardship Hill is this Saturday!!!

God Exists

THE SCENE: Drizzling, temps in high 60’s.

20 Side-straddle hops, Plank Stretches, 10 Rockettes, 10 Cherry Pickers, Michael Phelps
Mosey to parking lot by entrance way to Northern Ball Fields.  Go to CMU pile.  Split into teams of two men each.  Each team grabs a CMU.  We will be doing Doras.  Partner One does Bernie Sanders to end of parking lot then sprints back while Partner Two does exercise with CMU.  Then partners switch.  These are the exercises:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Rows
  • 100 Squats with CMU at chest.

Mosey to Pavilion at Northern Ball Fields.  We will do Totem Pole.  There will be five exercises.  We will do first exercise for 30 seconds.  We will continue to add an exercise each time until we have done all five exercises.  We will then drop the first exercise and go through the exercises repetitively, dropping one each time until we have done last exercise alone for 30 seconds.  Thus, we will do each exercise five times.  These are the exercises:

  • Burpees
  • Hello Dollies
  • Picnic Table Pull-ups.
  • Decline Merkins with feet on bench of picnic table.
  • Squat Jumps

Nest, each man does squat with back against wall of pavilion.  We will hold the squat for 60 seconds.

Mosey to Dragon Fly just past the parking lot directly across the street from the parking lot by the entrance way to the Northern Ball Fields.  We will do Route 66 up the Dragon Fly with the following exercises:

  • Mountain Climbers (4 count)
  • Dive Bombers

Mosey back to CMU pile in the parking lot by the Northern Ball Field Entrance Way.  Each man grabs a CMU.  We will do the following exercises in cadence:

  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Rows

Mosey back to AO.


We will do stretches of right leg and left, then stretches of each arm.

10 men, no FNG’s.

In his novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez chronicles the history of a fictional small town in Mexico called Macondo.  At one point in the novel of plague of insomnia infects the little town and the residents go without sleep.  In the process, they lose they begin to lose their memories.  A main character in the novel begins to write on all types of tiems in the town so that people will not forget what they are.  The people join in to help.  Finally, the people in the town place a sign to it’s entrance way that says Macando.  And, they place an even larger sign in the center of the town that says God exists.  

In his book, The Journey of Desire, John Eldredge said that he laughed at the  above story when he first read it.  On his second reading, he began to understand the significance.  He then thought to himself that he should hang a sign above his own bad that says “God exists.”

The significance is that we humans, even us believers, often forget that God exists.  Oh, we may remember He exists at a shallow level but we forget the existence of God at the deeper, most meaningful level.  We forget that He is our Creator, He is the Great Physician, He is the Loving Father, He is the Alpha and the Omega.  The Israelites were constantly forgetting God.  He delivered them through the Red Sea to escape the Egyptians and days later they were complained about water supply.  When he provided water they complained about food.  He sends down bread from the sky and they bemoan the lack of water again.  They later worship false idols.  They must be reminded again and again about the existence of God.

I find myself doing the same thing.  I may go to church and hear a sermon or sing a hymn that stirs my heart, that reminds me of God’s love for me, that motivates me to climb mountains, to forget my fears, to live for my fellow man.  On Monday morning I awake before going to work and find that I have forgotten everything I learned the day before.

In his book The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie, the main character falls from an airplane at the beginning of the book.  No parachute, he just plummets from the sky – and lives!  It is a miracle and he claims that he will always remember the miracle, always be thankful for it.  Yet, as time goes on, he forgets the miracle.

What is it about humankind that leads us to forget the existence of God?  We have these moments where we feel loved by God, saved by Him, grateful and thankful.  Then we forget.  Things happen to us that are miracles and we are amazed by them.  But we forget!  That is why it is so important to make the great HC toward God.  We must keep reading our bibles.  We must keep going to worship.  We must keep meeting with others who are forgetful believers like us and talk about the wonder of God, share in his Glory, so that we remember, so we don’t forget that – GOD EXISTS.
Prayers for guys at Neyland Stadium today and for Crawdad’s father.

ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Hardship Hill on May 18

Peaks and Valleys

THE SCENE:  Low 60s and clear.  i.e. perfect.

SSH x25, Imperial Squat Walkers x 20, Line up on baseline, high skip across parking lot, 50% run back, karaoke across and back, butt kickers across, 75% run back.

Mosey to playground and grab some bench.  Proceed to 25s – start with 20 box jumps, then 5 Hello Dollies, 15 box jumps, 10 Hello Dollies, etc.

Mosey to pavalon.  25s:  Table rows and calf raises on the steps

Mosey to back parking lot.  4 laps with 25s at the end of each lap.  In middle of doing the lap, stop for 10 burpees.  The 25s at the end of each lap:


Iron Mikes (2ct)/Flutter Kicks (4ct)

Carolina Dry Docks/Squats

LBCs (4ct)/something else that I’ve already forgotten

Mosey back to AO

Just enough time for some Captain Thors.

Do you like the mountains for the valleys, or do you like the valleys for the mountains.  I heard that question some time ago.  The fact is, you can’t have one without the other.  Life is full of peaks and valleys.  But God is with us either way.  “The God of the Mountain is Still God in the Valley.”  1 Kings20:23-27.  When we are stuck in a valley, God sends us F3, family, friends to help us get up to the moutain top.  And being in the valley makes the mountain top all that much sweeter.
Thanks to Worm for stepping up for the Q on Friday!
Hardship Hill!

The Rockpile Lives and the Spaceship is Spooky

THE SCENE: 54, just right for a beatdown, plus a great PAX.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER if it makes our lawyers feel better to say we did

SSH, BAC forward, Overhead claps until we were sick of them, BAC reverse, more claps, Iron Mikes.
Slow mosey up to the site of many awful workouts, the rockpile. Taken from us too soon. Somehow, there were little friends waiting for us.

  • Curls to Q’s exhaustion, plus 5, touch the Spaceship (also recently neglected)
  • Presses to Rainbow’s exhaustion (he pretended; he could still be doing them), plus 5, touch the Spaceship
  • Squats to Bluebird’s exhaustion, plus 5, touch the Spaceship
  • Rows to Kentucky’s exhaustion, plus 5, touch the Spaceship
  • Hands’s Signature Shrug (™) to Hands’s exhaustion, plus 5, touch the Spaceship
  • A few more Curls cause why not
  • Indian Run down to the Cloud
  • 15-10-5s Box jumps/Derkins/LBCs
  • My buddy Jack Webb made the trip from Raleigh F3. Air gets real heavy real quick.
  • Table 7s – table rows and table saws.
  • Balls to the Wall. Bluebird be like “y’all look like fools.”

Not today, gentlemen. Get with Crawdad at Real Hot Yoga if you want your Downward Dog.
Kentucky, Rainbow, Bluebird, Hands, Waffle House.
Let yourself be drawn to God by his beauty and greatness. You just doing it on your own may not get you where you want to go.
Didn’t feel like Tuesday without Crab Legs but I guess even Superman takes a break sometimes.

Taking Time to Reflect

THE SCENE: Sunny, temps in eighties.

20 Plank Jacks, 10 Iron Mikes, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, Michael Phelps
Mosey to stop sign on northeastern corner of Admin Bldg.  There will be sets of bricks.  We will be doing Doras with the brick.  While one partner runs to cone, does 10 merkins, and comes back the other partner will be doing exercises with the bricks.  The partners switch off when one partner comes back from the run.  The partner teams will do 100 of each of the following exercises with the bricks:

  • Overhead Presses
  • Curls
  • Rows with brick at each side
  • Punches from chest out (punch with each hand = 1)
  • Wings out
  • Wings up
  • Wings down

Mosey north to perimeter trail and head west on perimeter trail to area below Roadshow Run.  Each man will do 20 Big Boys, then run to top of Roadshow Run by the bat house.  There, each man does 40 Baby Crunches.  We will rinse and repeat.  The first man who finishes then runs back up Roadshow Run sweeping all men upward.

Mosey to grassy area in shade and by small wall on west side of road.  We will do elevens starting with 10 Jump Squats and 1 Incline Merkin with hands on wall.  We will do another eleven with 10 Mountain Climbers (four count) and one bench raise off of wall.

Mosey to AO.

Ten men, no FNG’s.
I read this week about something that the comedian Louie C.K. said when he was being interviewed by Conan one time.  He commented that he doesn’t want his kids to have cell phones because he wants them to be sad.  He was being funny with this comment but he was also being serious.  Sadness can come when we are forced to be alone with our thoughts.  The comedian noted, “That’s what the phones are taking away, the ability to just sit there.  That’s being a person.”

He also talked about a time when he was driving and listening to a Bruce Springsteen song on the radio.  He was feeling a melancholy come over him and his immediate response was to grab the phone and text somebody.  Instead, he let the sadness grow and pulled over to the side of the road to weep.  Afterwards, came another strong feeling, one of joy and thankfulness for his life.

Technology and cell phones are not bad things.  They are useful things.  But we can get too absorbed in it.  In so doing, we may find that we are avoiding true alone time, true thinking time.  We may be be pushing aside time to reflect over the events of the day, good and bad, that impact us cognitively and emotionally.  We may be merely numbing our minds.  We are not struggling but sometimes struggle is important.  And as Louie C.K. implies, sometimes sadness is good.  We don’t like seeing our loved ones, our children, or ourselves feeling sad.  But sadness is an important emotion – one that can inspire us to change or one that puts us more in touch with humanity.  Life is about loss as well as gain.  Sadness comes with loss and it is important to reckon with it.

The bible gives us plenty of images of Christ weeping – whether over the death of Lazurus, for the fate of Jerusalem, in compassion for others, or in anger over the tyranny of death over mankind.  Christ does not keep us from experiencing sadness.  But, in living in a relationship with Him, with God, he also shows us what true joy is.

Louie C.K., explaining his resistance to cell phones and technology, stated “you don’t ever feel really sad or really happy, you just feel. . . kinda satisfied with your products.  And then you die.”

I hope that we, as HIMs, are striving for more.  That striving for more may take the form of welcoming the Gloom when it meets us in the cold of a 5:30 am workout or heat of a 5:45 pm beat down.  It may also come in the form of welcoming the sadness that sometimes comes about in living a meaningful life.

Prayers for Sparkler’s stepdad, Shooter’s friend, and Iceman’s brother.
Neyland run on Saturday, May 11.  Hardship Hill on Saturday, May 18.