F3 Knoxville

Initiation Not Procrastination

THE SCENE: Feeling a bit fall-ish, temps in the 60’s.  Great morning at the Asylum

Break the circle and line up on the curb…20 SSH on 4ct then jog down back

Windmills x12 on 4ct jog down and back

Tempo Merkin x10 jog down and back

Tempo Squat x12 jog down and back


Mosey to base of little hill…Bear Crawl up to gate.  Perform Flutters on 4ct x20 Back on Mosey

Mosey to Rock Pile at Asylum. Perform 11’s with rock curl at pile and jump squat at stop sign. Recover back at top Perform Tempo Squats x10 and SSH x20 Mosey…

Mosey to Pavilion Perform 20 Table Row/ 20 Dip/ 30 Second wall sits Rinse and Repeat x3

Recover back to A/O

Hello Dolly on 4ct x40 and Finish with American Hammers x15 on 4ct


11 HIM’s at Asylum this am counting myself.  Shout out to Snitch, Archie, Full House, Gibbler, Flopper, Assfault, Kentucky, Crab Legs, Waffle House, and QVC
Talking about the “Sin of Passivity” and taking initiative.  Being a leader.  That often times we know how to lead at work or lead a home improvement project, but we don’t take initiative to lead at home.  Initiate in conversations, in our finances, initiate with our children and wives, and most importantly initiate a conversation with our Creator.

Challenge to think of 4 ways to Initiate This week…


Cash Songs and Kids’ Games

THE SCENE: High 80s, humid as all get out.

– 20 SSH (IC), 10 Windmills (4 ct, IC) 20 baby to big arm circles, forward and backward (IC), 20 Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct, IC).  Almost had to repeat this last exercise because the PAX forgot how to count.

Moseyed to the new field below the Admin Building where the Ring of Fire was set up.  The 8 stations were as follows:

  • Little Baby Crunches
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Captain Thors
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Iron Mikes
  • E2Ks
  • Hand-release Merkins

Break up into pairs, start at different stations.  60 seconds at each station with 20 second break in between.  The twist was that we also played Duck Duck Goose around the ring.  Each pair, in turns, would run up the hill to a set of trees and return back to the circle, counting off “Duck Duck GOOSE” to designate the next pair to run.  (There was a burpee penalty for not doing this that was poorly enforced.) After all groups ran the hill, brief recovery, then rinse and repeat.  We planned for a third circuit but ran out of time.

Moseyed to AO and did the following exercises.

– Homer/Marge, pickle pounders, box cutters, Hello Dollies, Squats

9 strong!


In a recent Sports Illustrated article, Clayton Kershaw, the best pitcher of the modern era, feels that every time he fails, he views it as a tiny affront to the God who gave him so much talent. He thinks often of his favorite verse, Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”  The heaviest load he carries isn’t the weight of fans’ expectations, it’s that he believes he has been given a gift that he doesn’t deserve, and that if he doesn’t succeed he is squandering God’s gift. Some other relevant verses include:

PROVERBS 16:3 : Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

EPHESIANS 6:7 Rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man.

I’ve felt this same way to some degree. If I failed, which I did often, I was letting down my team, myself, and God.  Why do we work hard?  Many times it’s to please someone else.  Yes, we all need to make sure our bosses are happy with our performance, our companions (teammates, family members, etc.) are taken care of and satisfied with us… But we shouldn’t forget that there is virtue in doing something to the best of your ability for the Lord. But what happens when we fail? Are we failing God?  There is nothing in those Bible passages above that mentions failing.  To fail is human, and to accept our imperfections and thank the Lord for the opportunity to succeed through hard work is what is important.  F3 is a good example. We are out here working hard, there are no human masters here judging us or forcing us to go through 45 minutes of hell.  We do it for ourselves, and our brothers, and I believe, for our Lord, to celebrate our life and health and to improve the tool that is our body that was given to us by his loving hand.

The Q lost his phone during the workout, and even though they were told to go on home, every single member of the group stayed late to help him find it, even climbing up and down more hills to the Ring of Fire course.  I’m not sure if they were tears of gratitude or rivulets of sweat on my cheeks at this act of brotherhood, but I’ll go with the latter. Yeah. It was SWEAT, dang it!!  Many thanks s to Swimmies for running ahead and finding it at one of the stations.

F3 anniversary Olympics coming up!  And Happy Birthday Jinxy!

Wading through the Fog

THE SCENE: Foggy but otherwise pretty pleasant weather at the Asylum this morning

15 mountain climbers, 15 plank jacks, 15 SSH, 15 imperial walker, 10 burpees, 10 count windmill, and 15 Moroccan night club

Mosey to Greenway path south of launch

At first light, do 10 squats. Bear crawl to next light and do 10 merkins. Run past one light to the next light, repeat exercises until the path intersection. Turn and repeat with lunge walk and diamond merkins.

Mosey to cardiac hill. 10, 8-count body builders and then a strong effort up to the top.

Mosey to farthest corner of parking lot south of the launch for 2ish rounds. 10 Carolina Dry Docks (demonstration on proper form given) at parking lot, 10 box jumps/step ups at playground, 10 supine pull-ups at benches, and 10 squats at launch.

Recover to launch for a little Mary to finish up.

Be patient and a good example for your kids (and any younger than you for that matter).  I know I struggle on a regular basis with keeping my cool when trying to get the kids to listen and do as they are told.  I wanted to simply remind everyone this morning how much children model our behavior.  They will very likely lash out if that is what we do every time we get a little impatient and frustrated.  Take a step back, breath, and collect your thoughts before you respond.
I really appreciate the opportunity to lead the PAX this morning for my first F3 Knoxville Q.  Thanks for sticking with me through the workout.  I look forward to my next Q.
Prayers requested for Dogbite.

45 Minutes by the Rock Pile

THE SCENE: Humid, Gloomy, Dark

Nordic Tracks, Side Straddle Hops

2 line mosey to the rock pile where we completed a Tabata style work out, 45 seconds of work, 15 seconds of rest. 4 rounds of each exercise

  • Plyo Wide Squats with a Rock
  • Mericans with a Frog
    • 3 rounds of 8 pulse squats, 4 regular squats, 2 jump squats
  • 4 lunges forward with the rock above the head, 4 reverse lunges with an overhead press
  • Plank alternating one leg pull in, crossover, extend out
    • 3 rounds of 8 pulse squats, 4 regular squats, 2 jump squats
  • Burpees
  • Dips
    • 3 rounds of 8 pulse squats, 4 regular squats, 2 jump squats

Indian Run back to the AO

No time for mary

Growing in Christ and becoming a Man after God’s on heard begins in everyday small decisions of obedience and discipline.

A Hard Rain Is Gonna Fall

THE SCENE:  Thunderstorms, plenty of rain and lightening.

We had to make a mad dash to the northern ball fields pavilion as we were getting started, due to rain and lightening.  It was full of people so we made another dash to the outdoor chapel and worked out there.  We did plank stretches and then got to “Tha-thang”.
Totem poles doing each exercise for 30 seconds before going to the next one.  In round one we do the first exercise only.  In round 2 we do the first and second.  In round 3 we do the first, second and third.  We keep going until all five exercises are done.  Then we drop off the first exercise and do only exercises two through five.  Next we drop the second exercise and do only three through five.  We do this until only the fifth exercise is done.  The following are the exercises:

  • Burpees
  • American Hammers
  • Decline Merkins
  • Bench lifts
  • Squat Jacks

Next, we did four corners, performing 20 Little Baby Crunches at each corner.  We hopped from corner one to two, Bernie Sanders Sprinted from two to three, bear crawled from three to four, and sprinted from four to one.  Next we repeated the above routine except did 15 Big Boy Sit-Ups at each corner

Next we did another totem pole but this time with only four exercises.  They were:

  • Squat Jacks
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Hello Dollies
  • Mountain Climbers

We had ten men present including a Flying EH whom we named Nick.  We gave him the F3 name of Stormy.

1 Corinthians 15:55-57 King James Version (KJV)

55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

We tend to avoid thoughts of death.  We rather not think about it.  In many ways, we fear death.  And whether we fear death or not, we certainly don’t want to die and rarely think of our own deaths.  Yet, there can be advantages to thinking of our own mortality.

  1. We see how precious our time here on Earth is and it can motivate us to act more like HIM’s with the time we have here.  And we appreciate our mortality more.  As Bob Geldof says in one of his songs, Mortality is a cheap price we pay for existence.”
  2. We are forced to think of life beyond this existence.  We are forced to wonder about God, about His creation and whether God has plans for us beyond our lives here.
  3. We have a better understanding of our dependency on God.  We must trust in God, that God indeed does have plans for us.  As Henri Nouwen states, we come into this world as a dependent creature and leave life as a dependent creature.  And, if we can trust that God exists and that He has plans for us beyond our lives here, then . . .
  4. We fear death less.  We realize that, although Mortality is a cheap price we pay for existence” our existence is more than our lives here.  If we can trust in God, we need not fear death but welcome it.  Just as, when we were in the womb, we did not know what our lives outside of it would be like, we do not know what our lives beyond what we have on Earth will be.  But, with God, “Death, where is your sting?”  With God, as John Donne says, “Death, thou shalt die.”