F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – Roll the dice

THE SCENE: 37F a bit chilly

Run 50% speed across parking lot and back

Side shuffle back and forth across parking lot

Tie Fighters 10-4 count each way

5 – 4 ct merkins

High knees across parking lot

Cherry Pickers: 5

Little Baby Flutter Crunch – 20 OYO

Quad Stretch 


Mosey around campus and stop every 30 seconds to roll the dice. One for the exercise and one for the rep count. Do this until we make it over to the CMU pile. 

Mosey to CMU pile

Grab a block and take it to the other side of the bus. Line up across on a parking space. 

Each line you do: 10 Curls, 10 presses, 10 squats – then move your CMU to the next line, run to the grass then come back to do it again, and again, until we make it to the last line. I didn’t count the lines, but it was about 10-12 lines total that we completed. 

CMU drag back up to the pile which was a leg burner. 

We rolled the dice for the last 2 minutes and ended up having to do 15 burpees.
4 – Mermaid, Music City, Dumpster Dive, Anchorman

James 1: 19-20

19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

Listen is the key word for me. 

I need to set aside my selfishness and value others around me when they talk. It’s tempting for me to focus on what I want to say, but it can really mean a lot to our friends, family and strangers if we give them 100% of our attention. 

Mermaid’s uncle in nursing home. DumpsterDive’s grandmother. My buddy Jordan.

Shamrock – It’s Log…Log

THE SCENE: Upper 40s

Side Straddle Hops 20-4 count

Tie Fighters 10-4 count each way

Mountain Climbers 15-4 count 

LBCs – 25 OYO

Twinkle Toes in cadence 10-4 count

Cherry Pickers: 5

Quad Stretch 


Mosey with logs towards Cedar Bluff

Stop at the tall sidewalk

25 Tricep dips – stretch – 25 more

Mosey with logs across the street to the school steps.  

Mix up logs each time

25 Curls – then run the steps X 4 until we all hit 100

25 Tricep extension – then run the steps X 4 until we all hit 100

25 Squats with log – then run the steps X 4 until we all hit 100

25 LBCs (no log) – then run the steps X 4 until we all hit 100

25 merkins – then run the steps X 4 until we all hit 100 (we made it to 50)

Grab log then head back to AO. 

Stop halfway for some log overhead while doing little bouncy squats until it burned too bad. 


Log drag across the parking lot. 

7 – Jitters, Curveball, Dumpster Dive, Waxjob, Mermaid, Slappy, Anchorman

Psalm 62:5-7

For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,

for my hope is from him.

He alone is my rock and my salvation,

my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

On God rests my salvation and my glory;

my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

I love how David gives names like like Mighty Rock to God. What names can we give God? Instead of my typical prayers of requests to God, what can I praise him for? 


Lunar Eclipse, What Are You Thankful For??


Cold, below freezing.  Lunar Eclipse, longest lunar eclipse in 580 years


Quad Stretch
Cherry pickers
Tempo Squats
Tempo Merkins
Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward


4 Stations
1.  10 Pullups & 20 Merkins
2.  20 Snow Angels & 50 LBC’s
3.  25 curls & 50 Bench press with a CMU
4.  20 Bulgarian Split Squats & 50 Calf Raises
We broke into groups of three and ran the stations until time was called.

Al Gore for 15 seconds

With Thanksgiving next week, and my busyness, I am not always good about taking time to reflect on things I am thankful for.  We all took a moment to share one of those things.  We were reminded that some of the things in our lives are things that we take for granted, and those very things would be the answer to others prayers. The challenge was to remember and reflect on thins we are thankful for, and things we take for granted, and as we approach Thanksgiving, that we get our minds right and put the proper things in perspective.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

45 Minute Warm Up


Mid 30’s with a slight breeze


4ct SSH x 20; Tai Fighters x 10 (forward and backward); Cherry Pickers x 5; Plank Jacks x 10; Failure-to-launch x 7; mosey up and around to CMU pile (stopped for some Rocky Balboa’s and Derkins on the way)


Carried CMU’s over by the church parking lot for some group therapy (and to continue warming up!).

Simple format… perform exercise listed at first cone, run to next cone across park lot and do same, continue and do same at cone 3 and 4, then run all the way back to cone 1 for round 2.

Exercises by rounds and cones:

1) CMU Thrusters x 5; Hand-Release Merkins x 10; Big Boy Sit-ups x 15; and 4ct SSH x 20

2) CMU Hammers x 10; Carolina Dry Docks x 15; Flutter Kicks x 20; Squat Jumps x 25

3) CMU Squats x 15; Wide Grip Merkins x 20; Freddie Mercurys x 25; Lunges x 30

4) Lightening Round – perform all 3 exercises at each cone… CMU Thrusters x 5 + CMU Hammers x 10 + CMU Squats x 15… then move to the next cone… so on and so forth

Restocked the CMUs and did high knees, rockettes, karaoke (both sides), and jogged back to AO


Time for modified Howler Circle (PAX does non-stop monkey humpers while we rotate one at a time taking a lap around the circle – friendly “pats” on rears may have occurred)

Finished with Hello Dollies, Pickle Pounders, and Dead Bugs.


6 well seasoned HIMs present – no FNGs

Reflected a bit on my up and down year of leading well at times and failing other times (more lazy than missing while trying).  Many opportunities to lead in our homes, work, church, and community.  Sometimes we pull back for fear of failure or the sting of memories from recent failures.  2 Peter 1 we read that the Lord has given us everything we need for life and godliness – for His glory and excellence – and therefore we have no excuse to “not try”.  We need to pursue the model of Jesus described in Philippians 2 where His attitude was right before any actions took place.  With humility we should try and try again and trust the Lord for the results.  Read an excerpt from Q source 4.5 talking about the tool of failure in carving out Virtuous Leaders.  Failure will happen… especially if we try to do difficult things… but we should not give up and we should get up and try again.

Quarter Mile Stations


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
36 ℉ 87% 33 ℉ 3.5 mi/h NE

I am not a professional.  I have a phone.  Workout as injuries allow.


Happy Jacks (5)
Tempo Merkins (10)
Dead Bugs (10)
Abe Vigodas (10)

Mosey to the track.

On the track, there are nine stations.
1. Burpees
2. Monkey Humpers/Squats
3. BBS/Merkins
4. Flutter Kicks/Hello Dolly
5. Diamond/Wide Merkins
6. Smurf Jacks/Lunge
7. LBC/Box Cutters
8. Merkins/BBS
9. Dips/ Carolina Dry Docks

Running around the track stop at every station and do 10 of the exercises. Second time around the track do the second exercise listed. If there is one. Third time go back to first. And so forth. If you want, you are allowed to pass a cone and not do that exercise. But every cone passed increases the number of exercises by 10. If you pass 1 cone, then you do 20 at the next cone. You then drop back to 10. So, you can make this go as you want. You could run the entire time and not do any exercises. On your honor. Work yourself out as hard or easy as you want.

Dead Bugs (15)
Supermans (5)

8 good men got better.


“If a guy cuts you off in traffic, you can take that as “drop dead” and respond in kind. Or you can just assume that he is a bad driver and keep driving reasonably. If you choose the former, that means that you too become a bad driver and may provoke another negative response from him. A good driver wouldn’t do that because it might disrupt him from getting to his destination safely, which is the whole purpose in driving, to get where you are going in one piece.”
With your goals, don’t let the bad change you in a way that could keep you from where you want to end up.


For all of our families and coworkers.  For Pom Pom and his competitors next week. Just a wee bit more for Pom Pom.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.