F3 Knoxville

Ouch my BACK


THE SCENE: Perfect weather, low 60’s and low humidity

SSH X 20
Tempo Merkins X 10
Tempo Squats X 10
Baby arm circles forwards & backwards X 10
Cherry Pickers X 4
Quad Stretching
Mosey to the CMU pile and everybody gets one block.  Take half the blocks to the swings and half to the pull up bars.  Divide into two groups (6 people each) at the swings (using the swing as a pull up bar) do pull ups with your feet on the ground and your back parallel to the ground.  3 can go at a time, the other three do rows with the CMU until 20 are complete.  Rotate in and out until the second group tags you out.  The second group is at the pull up bars.  They are jumping into a pull up position and slowly lowering them selves down, then repeating X 10.  After you do 10, rotate to the CMU’s and perform lawn mowers with the CMU.  Once all 6 have had their turn on the pull up bars, mosey over to the other group.  Repeat entire sequence three times.

Anchor Man handled the Mary.
Slow Dead Bugs
Snow Angels
Flutter Kicks

I lost a dear friend over the weekend.  He was a longtime employee and coworker.  We talked about the impact of culture.  He embodied our work culture and he will be missed.  F3 has a strong culture as well, and it allows us to hold each other accountable and make each other better.  Culture eats strategy for breakfast, embrace it, make it your own, and use it as the great tool that it is to impact lives.

CSAUP coming up 5/6 at Haw Ridge 9-12 PM.