THE SCENE: Comfortable 65 under the porch with the relaxing sound of continuous precipitation.
Bobbitt was so excited to begin that the welcome and obligatory F3 disclaimer were forgotten …but still in our hearts forever.
Break into two teams and spread out ~100 ft. In between the teams are 8 cones – half are standing up and half are laying down. Two teams race each other. One team is trying to knock all the cones down, the other team is trying to stand all the cones up. Individuals pull a card, do the exercise, then sprint to the cone and knock one down or stand one up. Continue until all cones are up or down – or until all cards are used. Exercises were:
– 30 CMU Curls
– 15 Heavy Freddy (4-ct)
– Single arm row, 10 each
– 15 Heel taps
– 16 Lunges
– 20 heavy LBCs
– Uneven Merkins 10 each side
– 10 BBS + Press
– 30 Calf Raises
– 15 Heavy American Hammer (4-ct)
– 20 Alpos
– 20 Overhead Squats
– 20 Good mornings
– 25 Shoulder press
– 20 CMU Swings
– 25 Squats
– 25 Tri extension
– 10 Burpee Jumpovers
– Single arm Shoulder press 10 each side
– 5 Blockees
– 20 Wide Derkins
Completed 3 rounds before time was up.
With 2 minutes remaining pax did circle-o-mary with 20 LBC, 10 starfish, 30 Freddie Mercuries.
6 HIMs. 0 FNGs.
CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Do The Next Right Thing
Bobbitt shared that he’s experienced major life changes in becoming a pastor that did not happen all at once. In his experience, he did not set out to be a pastor but after walking through a series of open doors wound up changing careers and cities.
Many people experience decision fatigue, especially in the evenings after making many throughout the day. Decisions are even harder when we can only see the big picture or can’t see the big picture at all. However, no decision is always a bad decision (quote from a colonel/uncle).
In Acts 9, Saul encounters the Lord on the road to Damascus. Instead of telling him he would become an apostle, he’s told to go into the town and await instructions; the next step. Often after Jesus healed a person they were only given the next right thing to do. “Show yourself to the priests.” “Take up your mat.” “Go home.” In our life and in our spiritual journey, God seems to be more interested in us taking the next right steps rather than making giant leaps.
1. Doing the “next right thing” develops faith. We can see the spiritual path better in the step-by-step approach.
2. Doing the “next right thing” develops faithfulness. Showing up each day and doing the right things proves that we are dependable.
3. Doing the “next right thing” develops character. As we continue with the small things, we become able to handle the big things.
Pax prayed for several families who had suddenly lost family members this week.
Props were given to Mathlete for carrying the weight of his team. Additional props were given to Kick-Flip for tossing the other team’s weight down the hill. Fun was had by all!