F3 Knoxville

Club Fity


THE SCENE: Dang Cold

Mosey to CMU pile. Throw in a few burpees on the way.
THA-THANG: Cluby Fity
50×50:  So the original plan was to do 50 reps of 50 exercises in celebration of my turning 50. However, I thought, hey that might take awhile. So I tried it on Saturday. Well it’s Tuesday and I’m just now getting over how soar it made me. It took 2 hours and 22 minutes to complete.  So for tomorrows workout we’ll probably do 20 reps of the 50 exercises and skip the warm-o-rama and mary.

1. Crunches
2. Merkins
3. Squats
4. Dolly Partons
5. Push Press
6. Iron Mikes
7. Flutter Kicks
8. Curls
9. Calf Raises
10. Star Crunches
11. Burpees
12. Corus Line
13. Side Crunches
14. Tricept lifts
15. Bobby Hurleys
16. Leg Lifts
17. Carolina Dry docks
18. Sumo Squats
19. Scissor Kicks
20. Rows
21. High Knees
22. Rainbow drops
23. Shoulder Taps
24. Side Lunges
25. Toe touch on six.
26. Bench Press
27. Thrusters
28. Crabets
29. Peter Parkers
30. Squat Jumps
31. Bicycles
32. Plank + rotate arms to sky – alternate
33. Heel Touches
34. Monkey Humpers
35. Donkey Kicks
36. American Hammers
37. Side Straddle Hops
38. Derkins
39. WWII Sit ups (straight leg Big boys)
40 Plank reverse leg lift
41. Travolta Plank
42. Imperial Walkers
43. Mountain Climbers
44. Pull overs on 6.
45. Supermans
46. Stairs
47. Diamond push ups
48. Swimmers
49. Overhead squats
50. Plank walk over block side to side

We ran out of time at #43. So next time do less reps.

We are depenent on God for every breath and heart beat.  Cherrish them!!
Hardship hill comin up.