F3 Knoxville

Core Day

The Dog Pound

41 Degrees clear skies with little to no wind (Perfect Conditions)

20 X SSH
10 X Arm circles forward
10 X Arm circles backward
15 Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the Abs of Pain LZ

Abs of Pain
Round 1:
(1)    Lap around Concord Marina (slow and stay together)
(2)    Diamond pushups alternating wide push-ups x 20.
(3)    Pickle Pounders x 20
(4)    Mule jump kicks x 20
(5)    Burpees x 20
(6)    Planks, middle, left arm, then right arm all together
(7)    Mountain climbers x 20 (in cadence)
(8)    Hello Dolly’s x 20 (in cadence)
(9)    Flutter kicks x 20 (in cadence)

Round 2:
(1)    Lap around Concord Marina (faster individual pace, but not sprinting)
(2)    Repeat 2-9 from round 1 but completed x 10.

Round 3:
(1)    Lap around Concord Marina (Fast as you can, individual pace)

Upper Body: Dealers Choice
(1)    Carolina Dry Docks
(2)    Shoulder Blasters (Thanks Ratchet)

Number-o-Rama and Name-o-Rama

Our core was the theme this morning. We worked on our physical core and so we discussed and reflected on what is our mental and spiritual core. Encouraged the PAX to think about what their purpose is in life and to think about what drives us to do what we do each and every day?  We all get in a routine and stay busy, but what is it that we are trying to accomplish in our lifetime? What impacts are we having and who are we impacting? Are we here to build up a 401k nest egg and retire in Florida and have a little while dog and walk on the beach?

Prayer request for a friend/coworker of Frosty. The coworkers daughter has been saved and getting baptized and it’s convicting the rest of the family who is going through some tough challenges. Please lift them up in your prayers.

– Hydro