F3 Knoxville

Deck of Pain

AO: juco
Q: Dart Gun
PAX: Windex, Mailbox, Butterknife, Lt. Dan, Waffles, Wanderer, Guardrail, Dart Gun
FNGs: None
Harry Rockets IC
Cherry Pickers IC

As an anniversary of my first beatdown…we utilized Trolley’s Deck of Pain that takes us on a tour of JUCO.

We drew cards and enjoyed the consequences of moseying at a 5k pace between stops and partaking in the various exercises.

Flutter Kicks IC


Alright guys we’re going to do something a little different.

We’ll go around the circle one by one and I want you to tell me what your net worth is.

Now that you’ll all taken a deep breath and uttered ‘yeah right’ …I’ll tell you mine
– I feel wealthy because of my eternal riches in Christ!

What you probably all thought of was a monetary version, which I’ll add is temporary. Those thoughts, while important for our time on earth, are ultimately nothing compared to what we have in store after this life is over.

Assets to manage
God has given people assets to manage, and tracking net worth can help people evaluate how to live more generously

Biblical wealth
People with biblical wealth see their wealth as an opportunity to manage what God has given them, and not as something they own.

People with biblical wealth do not attach their self-worth to their net worth.

Self-worth in Christ
Jesus sacrificed for people’s sins so that they could be made whole and given life in Him.

Ephesians 3:8: Christ’s riches are spiritual and unsearchable, and they provide salvation to everyone who believes.