Partly Cloudy | Temperature | Humidity | Feels like | Wind Speed | Wind Direction |
51 ℉ | 94% | 51 ℉ | 2.2 mi/h | S |
I am not a professional.
25 SSHs.
10 Baby Arm Circles forward.
10 backward.
3 Cherry Pickers.
Mosey to car trunk and pick up PVC piece and weight(plate) to create ab wheel. Along side walk use ab wheel. 5 x straight out. 2 x out to right. 2 x out to left.
Mosey to football field divide into teams of 3 or 2 HIMs. At 50 yard line is pile of trinkets. On “Go.” everyone runs to trinket pile and picks one up. On trinket is exercise, each HIM does that listed exercise 30 times at the 30, 20 times at the 20, and 10 times at 10. (So a team of 3 would be doing 3 different trinkets. Everyone does their own.) Upon completion, throw trinket in your teams completion pile. Then rinse and repeat with more trinkets. ~20 minutes. Team with most trinkets wins. Yeah.
Mosey to bleachers. Winning team gets to lead the charge. Up and down bleacher steps from one end to the other. At the bottom, each time, 10 jump squats. Then up and down back with 10 Heal Drops at the bottom.
Mosey to sidewalk with ab rollers. 10 ab rollers straight. Using PVC pipe, 10 American Hammers.
Mosey to St Patrick 30 dips, 20 box jumps, 20 dips, 10 box jumps, 10 dips, 5 box jumps.
Mosey back to AO. Stopping 2 times to use ab rollers. 10 times each stop.
Mary happened during mosey back to AO.
11 HIMs
Psalm 23:3. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
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