F3 Knoxville


Keep it Simple Stupid

(Keep it Simple Stupid)

Set Up:
You need 400m measured that starts and ends at same spot.
All work will be performed at that spot.

Total time to complete the workout below.

The time begins with the start of the first 400m run and ends at the conclusion of the 800m run.  (See *** below)



Run 400m
100 merkins
Run 400m
90 squats
Run 400m
80 merkins
Run 400m
70 squats
Run 400m
60 merkins
Run 400m
50 squats
Run 400m
40 merkins
Run 400m
30 squats
Run 400m
20 merkins
Run 400m
10 squats
***Run 800m***


Total work is 3 miles of running, 300 merkins, and 250 squats.

Exercise Standards:
*Run – Run as fast as you can. One ice cream New Balance in front of the other.
*Merkin –  Body in straight line at all times.  Chest to ground, arms fully extended at top.
*Squat – Weight on heels.  Squats need to be parallel or below.  Chest facing forward.  Clear hips at the top (stand straight up).  No hands on knees.

Sua Sponte

THE SCENE: 69 degrees F., 97% humidity, cloudy with threat of rain.

SSH, baby arm circles, windmills, overhead claps, squats (all x11).

Pick up a CMU and overhead carry on Route 66 from Illinois to the Missouri state line.

Route 66 was a 0.33 mile loop.  A total of six state line stops in the loop at Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona.  The listing of the workouts at each station is below:

  • Missouri State Line:

Lap 1: CMU Thrusters x11

Lap 2: Dips with CMU x11

Overhead Carry CMU to Kansas

Lap 3: Squat Jumps x11

Lap 4: Dry Docks x11

Lap 5: BBS x11

Lap 6: SSH (4 count) x11

  • Kansas State Line:

Lap 1: Merkins x11

Lap 2: CMU Upright Rows x11

Lap 3: CMU Dips x11

Overhead Carry CMU to Oklahoma

Lap 4: Squat Jumps x11

Lap 5: Dry Docks x11

Lap 6: BBS x11

  • Oklahoma State Line:

Lap 1: SSH (4 count) x11

Lap 2: Merkins x11

Lap 3: CMU Swings x11

Lap 4: CMU Dips x11

Overhead Carry CMU to Texas

Lap 5: Squat Jumps x11

Lap 6: Dry Docks x11

  • Texas State Line:

Lap 1: BBS x11

Lap 2: SSH (4 count) x11

Lap 3: Merkins x11

Lap 4: CMU Thrusters x11

Lap 5: CMU Dips x11

Overhead Carry CMU to New Mexico

Lap 6: Squat Jumps x11

  • New Mexico State Line:

Lap 1: Dry Docks x11Lap 2: BBS x11

Lap 3: SSH (4 count) x11

Lap 4: Merkins x11

Lap 5: Lunge Dead Lift x11/arm

Lap 6: CMU Dips x11

Overhead Carry CMU to Arizona

Arizona State Line:

Lap 1: Squat Jumps x11

(Bear Crawl Back to Missouri for Lap 2)

Lap 2: Dry Docks x11

(Bear Crawl Back to Missouri for Lap 3)

Lap 3: BBS x11

(Bear Crawl Back to Missouri for Lap 4)

Lap 4: SSH (4 count) x11

(Bear Crawl Back to Missouri for Lap 5)

Lap 5: Merkins x11

(Bear Crawl Back to Missouri for Lap 6)

Lap 6: CMU Curls x11

Overhead Carry CMU to California (Back to the AO)

  • California State Line:

Squat Jumps x11

Dry Docks x11

BBS x11

SSH (4 count) x11

Merkins x11

CMU Swings x11


Squats, Dry docks, BBS.
9 HIMs – welcome back Tightspot.

We typically start our F3 workout with the word “voliltion.”  What got me thinking about this was a photo I saw a few years ago.  It was a picture of the football field with Army and Navy playing.  The caption said something about it being the only game where every player on the field was willing to die for me and my freedom.  I also thought of my son-in-law, Travis.  During one of his 8 tours of duty he received the Bronze Star for Valor because he chose to live by the Ranger creed to leave no man behind, put himself in harms way, neutralized the situation, and dragged his wounded teammate to safety.  Sua Sponte is the Ranger motto – of our own accord or volition.

If you saw Saving Private Ryan, you may remember when a dying Captain John Miller (a Ranger) tells Private Ryan to “earn this.”  This disappointed many Army Rangers because they believe that a Ranger would not say something like that.  Rangers don’t expect their service to be “earned”, their service is their own volition.  Sua Sponte!

This is Christ like action. He chose to obey his Father on His own volition.  Yes, in His prayer in the garden, He did ask if there was some other way to accomplish His mission but he always came back to say that He would do the will of His Father.  Jesus didn’t ask us to earn it.  He did it by choice so that our sins would be forgiven, we would be declared justified in God’s eyes, and redemption could be ours.  We don’t have to earn it.  We only need to repent, profess Christ, obey, and follow.  Not easy, but at least we know the way to everlasting joy and peace.

Prayers for healing for Swerve (and Postpone), Avocado as he gets ready to deploy, Arnold as he prepares to ship out in late September, Drifter as he and Caroline train to help with refugees coming to Knoxville, Rep Sleepy in his prayer request.
Gathering at Woodshack’s Friday evening to bid “see you later” to Avocado, Dog Pound CSAUP on Saturday morning, Hardship Hill the first Saturday of October, IronPax Challenge signup.

Can do attitude

THE SCENE: 68 and dark

Mosey to Pearson Springs and stop along the way and did: Cherry pickers, side lunges,  and arm circles.
Once we got to Pearson Springs parking lot we started tha-thang.

  • Started off going half way down parking lot with bear crawl and the other half inch worm
  • Next ran up a long hill to the street and did 20 bbs
  • Run down the hill and do 20 merkins
  • Next to move back down the parking lot the other way we did squat jumps half way and lunges the other half.
  • Rinse and Repeat

We ran back to Sandy Springs and stopped along the way and did: dips, LBCs, squats, incline merkins, and probably something else.

6 HIMs got it done
Quote from John Wooden:

Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

No Excuses

THE SCENE: Rainy and extra gloomy



Assorted stretches and mosey to learn the loop for the morning

DORA with the following exercises:

  • Decline Merkins x100
  • Big Boy Sit Ups x200
  • Step Ups x300

One partner ran the loop while other partner worked through the exercises. All PAX completed the exercises and some were about halfway through a second round.

Overhead Claps x50

6 HIMs left their excuses at home this morning

Question to think about today: What excuses are you making to keep from doing what you are supposed to be doing?

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Inspector Gadget

THE SCENE: Mugy but what else do we expect for July in E.Tenn

Mosey loop around park to softball field
Inspector Gadget- pax starts with three burpees and then works to complete all reps. timer will go off every min, all pax will stop and do 3 burpees then pick up where they left off

  • EMOM- 3 Burpees
  • 50 Hand Release -Release Merkins
  • 100 Leg raises
  • 150- Jungle Boy Squats
  • 200 BBS
  • 250 Lunge Steps Single Count

No time

This world of ours…must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect” Dwight D Eisnehower

I feel like now more than any time in my life people have zero respect for other people and are so willing to be hateful for the smallest thing. I saw something the other day asking how F3 has changed you as a man. Without a doubt F3 has helped to create a deeper level of ownership for my community and wanting to help those around. I shared a story with the pax of an encounter i recently had at a fast food restaurant where a guest was yelling at employees for very minor issues. I took it upon myself once i realized he would not stop to ask the man to leave the restaurant. I could not sit by while others in my community were being treated in that manner.


The inspector gadget was part of the 2020 Iron Pax Challenge. We checked the scores and the top time was 15 min. I see no way this is humanly possible and want to see video evidence of the feat.