F3 Knoxville

Looking Like the World


THE SCENE: Dark, low 50s calm, quiet…perfect

Cross Jacks IC

Harry Rockets IC

Windmill IC

Arm Circles (forward only 5K!!), make them bigger half way through – IC
Partner up, broken wheel barrow in the PL, each person one way.

Mosey to the east PL.  Using the spaces (going across), we’ll do 5 burpees then run to the first line and do the workout and then increment up each time, Bernie back each time.

  • 10 Iron Mike (each side)
  • 20 Heals to Heaven
  • 30 Merkins
  • 40 Squats
  • 50 side crunch (25 each side)
  • 60 Superman style Flutter Kicks
  • 70 SSH
  • 80 Flutter Kicks

If you finish early, repeat until the six is up.

Mosey to new building, then bear crawl to concrete bench.

Dips IC (counting all together on the Q’s down) – 35

Mosey to some conveniently staged cones (~15-20).  Broad Jump at each one.

Mosey back to the flag…
Pickle pounders IC – 20

Crabby Rockets IC – 20

Scissor kicks (crossing) IC – 10

Hello Dolly IC – 10


Matthew 18:5-6 and 7-9

Jesus talks about children and how we must humble ourselves to be like children. Also he describes how if we lead a “child that believes in him” to sin then we would be better off with a large boulder tied to our waste and thrown in the ocean.

This all leads into a discussion of sin and we talked about how “looking like this world” can easily become a trap and cause many sins.

How many of us fall into this category?

You stumble from being a Christian by the way your language slips, your choice in music, your materialistic approach, your viewing of porn, fill in the blank

We often define greatness by power, wealth, sports, or other general accomplishments. But those are all short lived and focused on the things of this work.

Get an accountability partner, be honest with your wife. Stop trying to impress people you don’t even know or like and live for an audience of one and richen your family.
We all can think about ways in which we fall into at least one of these.  We need to be better so that can be examples to our kids, friends, colleagues, etc.
Brolympics tomorrow