F3 Knoxville


The Dog Pound

70 and calm

Welcome and Disclaimer

LB arm circles IC (forward x10, reverse x10)
Big Arm Circles IC x20
Cherry Pickers IC x10
SSH IC x15
Calf raises IC x20

Pick a battle buddy and mosey to the coupon pile
2 buddies = 1 pair of coupons

Mosey past the tavern to the base of the big boy hill

10 Merkins together as a pair at every station

4 segments: keep doing them while you wait for your partner
1) Base camp – coupon curl and press up
2) Stage one – Squats
3) Stage two – uphill sit-ups/crunches
4) Summit – Rocky jumps (high jump, arms over head…”Yo, Adrian” optional)

A stays at base camp doing exercise while B runs to stage one, calls for A to ascend, and starts that exercise. When A arrives, 10 Merkins together, then A progresses to stage 2 while B resumes exercise. Slingshot up the hill together with Merkins at every station. Once both reach the summit, 10 Merkins and run back to base camp together. Start over with A ascending stage one, continue

Mosey Back

Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
Box Cutters x20 IC
BB Sit-ups x20 IC

Number off and Name O Rama

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”  Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Every one of us can look back in life and, if we consider long enough, come up with one time after another that someone’s careless words (or worse, purposefully pointed ones) profoundly affected us for a long period of time, if not forever.

For me it was mostly peers, but with my dad it would be too much constructive criticism and not enough acknowledgement of a job well done. So what do I do? The same thing, at best. My wife cooks something new, or buys a new plant and the first thing I say, and good-naturedly at that, is how it could be better.

My kids make the same mistake several times, or choose the same bad choice and what rolls of my tongue? Something like “what’s wrong with you?” or worse, “stop acting like a jerk”

“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”  Proverbs‬ ‭12:18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

How easy is it for us to be death bringers instead of life givers. It doesn’t take malice or rage. It happens in a moment of frustration during a project, or in an instant of annoyance at our kids. Our spouses, our children, the people in our lives need us to be life givers.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  Proverbs‬ ‭15:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

There is nothing I hate in all of F3 more than that hill…which is why we had to do it. The men attacked it with vigor and hammered out between 4 and 6 cycles. I was proud of them and the support they provided each other in the gloom. Aye!