F3 Knoxville

Modified Tabata

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: 71 and wet-ish

0 burpee

left over right

1 burpee

cherry pickers

2 burpees

35 SSH

3 burpees
Mosey to the CMU pile and pick up a coupon. We have 2  sets of 35 intervals. 2 minutes of work and 10 seconds of rest then on the to the next. I will list the work below.

  • curls
  • freddy mercury
  • air taps
  • welsh dragons
  • OHP
  • LBC
  • triceps extensions
  • merkins
  • squat thrust

time got away from us. we fellowship moseyed back to the AO

Gentlemen, the date for the Dog Pound’s CSAUP is being moved to Saturday, August 21. 2ish hours of a boot camp workout, followed by a feast of biscuits and gravy. CSAUPs are fun and challenging, and a great way to meet other F3 men from around Knoxville. We will be working in TEAMS of 3 (you’ll be added to a team if you are by yourself). Sign up here…