F3 Knoxville

Nice and Easy Circuit

AO: shamrock
Q: Eliza
PAX: Oscar Meyer, slappy, Nadia (Aaron Jacques), Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), Dumpster Dive, Flower Pot, Crawlspace, Band Camp, Toretto, Honeydew, Stitch, Skidmark, Waxjob
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Hairy Rockettes, Updog, downdog, 5 tempo merks, stretching

THE THANG: mosey to CMU pile and convene in back parking lot

2 sets of exercises in the parking lot and 2 runners. Runners take one short lap around the lot and bump you to the next exercise until it’s your time to run. When done with Set 1, you bump and join set 2 and vice versa.

First set: OH press, V Ups, Curls, Flutter Kicks, CMU Swings, Big boys

Second set: Alternating Rows, Plank Jacks, Bench Press, Side Crunches, Blockees, Heels 2 Heaven

Time for 11’s rocky balboas and curb squats

MARY: built in – 1 minute plan

ANNOUNCEMENTS: disc golf, bonfire, IPC coming up

COT: what are you dedicated to? What gets your focus, energy, time, attention, money?!? Be dedicated to important things whether it’s your M or your 2.0s or your job or quiet time or F3. Evaluate what you’re dedicated to and recalibrate to what’s really important.