F3 Knoxville

Pain on the Plateau

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 63 degrees, beautiful morning

Cherry Pickers IC x8
Hip Flexor stretch for about 30 seconds each side
Mosey over to the plateau of pain
12 cones set up across the plateau of pain. Start by running to the furthest cone and doing 5 bbs, then run back to the fist cone and do one bodybuilder. Then run to the second to last cone for 6 bbs and back to the first cone for 2 bodybuilders and so on until you get to 16 bbs and 12 bodybuilders.

Total reps for one round = 78 bodybuilders and 126 bbs.

Once you finish that round, do the same thing with 4 count flutter kicks and squat jumps.

Mosey back to the AO for about two minutes of Mary. Started with 15 boxcutters IC followed by 20 WWII sit-ups OYO and finished with about 15 seconds of LBCs.
7 men showed up this morning

I used to rely heavily on motivation. I watched a bunch of videos for motivation in my workouts, my job, basically every aspect of my life. I realized after watching a video by Jocko that motivation was not what I needed, it’s discipline. Motivation is fleeting. It can only keep you going for so long. Discipline is for the long term and keeps us going even when we don’t want to do something. It’s still difficult to exercise discipline in my life, but I am trying and celebrating the small wins each day.


We started going to Vienna after Saturday beatdowns again. Everyone is welcome! Right after the beatdown until people need to leave. Not required to workout to join us for coffee.