F3 Knoxville

Partner Rifle Carry = Fun


THE SCENE: Mid 70s, nice, no rain

Cherry pickers, lil’ baby arm circles, tempo squats, harry rockettes, tempo merkins.

Mosey to the big parking lot

  • Bear crawl to the first line, 1 burpee
  • Duck walk to the second line, 2 burpees
  • Bear crawl to the third line, 3 burpees
  • Duck walk to the fourth line, 4 burpees
  • Etc.

Mosey to the Coupon Pile

  • Partner up and rifle carry a cinder block to the hill
  • One partner runs up the hill while another does curls
  • When the first partner gets down, partner rifle carry around the median
  • Switch roles

Mosey to Sophomore Hill

  • Stay with your partner, run to the first corner, wait to be touched by group behind, then run to the second corner, all the way around

Mosey to the flag

I am due to become a first time father, likely this month. And with that comes many worries. Small, simple worries like: Do I really know how to change a diaper? And deeper, more significant worries like: Are we going to fail at this? Are we going to be financially okay? What if my son doesn’t follow Christ? Especially in today’s culture, these are worries that are always lingering. If I am not careful, it can take over my mind and effect the way I view myself and God. When these times come, I remind myself of Philippians 4:6-7, which says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” It is interesting that he doesn’t say that when we make our requests known to God that He will instantly solve our all problems and our worries will go away. It says the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. So, instead of my mind being filled with worries, fears and anxieties, it is filled with the peace of God. 

So, I know I am not the only one with worries, fears and anxieties, whether with kids, work or something else going on. Whatever that thing is that is on your mind right now, give it to the Lord, cast it on Him and the peace of God will come and guard your heart and mind.