F3 Knoxville

Q2– Pre-Easter at the Equalizer


THE SCENE: 51 degrees out


Rockettes *10

Cherry pickers *5

Grady corns *15

Baby arm circles *10

Reverse baby arm circles *10

Tempo squats *10


 Mosey to Bermuda Triangle—

Lunges between wide Merkins, Carolina dry docks, Merkins 20, 15, 10

 Mosey a lap

Shoulder taps and hanging v ups. 11s

Rows, Overhead press, curls with a rock *20

10 squats with a rock

Mosey a lap

5 pull ups

Mosey a lap


Imperial walkers 4*20

Squats *10

Mountain Climbers *15

Sumo squats *10

Flutter kicks 4*10

LBCs 4*10

Star gazers/stretch 1  min

11 fine gentlemen

With Easter upcoming where we celebrate life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we naturally ask: Who is Jesus?  What is He like?

He is never “too cool” for anyone.  He approached lepers. He played with children.  He talked with Samaritan women. He showed compassion to tax collectors, beggars, thieves, and widows. He noticed people that were mourning, sick, frightened, and having financial troubles. He saw people as they were, loved them, and also saw what they could become. He stood up for outcasts, for the publicly shamed.

Yet with His radical inclusivity He never condoned unrighteousness, even a little. He taught hard truths, truths that are still hard—both to swallow and to live.  He taught “except ye shall keep my commandments . . . ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.”  He taught that not only should we not kill, we shouldn’t be angry with or say unkind things to or about each other, and instead actively work to reconcile our differences.  He taught we should actively try to keep our thoughts morally clean, not just have chaste and virtuous behavior. He taught that when we do something good, we should try to do it privately and not seek praise for our good actions.

The great news of Easter is that if you feel you have a ways to go to meet these divine expectations, Jesus really did die and really does live again, and because of Him we can receive all the help we need to close that gap.  What a reason to celebrate!