F3 Knoxville

Quacken Burnouts


THE SCENE: Dark, quiet and ~45 degrees

SSH x 20, Baby Arm Circles x 15 forward and backward, Tempo Squats x 10, Cherry Pickers x 5, Imperial Walkers x 10
For the workout we spent all our time at the parking lot. Each set consisted of 4 exercises done for a set amount of time each then followed by another exercise

  • 1 minute of Burpees, Merkins, Cobras and Carolina Dry Docks each, each of which were followed by a lap around the parking lot
  • 1 minute of Big Boys Situps, Flutterkicks, American Hammers and Little Baby Crunches each, each of which were followed by bear crawls
  • 30 seconds of Burpees, Merkins, Cobras and Carolina Dry Docks each, each of which were followed by a sprint across the parking lot
  • 30 seconds of Big Boys Situps, Flutterkicks, American Hammers and Little Baby Crunches each, each of which were followed by bear crawls
  • 1 minute of Squat Jumps, Side Lunges, Sumo Squats and Jane Fondaes each, each followed by a jog across the parking lot

Ring of Fire with Merkins to kill the last couple minutes
Recycled my word from Big Ball last Saturday about Sabbath and rest. The Sabbath was the most elaborated upon of the ten commandments and was first demonstrated by God in the creation account. Sometimes rest takes work since we tend to default to the easiest things, rather than the most satisfying. Also encouraged us to prioritize rest rather than waiting until feeling burnt out
Prayers for the Mend House and for Wilson’s daughter Peyton who is having tubes put into her ears next Thursday