F3 Knoxville

React + Adapt

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Sun getting ready to set, parking lots are PACKED down by the playground. However, adapt and overcome.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith 
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning 
  • A few things before we begin: 
    • I’m not a professional 
    • You’re here on your own belief 
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you. 


  • SSH: 20×4
  • Squat: 10×4
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4
  • Cherry-Picker: 10×4 
  • Rockette: 10×4 
  • Cash-In: ATMs


Because people decided to park their cars in the parking lot we were going to work out in, the Q reacted and adapted, taking into account the darkness and limited lighting in the park at 6pm.

(1) Another One (25s)

  • 1 cone with an exercise every 3 lights – total of 5
  • All exercises are 25 reps on a 1 count
  • After completing the exercise on the cone, carry it to the next light and complete all exercises up to that point
  • The exercises
    • Side Straddle Hops (SSH)
    • Imperial Walkers
    • Flutter Kicks
    • Merkins
    • LBCs

(2) 2 For Tuesday

  • An Asylum PM tradition – 2 For Tuesday aka back to back rinse and repeats
  • Repeat the previous route and exercises done above, but reverse it
    • Take one exercise off every 3 lights, until we finish with the first exercise at the shovel flag – SSH

(Mosey to the top of Cardiac Hill)

(3) 8s

  • 2 points of contact: top of cardiac + 1st curve of cardiac
  • Exercises: incline merkins + squats


Cash-in with ATMs before moseying back to the shovel flag


  • 14 total
  • No FNGs


This is an excerpt from an article I wrote last week.

Confidence In The Cartographer

Perhaps the Lord will be with me and I will drive them out as the Lord promised. (From Joshua 14:10-12) I think that as Caleb was saying this to Joshua and the surrounding people, he had a slight grin on his face, with a chuckle at the end. Think about your race. Have you been able to see every turn, twist, bend, reroute, detour, traffic stop, warning sign, or stoplight? I haven’t. A cartographer is someone who draws or produces maps. And if we look at our lives like a race we’ve been called to run, there is only one ultimate cartographer that has mapped out every single thing that we are going to encounter during our race. I think Caleb knew this as he said this to Joshua. As if to say, “God has only fulfilled his promises 10/10 times, so perhaps He will still be with me during this next part of my race.” Caleb knew the Lord’s promises were good! So as I was reading this I thought: Do I have more confidence in the runner or the cartographer in my race? More times than not unfortunately, I can be more confident in the runner (me) than the one who designed the entire race in the first place! We’re called to run a race and run it in such a way that the surrounding witnesses can look on and only attribute the harmonic and unique journey to God. So wherever you find yourself in your race this weekend + new week, put more confidence in the cartographer vs. the runner. You’ve got this, because He’s got you.