F3 Knoxville


The Project

THE SCENE:  70 and clear.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered faithfully, even though the PAX were eager to get started.

Mosey to the playground.  5 pull-ups + 1 min plank + 5 pull-ups


Mosey to the Rock Pile.

5 stations in the parking lot – 5 more across the street.  1-minute EMOM timer

Visit a station and do the exercise until timer goes off.  Then run to the wall, scramble up and over, and run across the street to the next station.  Exercises were;

  1. Tire hit
  2. Ball Slams
  3. Battle rope alternating waves
  4. Heavy lunges
  5. Stack squat
  6. Goblet squat
  7. Jump rope
  8. Thrusters
  9. CMU swings
  10. Curls

Short mosey recovery.  Freddy Mercury, Dolly, LBCs, Flutter kicks

Round 2:  Flip the cards.  Exercises were;

  1. Tire flip
  2. Slam ball launch
  3. Battle rope slams
  4. Plyo merkins
  5. Good mornings
  6. Jump rope
  7. Tricep extensions
  8. Blockees
  9. OHP
  10. Heavy Al Gore


Guantanamo, LBCs


7 including FNG “Pop-A-Lock”


Tomorrow, June 3rd, is National Repeat Day.  It seemed appropriate to repeat a Q that we’ve done before – and to repeat a Word that I’ve done before.  The Word on my heart this morning is something that Jesus has told us to do over and over again.

In Matthew Chapter 18, Peter approaches Jesus and says, “Lord, how many times must I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? As many as seven times?”  Their culture was keen on defining and limiting moral obligations, as if they could be accurately prescribed by number.  Some rabbis had fixed a limit of “3” for forgiving someone – from their interpretation of the book of Amos.  Peter doubtless thought that he was being unusually liberal and generous in proposing such a measure of forgiveness – “7 times…”.

Verse 22, “Jesus answered, “Not seven times, Peter, but seventy times seven times!”. Christ demolishes this attempt to quantify the measure of grace.  He commands us to forgive – and to be willing to live that forgive/offended/forgive cycle on repeat. 

Earlier, Jesus was teaching these same men and women to pray – Matthew Chapter 6, the Lord’s prayer,

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, a but deliver us from the evil one.”

I find it interesting that the first thing Jesus says after reciting the Lord’s prayer – as if this is the point that He needs to hammer home most directly – is about how critical forgiveness is to your relationship with the Father.  The very next verse after the prayer (verse 14), “If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned. – Francis of Assisi

When I was preparing for this Word (first time), I searched my heart for unforgiveness – and found it.  I realized that I had been harboring a years-old grudge against someone who I never even saw anymore.  Even though they were out of my life, I was still living with resentment toward them.  That unforgiveness was poisoning my heart and soul with bitterness.

What then to do?  We found guidance from within the Lord’s prayer…  The Greek word rendered “forgive” in this text is aphiemi (ah FEE ay mee).  It does not mean to sweep it under the rug or pretend like you were not hurt.  In the Greek, aphiemi can literally mean, “to hurl”.  Like we did to the slam ball this morning.  Hurl away the offense, and in doing so heave that poisonous resentment as far as you can (because, 99.9% of the time your unforgiveness hurts you more than anyone else!).  Aphiemi – hurl it.  That is how our Father forgives our trespasses – and it’s how we are to forgive those who trespass against us.


Our FNG showcased his mad skills at breaking into a locked car.  How did he get so good at that?


Rocket as he travels and his friends/family as they mourn a loss


Erector’s M
