THE SCENE: It was a balmy 49 degrees with a little mist as 18 men gather together for a BOM
Two lines and we Indian ran to the middle of the parking lot around the restaurant. We stopped at the break that runs down to the boat ramp and started with 11s. 10 Carolina Dry Docks and run to the other side of the split and do 1 Big boy sit up and rinse and repeat all the way down.
- Ribbeds 66
- lunges to the next light pole
- 10 Burpees
- Berny sanders to the next light pole
- 10 Star Jaxs
- Reverse Lunges to the next light pole
- 10 Burpees
- Sprit to the end of the parking lot
- 10 tempo squats
- lunges to the next light pole
- Mosy to the AO stopping to do incline merkins 15X
- 20-yard increments we did the following:
- Bear Crawl to one side then 10 Big boys situps
- Bunny hope to one side then 10 tempo squats
- lunges to one side then 10 stare jax
- 20-yard increments we did the following:
Circle up
- 10 Burpees
- 10 Box cutters
18 men: LaZyBoy, Bartman, Butters, Scutter, Pogo, Frosty, junk, waxjob, Mayberry, sparky, detention, compost, abacus, shooter, Frenchie, ibeam, booger, ribbed.
Thank you all for your example and faithfulness. It’s been a year since I started working out with F3, its because of all you men that keep asking me where you been, that I keep coming. As I look to goals for 2018 I look to lead at f3 at least once a month.