F3 Knoxville

Bringing Habits HOME

THE SCENE: 39 and clear. Perfect weather for a VQ



  • SSH x20 (IC)
  • Cherry Pickers x5 (IC)
  • Dive Bombers x5 (IC)
  • Squats x15 (IC)
  • 30 seconds on your own


Mosey to the quad.

Ghostman Baseball shamelessly stolen from Blindside and Choir Boy…sounded like fun and thought we should give it a try! Split into two teams. First team runs to first, completes the exercise, returns home while the other team does the Home exercise. Switch when running team returns. Second round: Run to 1st, do the exercise, run to second, do the exercise, return home. Continue the pattern until you reach home. You do not need to run back from home.

  • First Base
    • 15 Merkins
    • Big Boys at Home
  • Second Base
    • 30 Smurf Jacks
    • American Hammers at Home
  • Third Base
    • 5 Burpees
    • Flutter Kicks at Home
  • Home Plate
    • 30 Squats
    • Plank

Mosey towards the duck pond and stop for 50 Boosters (Toe Merkins) on the curb

  • Welsh Dragons up the hill near the duck pond parking lot (bear crawl forward x4, 1 merkin, tap each shoulder, plank jack – repeat and increment merkin, shoulder tap, plank jack each time until you get to 10 or your arms fall off!)

Mosey to parking lot west of the flag.

  • Seven of Diamonds (7, 14, 21, 28 of each exercise) at the four light poles
    • Split back into same two teams from baseball.
    • One team will do exercises clockwise and other will be counter-clockwise. First team to complete all exercises wins.
    • Round 1 – Squats
    • Round 2 – LBCs
    • Round 3 – SSHs

PAX took turns calling out exercises until time

  • Spotter – imperial walkers
  • Doubtfire – gas pumpers
  • Erector – heels to heaven
  • Kickflip – squeaky dollies
  • Room Service – pickle pointers
  • Data – supermans

12 HIMs and 1 2.0
From “Habits of the Household” by Justin Earley

Habits are kinds of liturgies. They are little routines of worship, and worship changes what we love. Habits of the household are not just actions that form our families’ routines, they are liturgies that form our families’ hearts. This is why we should choose then so carefully.

Think of it like this: when it comes to spiritual formation, our households are not simply products of what we teach and say. They are much more products of what we practice and do. And usually there is a significant gap between the two.

My challenge to you this morning is to think through some existing habits in your household that you could change or new ones you could implement.

For me, one habit I’ve started to do at night is give my son a bedtime blessing. Another one we’ve changed is that we put away all screens in our house on Sundays.


Check out the new F3 Knoxville Podcast that Blindside is putting out.

Good example

THE SCENE: a little windy, around 40 degrees at the Project

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 15 Imperial walkers
Mosey to the recruitment center and grab a block. Head to the theater stairs. Perform each exercise twice, running up the stairs after each set.

  • 25 merkins
  • 25 over head presses
  • 25 curls
  • 25 rows
  • 25 squats
  • 25 lunges
  • 25 heavy flutter kicks
  • 25 heavy LBCs

Bonus merkins at the end. Head back to the storage area and knock out 10 blockees. Head back to the flag.

15 Freddie Mercury, 15 heels to Heaven, 15 flutter kicks, 15 prone rows
8 crushed that workout this morning!
So when He had washed their feet, and taken His garments and reclined at the table again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am. If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.-John 13:12‭-‬16 NASB1995

Jesus’ example here shows us the importance of humility and serving others. Despite Jesus being God in the flesh, He still served others, showing us the true love we should have for our fellow man. We are to lead by serving just as Jesus did.

Always a pleasure to lead at the Project. Nice prerunning this morning too!

Starving for Rain: Habitually Feed Yourself & then Others

THE SCENE: ~48F, wet but somehow not very rainy.

10 x Overhead Clap
9 x Squats
8 x BBS
6 x Lunges Fwd/Back
5 x Flutter kicks
4 x Merkins
3 x Squat Jumps
2 x V-ups
1 x Burpee

Mosey to the overhang. Do a core exercise (YHC forgot what was called – maybe flutter kicks?)

Mosey to the courtyard.

Decision time- PAX got to choose 11’s or 21’s. They chose 21’s back and forth across  the courtyard:
Squats – Bicycles (2-count)
Pax did well, we stopped at YHC’s 7-count for Squats (so ~210 squats for me)

Decision time– again. PAX got to choose Freshman Hill or Sophomore Hill. They chose Sophomore Hill.

Simplicity at Sophomore Hill – Bernie up the pavement, lunge all the way down, bear crawl up the grassy area. come back to the stop sign. YHC decided once was enough.

Mosey to CMU Pile for 7’s: Pull-ups (at the top) and Thrusters at the bottom. We got about 1/2-way through and ran out of time.

Mosey back to the Shovel Flag. Stop at the Stop sign to do 10 Monkey Humpers OYO. Jog back to the overhang, wagon wheel, jailbreak at the stop sign to the shovel flag.

Back 15 seconds early… nice.

Mary didn’t know… because she wasn’t pre-sent.
4 RUSHers and 10 PAX!

This week Butterknife, myself, and then Lil’ Spice (VQ on Friday) are covering habits! Today was my JUCO Farewell Q, if you will. Since July 31, 2019, JUCO has been my home AO. But I’ve purchased a house that is closer to Shamrock, so I wanted to Q on my last time out and share something that’s been meaningful over the long haul for me in relation to habits.

Habits are important – one day at a time we meet the demands that come along. But whether good or bad, we’re becoming something. Below is the story of “the Starving Baker”, something I learned about years ago in a series of books called “Habitudes” when I lived in Japan. Take it in and hear the message it communicates:

Imagine if you will. You visit a bakery not far from your home. It’s new. You know you’re going to love this place because they’ve hired a new baker who has recipes for breads, pastries, donuts, cakes and cinnamon rolls that are to die for.

Word has gotten out about this bakery. Crowds start forming lines each day, waiting for the new confections to come from this baker’s marvelous kitchen. After you purchase your cinnamon roll, you sit down to watch this baker in action—and you notice something right away. The baker doesn’t seem to have enough help. Everyday, he ends up trying to serve all the customers himself. He is scurrying back and forth, busy with all the requests of the people—but oblivious to what’s happening to him. His exhaustion is quickly becoming burn out. What’s worse, as you watch him for a few weeks, you see a change. This man is getting thin. Very thin. It almost seems like he is shriveling up. What’s the deal?

Suddenly, the problem becomes obvious to you. This man never stops to eat. The irony is, he is so busy serving bread to everyone else, he never stops to eat anything he serves. With food all around him, he is starving. Hmmm. Sound familiar?

So, are you the Starving Baker? Are you neglecting yourself so that you can feed others, only to become more and more emaciated and at your wits end that it seems no one is helping you? Maybe it’s time to step back and ask “am I doing what God has called me to do or what I want to do?” He will bless what He calls you to, but remember that daily habits can feed your soul or they can starve your spirit. Choose wisely this day whom you will serve.

Prayed for Survivor, Cosmo’s mom, Data’s marriage, and Booster’s recovery. Also both decisions were made to avoid 11’s with Burpees and Merkins, so I guess the PAX had good intuition if they wanted to avoid those exercises (mainly the Burpees)
See the recent posts about the Blade/Whetstone. Convergence July 2 at JUCO too!

FORMing Habits

THE SCENE: 66 and breezy

Today we focused on form and practiced calling out exercises.
I’ll give you an excercise, you announce it to the group, get us ready, and count it out for us.

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Motivators 8x
Tempo squats
Mosey to the new building.

  • Tricep Dips

Mosey to the library. Booster’s Habit: 100 merkins, 100 squats, 3 minutes of planks

  • 1 min plank
  • Mosey to parking lot beside the duck pond do 20 Merkins
    Mosey to the courtyard do 20 squats
    Rinse and repeat 3 times
  • 1 min plank
  • Mosey to parking lot beside the duck pond do 20 Merkins
    Mosey to the courtyard do 20 squats
    Rinse and repeat 2 times
  • Mosey to the cones in the new parking lot for some football drills
  • Scissor Kicks x20
  • Mosey to the flag

No time.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
This week we are going to discuss habits. Day 1:
A Habit, standing alone, can be positive, negative or neutral.
• A negative Habit is one that is damaging to the individual who engages in it, the people who might be affected by it or both. Texting while driving is an example of a negative Habit.
• A neutral Habit is one that is neither damaging nor Advantageous to the individual or anyone else. Chewing gum while driving is a neutral Habit.
• A positive Habit, a Brick, is a regular tendency that is Advantageous to the individual or others. Wearing a seat belt is a positive Habit.

The HIM helps other men discontinue their negative Habits, minimize time spent on neutral Habits while initiating and ingraining positive Habits.

Start small. Say a prayer first thing in the morning, do a Bible study/get into the word, come to an F3 workout, sign up to Q.

Your heart ❤️ follows your habits.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Agility training to unify the body

THE SCENE: Perfect spring weather, high 40s, clear, no moon

  • Projectivators
  • Tempo Squats
  • Lunges
  • LBACs
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers


  • Mosey to recruiting center with agility warm up on the way
    • Borg-style lunge stretch
    • High knees
    • Butt kicks
    • Lateral
    • Karaoke
  • At the recruiting center, everybody get a block.
  • Remember, the goal is to feel soft and light. If it isn’t soft and light, slow down, ease up.
  • Dora – 300 heavy LBCs while your partner does toe taps, swap every 25 LBCs, at 150 swap to side taps
  • Dora – 200 heavy squats while your partner practices silent box jumps, swap every 25
  • Dora – 300 heavy freddies while partner does a cycle of ladder agility, swap each ladder cycle
    • High knees forward
    • One foot forward, each side
    • High knees lateral
    • One foot lateral, each side
  • Dora – 100 rows each arm while partner does a sprint from the belly, swap once he moseys back
  • One round of max pull ups
  • High tail it back

No time

Speed is the lack of hesitation

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

Decision making is an enormous mental burden. Just watch someone who is doing it. They look into the distance or close their eyes. They can’t focus on other things, they seem distracted. Mentally evaluating possibilities and variations in outcomes occupies the entirety of cognitive processes.

Thus, if you want to be fast, if you want to be efficient, you need to eliminate all unnecessary decision making that you can. This is a major value of training, in general. It is the deliberate effort of pre-deciding on the details of action, then working to upload them into your routine memory so that you can respond quickly to a situation without the hesitation and burden of thought. This doesn’t mean you are thoughtless, on the contrary it effectively increases the volume of thought per time available to you by desynchronizing the process. By eliminating the need to think about the basics of your action, you can be freed to consider the situation from a tactical and strategic perspective. Our individual bodies are stunningly capable when executing a rehearsed action. What is more, our communal bodies are downright incomprehensible to watch when operating in coordination.

All this power rests essentially on layers of pre-decision. Today, when you are calm, thoughtful, patient, make some decisions. Decide what your priorities are, what you value, and what you would sacrifice for them. Take those values and start meticulously applying them to the real things that you do. Don’t do it in one day or one week. This is the process of bricklaying. Find one thing at a time, make a decision, and then start living that decision out. This will train you to make that decision regularly. Once that decision is trained, pick another. Don’t get high level, bring it down to discreet, actionable things.
Steam punk candy canes
Family workout Saturday at 9 am. Bobbit is working on planting an AO at Fort Southwest Point in Kingston. OTB workouts during April, join the slack channel #Rampart for info. Family camping trip April 1-3 at Cove Lake State Park, Family hike at 1pm April 2, meet at the Cove Lake parking lot. Contact Kickflip for details and to see if you can get one of his extra campsite reservations.