F3 Knoxville

Keep Moving Forward @ The Equalizer

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy, feels like 19 degrees

SSH x20, 1 Burpees, Tempo Merkins x10, 2 Burpees, Imperial Walkers x10, 3 Burpees, Rockettes x10, 4 Burpees


  • Mosey to Flagpole for 4 Corners on the track (3 laps) (Reps 20-15-10)
    • LBC’s, Mountain Climbers (4-count), Jump Squats, Merkins
    • Freddie Mercury at Flagpole til 6 is up
  • Mosey to Rock Pile and pick a rock
    • Rows, then dry docks at the dock (20-15-10-5)
    • Rock Curls (10 lower, 10 upper, 10 full motion)
    • Tricep Extensions (20)
    • Lunge up ramp to bathroom w/ rock shouldered.  Alternate shoulders half way.
    • 5’s at bathroom (Squats w/ rock & pullups), replace rock
  • Mosey to top parking lot
    • Partner up.  1 person Bernies to the end of parking lot while other person does 10 Merkins before trying to catch their partner.  Switch Places.  Repeat x3
  • Fellowship Mosey back to AO

Big Boys x10, 5 Burpees

Always keep moving forward!



THE SCENE: Dark, above freezing & perfect for a gloomy workout

  • SSH IC x 25
  • Windmill IC x 10
  • Little bit of this and a little bit of that
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 5 (Dogg Pound Style)
  • Warm-ups, Butt-kickers, High Knees, Karaoke & Prime Time’s

Grab a CMU & mosey to the track

  • 10 CMU Shoulderings (2 ct)
  • Run 3 laps
  • 10 CMU Shoulderings
  • 20 Over the Top Merkins
  • Run 2 laps
  • 10 CMU Shoulderings
  • 20 Over the Top Merkins
  • 30 Thrusters (Elbows to Knee, head through the Window)
  • Run 1 lap – This is where we ran out of time, but had we finished…
  • 10 CMU Shoulderings
  • 20 Over the Top Merkins
  • 30 Thrusters
  • 40 2 Feet Mountain Climbers


Have you ever asked your kids to complete a chore? Maybe on this occasion they didn’t really want to. They eventually end up doing it, but not before dragging their feet, walking super slow, staring at the task and then begrudgingly start. How did that you make you feel? If you’re like me you anxiety kicks into overdrive and you start offering some verbal motivation.

Have you ever felt a calling in your life, or felt that God wanted you to move in one direction over another? Maybe on this occasion you said, “I’ll pray about it…” “Let me think about it…” Maybe you drug your feet a little…

What we know as Parents or as Leaders, is that delayed obedience is really disobedience. Next time you feel God pulling you in one direction or another, just do it! Don’t delay.

Do you think when Noah was asked to the build the Ark that he was hemming and hawing before he got to work? Or do you think he just got started? He didn’t even know what an Ark was…

If you feel God calling you into something, just step into it. Immediately.


We’re missing Men from our consistent Tuesday crowd. A lot of people are sick right now. Please make sure to pray this week especially for Excitebike and the loss of his Grandfather, Junk & Family as they are answering a call into being foster parents and our community as sickness is spreading fast.


Leg Day at The Equalizer

THE SCENE: Cool, but not for long. Also, look at that moon.



  • Grady Corns IC | Windmills IC
  • Rockettes IC


Three circuits, each done threeish times (20/10/5 reps). Begin at flag circle & run clockwise:

Circuit 1

  • Standing Abduction at Stinky Corner
  • Split Squat at Picnic Table
  • Reverse Lunge at Playground Entrance
  • SSH IC at Flag Circle (Pick Up Six or Exercise Until Six is Up)

Circuit 2

  • Squat
  • Calf Raise
  • Lateral Lunge
  • Flamingos IC

Circuit 3

  • Hip Extension
  • GA Cheerleaders
  • Lunge
  • Step Ups IC


  • Bend down & grab toes
  • Sit squat
  • Knee to chest / Knee across
  • Child pose 
  • Cobra Kai


CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Stolen Content from Matt20 & today’s online Bible study



Embrace the Struggle

THE SCENE: Dry, 30ish but felt colder for some reason

Little Baby Arm Circles Forward (4 ct) x 10

Little Baby Arm Circles Backward (4 ct) x 10

Michael Phelps

A little bit of this and a little bit of that for the arms and the legs

Windmills (4 ct) x 10

Some quick stretching while in the windmill position

14th day of the year

14 burpees

351 days to go

SSH (4 ct) x 50 (251 left)


Mosey to the rock pile

SSH (4 ct) x 50 (151 left)

Pick a rock

Rifle carry the rock to the flagpole

SSH (4 ct) x 50 (51 left)

Using the loop as a baseball diamond, we have four rep stations – 1st base (corner near the playground), 2nd base (the top near the tennis courts), 3rd base (stinky corner), and Home (the flagpole).

Mosey to 1st base and do 10 reps of the exercise

Mosey from 1st base to 2nd base and do 20 reps

Mosey from 2nd base to 3rd base and do 30 reps

Mosey from 3rd base to Home and do 40 reps

First lap – Curls (running with rock)

SSH (4 ct) x 25 (1 left)

SSH (single count) x 1

Second lap – Squats (without the rock to let our arms rest)

Third lap – Shoulder presses (with the rock again)

Fourth lap – LBCs (without the rock)

Fellowship mosey to the rock pile to return the rocks

Mosey to the AO


Mary is usually all about the abs, but the Q is nursing an ab injury (hopefully that’s all that it is).

My dad’s birthday was this week.  He would have been 84 this year.  In honor of him and his 84th birthday, each of the PAX did 84 merkins.

In 45 minutes, the PAX did:

14 burpees

351 SSHs

100 curls

100 squats

100 shoulder presses

100 LBCs

84 merkins

9 HIMs struggled together.  Tonka had to leave before the pic.


The saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” does not come from the Bible, even though a lot of Christians cite it.  It comes from German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who, ironically, did not believe in God.

The saying “God won’t give you more than you can handle” is drawn from 1 Corinthians 10:13, but that verse really deals with temptation, not suffering/struggling.

God does not promise anyone that they won’t suffer/struggle, just ask Job.

So, what’s the point of suffering/struggling?

President Richard Nixon once said that rich people who have it all, who do not work, and who do not struggle “don’t know life because what makes life mean something is purpose, a goal, the battle, the struggle, even if you don’t win it.”

Here is what the Bible does say about suffering/struggling:

“More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” – Romans 5:3-5.

Prayers for Ribbed’s wife, Submarine and Trunk’s grandmother, and all of our struggles


None mentioned

Planting Flowers @ The Equalizer 1/5/22

THE SCENE: Mid 30s and dry.  Partly cloudy.  High spirits.  All PAX arrived on time, including an FNG

Feet together and touch toes for 20-count; Windmills IC x5; Sumo Squat for 20-count; Rockettes IC x6; Grady Corns IC x5; Tempo Merkins IC x5; Mosey to the Flag Pole
Insert information about the workout.

* All exercises performed to Moby’s “Flower” cadence (“green Sally up, green Sally down…”)

* run lap around entire park between rounds – clockwise on the track leaving from Flag Pole and following track all the way past the tennis court to where it exits onto the road, then uphill and counterclockwise around Stonehenge, up and across the Splash Pad, down to the Bathhouse, windy path towards the docks, run the culdesac, back down the road beneath Bermuda Triangle and to the track entrance, track to Flag Pole…approx 0.65 miles.  Return for the Six once you finish.  Standing 10-count before beginning next round once the PAX has returned.

  • Round 1 – Hand Release Merkins
  • Round 2 – Squats
  • Round 3 – Leg Raises

One final Lap+ around the track (from Flag Pole all the way around and back to the AO)
12 HIMs – FNG “Gurney”, Stripped, Blindside, School Zone, Choir Boy, Aladdin, Mouthwash, Snitch, Tank, Ribbed, Tonka, Trunk
When it comes to goal setting and goal achieving, fear is enemy number one for a lot of people.  Fear and self-doubt do not come from God.  He is not a fearful God, and we are made in His image.  Give your fears to God, and let His promises be a tailwind to propel you towards your achievements.  He will impower you to take the necessary actions.  He won’t do it for you, so you must make repetitive decisions to persevere, and those decisions will be rewarded when you reach your achievement and feel the satisfaction of proving yourself to yourself.
Isaiah 41:9-10 – I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you.  I said, “You are my servant;” I have chosen you and have not rejected you.  So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.