F3 Knoxville

Meeting Bernie at the Oval Office

THE SCENE: 65 with 98% humidity

SSH IC x 51

Tempo squat IC x10

Monkey Humper IC x 10 4ct
Mosey to Oval Office. 4 cones as follows around track:


Bobby Hurley (in honor of Bucks title)

Iron Mike 2ct

Monkey Humpers 4ct

Run track regular on odd numbered laps. With even loop, everyone bernies around. Stop at each cone and perform designated exercise. Exercises started with 5 reps per loop and increased by 5 for every lap completed. Complete as many loops as you can.

Mosey back to Grindstone.

High plank waiting for 6.

Mountain climbers IC x 20

Catalina wine mixer IC x10

Peter Parkers IC x 10

Cataline wine mixer IC x 10

LBCs to close last 30 seconds

7 HIMs
You never know what someone else is going through. God had put a friend on my heart months ago to reach out to. I never did. He stopped by my work yesterday just to say hi. We talked a little and after sending him a text later in the day I found out he was going through a really hard time. He has had some difficulties with his health as well and is in a really tough spot.

You never know what someone else is going through. If you have a gut feeling to check on your friends, then check on them. Ask them how they’re doing. Everyone is fighting their own battles even though there may be a smile on the exterior. Be kind always. Love your neighbor.

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind.”

– Robin Williams

2.0 workout this coming weekend

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor

THE SCENE: Low 70s and approximately 1000% humidity



SSH x25; LBAC x10 both directions; Imperial Squat Walkers x10

Grab your CMU and mosey to the Oval Office. Deck of cards on the track at the top of the stairs. Each man would draw a card that determined what exercise he would do then after completing it would run about halfway down the straightaway and back before drawing another card.

  • 2-5 – Run Splash Mountain that many times (stairs)
  • 6-10 – Do double that number of burpees
  • Jack – Chest Press x25
  • Queen – Goblet Squat x25
  • King – Lion King x25
  • Ace – Thruster x25

Hello Dolly x10; LBCs for time

5 HIMs tested their luck this morning

“Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways.” Proverbs 28:6

We need to make sure that our integrity is more important than gaining earthly possessions. Taking a shortcut or cheating someone is never worth getting ahead in our job or any part of our life. It will eventually lead to our downfall so hold on to your integrity.

Swerve in his time management this week as he gets back into his normal routine. Smuggler’s wife in a possible job promotion.

2.0 workout this Saturday at the Arsenal at 8:30 – Open to boy and girl 2.0s

Gents do Abs, CMUs, and Sprints

THE SCENE: It felt nice out until we started sprinting and slinging CMUs around.  Then I noticed how muggy it was.

Welcomed Pom-Pom, Tuna, and McKowski visiting from Chicago!


  • Side Shuttle Hops
  • Little Baby Arm Circles
  • Butt kicks from sideline to sideline and back
  • High Knees from sideline to sideline and back

Jogged up to the oval office.  Half of us had CMUs.  Had 2 stations of exercises.  Once one exercise was complete jog on the track to the station on the opposite end of the track.  On the way to the next station there were 2 sets of cones.  HIMs were to muster all they had and sprint from one cone to the next.  Station exercises were as follows:

  • 5 Grip, Rip, Rolls
  • 5 Catalina Wine Mixers
  • 10 Grave Diggers (2-count)
  • 10 Freddy Mercury’s
  • 15 CMU curls
  • 15 American Hammers (2-count)
  • 20 CMU Swings
  • 20 V-ups (everyone’s favorite)

10 Heel taps in cadence and 10 LBCs


A few years ago, I ran in the Panerathon Expo 10k/5k in downtown Knoxville along with my wife and a few of our coworkers. In races held in high-traffic areas like downtown Knoxville, there are usually several police cars along the course to ensure the safety of runners by blocking and conducting traffic. There were also several volunteers along the course directing runners which way the course went and encouraging us as we ran by. I find it wonderful that people volunteer to get up so early to stand at a corner for hours directing people over and over and encouraging hundreds of runners as they pass. Some were more enthusiastic than others, but I was grateful for all of them. 

Even though these volunteers committed half their Saturday to working the race without any compensation, I was more impressed with the person who was required to be there; the person who was paid to be there. A police officer and his car were posted on one of the overpasses to ensure no cars attempted to drive on or through the race course. I am sure it was his assignment to work the race. It was his job, so yes, he was getting paid to stand there for two hours as people ran by. It was his job, and all he had to do was stand there and ensure the safety of the runners, but he chose to make it more than just a duty. As we ran, he genuinely shouted encouragement with a smile on his face. I have run in numerous races and have never witnessed a police officer that involved in a race.

I doubt that police officer anticipated being recognized or rewarded for how he handled his race duties, and I doubt he was, but that did not stop him from making someone’s life better. He took something mundane and turned it into something magnificent with his only motivation being to make a difference in someone’s life. 

“The person doing the work determines the difference between the mundane and the magnificent.” – Mark Sanborn, Author of The Fred Factor

Pray for peace and comfort for Kim and Daniel and family.

This hill from the road to the grindstone is slippery when wet 🙂

Thing 1 & Thing 2

THE SCENE: 65 degrees, clear, humid

15 x SSH IC

10 x arm circles IC (forward and back)

10 x tempo squats IC

5 x tempo merkins IC
Mosey up the greenway to the highest point in Springbrook Park.  Longer mosey than usual.

Thing 1:  4 Exercises with 100 reps each.  Break up the exercises any way you want, but no rest.  Go from one to the other:  Merkins, Big Boy Sit Ups, Squats, Flutter Kicks (2ct).  When complete run to wooden bridge and back.

Mosey down the greenway to Mt. Crumpet.

Thing 2:  Run up Mt. Crumpet, around the Christmas Tree, and back down.  5 Jumping Squats at the bottom.  Repeat….over and over again, then one more time.

Mosey back to the grinder as a group for Pax Roulette:  Many exercises called including: Alphabet, little baby crunches, catalina wine mixers, merkins, protractor, bicycle crunches, and others that I’m forgetting.

A big part of F3 is to develop leadership.  One way to develop leadership is to read about great leaders from the past.  Great leaders were not perfect all the time.  They often experienced great failures, but we tend to just remember the good things.  One example that I learned recently was about Winston Churchill.  Most remember the great leader of the UK during WW II.  However, during WW I he was in charge of the British Navy and he presided over a huge failure.  The British and their allies attempted what was at the time the largest sea invasion in history at Gallipoli, Turkey.  The campaign lasted months and ended in 10’s of thousands of deaths and defeat for the British and their allies.  Churchill resigned his leadership position and in a short time enlisted in the army…and went to the front lines.  This was a rich man who was essentially born in a castle.  But he owned his failure and set about doing what he could to move forward.  The men on the front lines recognized Churchill’s ability to lead men and over time his career and reputation recovered.  Today we know him as the prime minister of the UK who stood up to Nazism.
Praying for healing for F3 brothers with injuries.

Moses MOG Mile

THE SCENE: Beautiful Morning for some sweat to hit the floor

SSH, Windmill, Mosey w/CMU to Oval Office .

  • 1 Mile run
  • 25 overhead press
  • 50 curls
  • 75 bent over row
  • 100 walking lunges
  • 400m run
  • 100 push-ups
  • 400m run
  • 100 air squats
  • 75 overhead press
  • 50 curls
  • 25 bent over row
  • 1 mile run

No time for play
5 of us
“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.””
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:13-14‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Moses beer mile and field day July 17th

CSAUP on the 24th

Hardship Hill!