F3 Knoxville

Setback. Move Forward

THE SCENE:  Extra gloomy – just how we like it.

  • OHC
  • Phelps
  • Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Andrew, The Matador
  • Squats
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Cobra / Down Dog
  • Walking lunges


Mosey to the recruiting center and grab a CMU

  • Roll the die. Complete that number of exercises in the sequence. (e.g., roll a 3 – complete exercises, 1, 2, and 3)
  • Roll the die again and complete that many exercises, starting where we left off. (e.g., roll a 2, complete exercises 4, and 5).
  • Roll the die a third time – this time we go back that many exercises (e.g., roll a 4, complete exercises 5, 4, 3, and 2).
  • Repeat until the set is finished. Two rolls move us forward, every third roll sends us backwards.

Exercises were;

  • 5          Blockees
  • 20        Toe Merkin Triceps
  • 20        Goblet squats
  • 16        Side pulls (8 each side)
  • 10        1-arm thrusters (5 each side)
  • 5          Irky Derkies
  • 12        Good mornings
  • 10        High pulls (5 each side)
  • 10        Heavy Lunges (5 each side)
  • 15        Curls
  • 4          Burpee jump overs
  • 15        Heavy LBCs
  • 10        Alpos
  • 15        CMU Swings
  • 20        Squats
  • 5          Walkover merkins
  • 15        2-arm rows
  • 10        Lunge thrusters (5 each leg)
  • 10        Heavy freddies (4 count)
  • 5          Blockees


No time!


Me and 3 of the best men I know


We’ve been talking the last couple of weeks about bricklaying – and about forming habits.  Part of that discussion was centered around “what causes us to stop our pursuit of a new habit?”  Last week, we ended the discussion talking about boredom and short-term perspective as two habit-killers.  Here’s another – maybe it’s because we have an “all-or-nothing” mindset.  If we fail one time, we think we are a failure.  When you are implementing a new habit – remember to give yourself some grace, big fella.  Being consistent is not the same thing as being perfect. 

With these new habits that we are forming – and old habits that we are leaving behind – if you miss a day (WHEN you miss a day) – what do we do?  If you take two steps forward, only to take one step back, what do we do?  We lean forward again and keep progressing toward the objective.   

Maybe you’re trying to start a healthy habit

  • …exercising everyday…
  • …praying with the wife everyday…
  • …reading something that uplifts your soul everyday…
  • …leading your family spiritually everyday…

“I had a goal to start ____ but I’ve lost track of that goal and it’s been 2 months”START AGAIN – keep pursuing it.  One day off does not spoil your journey.  Keep pressing on!

Maybe you’re trying to stop an unhealthy habit

  • …raging at the kids…
  • …spending money frivolously…
  • …looking at fake pictures of fake naked women…
  • …drinking not to relax, but to withdraw…

“I really want to stop doing ____ but I did it again”Time to restart your streak!  Keep resisting!  One slipup does not change the objective to rid your life of this vice. 

“A setback only paves the way for a comeback.” – Evander Holyfield

In Romans, Paul says, “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.”  Romans 7:15 (NLT).  I can relate!

BB Reader: I hope you being challenged to accelerate your fitness, your fellowship, and your faith.  I hope you are striving each day to be a better father, husband, and friend.  I hope you’ve been setting up new habits and systems in your life to achieve those goals – but today’s takeaway is this…  WHEN you have a setback in chasing that new objective…don’t give up on it – one failure does not make you a failure – KEEP AFTER IT.  Momentary failure is just part of the process.  Missed one day?  Did that thing again?  Okay…identify your vulnerability and shore it up… Now, START AGAIN toward your goal. 


  • Hat tip to Blindside for his BOM last week that inspired this BOM.
  • Throwing dice with 3 of my favorite men in the world – no better way to start a day!
  • Who is that lady at Dunkin… Doesn’t she know that is our table? 🙂
  • At this moment, I hope to never do another Irky Derky for the rest of my life.


  • March 26:  OTB Workout at Fort Southwest Point in Kingston – 7:00 AM.  Our own Bobbitt will be planting Knoxville F3’s newest AO, Rampart.  Come help us spread the word and demo a workout for Kingston men who want to see what this F3 thing is all about.
  • April 1-3:  Family Camping Trip.  Cove Lake State Park.  Come one night or both.  (I have an extra site – site 27, right on the water – let me know if you want it!)
  • April 2:  Family Hike.  Devil’s Racetrack near Caryville.  If you are not camping, meet us at the swimming pool parking lot at 1:00 PM.  We’ll carpool to the trailhead.

Good example

THE SCENE: a little windy, around 40 degrees at the Project

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 15 Imperial walkers
Mosey to the recruitment center and grab a block. Head to the theater stairs. Perform each exercise twice, running up the stairs after each set.

  • 25 merkins
  • 25 over head presses
  • 25 curls
  • 25 rows
  • 25 squats
  • 25 lunges
  • 25 heavy flutter kicks
  • 25 heavy LBCs

Bonus merkins at the end. Head back to the storage area and knock out 10 blockees. Head back to the flag.

15 Freddie Mercury, 15 heels to Heaven, 15 flutter kicks, 15 prone rows
8 crushed that workout this morning!
So when He had washed their feet, and taken His garments and reclined at the table again, He said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord; and you are right, for so I am. If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you. Truly, truly, I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.-John 13:12‭-‬16 NASB1995

Jesus’ example here shows us the importance of humility and serving others. Despite Jesus being God in the flesh, He still served others, showing us the true love we should have for our fellow man. We are to lead by serving just as Jesus did.

Always a pleasure to lead at the Project. Nice prerunning this morning too!

Agility training to unify the body

THE SCENE: Perfect spring weather, high 40s, clear, no moon

  • Projectivators
  • Tempo Squats
  • Lunges
  • LBACs
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers


  • Mosey to recruiting center with agility warm up on the way
    • Borg-style lunge stretch
    • High knees
    • Butt kicks
    • Lateral
    • Karaoke
  • At the recruiting center, everybody get a block.
  • Remember, the goal is to feel soft and light. If it isn’t soft and light, slow down, ease up.
  • Dora – 300 heavy LBCs while your partner does toe taps, swap every 25 LBCs, at 150 swap to side taps
  • Dora – 200 heavy squats while your partner practices silent box jumps, swap every 25
  • Dora – 300 heavy freddies while partner does a cycle of ladder agility, swap each ladder cycle
    • High knees forward
    • One foot forward, each side
    • High knees lateral
    • One foot lateral, each side
  • Dora – 100 rows each arm while partner does a sprint from the belly, swap once he moseys back
  • One round of max pull ups
  • High tail it back

No time

Speed is the lack of hesitation

Slow is smooth, smooth is fast

Decision making is an enormous mental burden. Just watch someone who is doing it. They look into the distance or close their eyes. They can’t focus on other things, they seem distracted. Mentally evaluating possibilities and variations in outcomes occupies the entirety of cognitive processes.

Thus, if you want to be fast, if you want to be efficient, you need to eliminate all unnecessary decision making that you can. This is a major value of training, in general. It is the deliberate effort of pre-deciding on the details of action, then working to upload them into your routine memory so that you can respond quickly to a situation without the hesitation and burden of thought. This doesn’t mean you are thoughtless, on the contrary it effectively increases the volume of thought per time available to you by desynchronizing the process. By eliminating the need to think about the basics of your action, you can be freed to consider the situation from a tactical and strategic perspective. Our individual bodies are stunningly capable when executing a rehearsed action. What is more, our communal bodies are downright incomprehensible to watch when operating in coordination.

All this power rests essentially on layers of pre-decision. Today, when you are calm, thoughtful, patient, make some decisions. Decide what your priorities are, what you value, and what you would sacrifice for them. Take those values and start meticulously applying them to the real things that you do. Don’t do it in one day or one week. This is the process of bricklaying. Find one thing at a time, make a decision, and then start living that decision out. This will train you to make that decision regularly. Once that decision is trained, pick another. Don’t get high level, bring it down to discreet, actionable things.
Steam punk candy canes
Family workout Saturday at 9 am. Bobbit is working on planting an AO at Fort Southwest Point in Kingston. OTB workouts during April, join the slack channel #Rampart for info. Family camping trip April 1-3 at Cove Lake State Park, Family hike at 1pm April 2, meet at the Cove Lake parking lot. Contact Kickflip for details and to see if you can get one of his extra campsite reservations.

Schedule Your Priorities

THE SCENE:   56 and drizzly
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Seal claps
  • Burger Squat Jumps *
  • Angel crunches
  • Gas pumps
  • Plank jacks
  • Catalina wine mixer


Mosey to the library quad.  Four corners.  Complete exercises as written – EMOM run a lap around the fountain.  Move quadrants as a group – at the pace of the fastest man.

  • 20 Squat + Box Jump
  • 40 BBS
  • 60 Lunge pulses
  • 80 Merkins

Mosey to the playground – max pull-ups.

Mosey to the amphitheater.  Pyramid.  30 seconds each.  Round 1 do exercise 1, Round 2 do exercises 1 and 2, Round 3, do 1, 2, and 3…etc.

  1. Stretch OYO
  2. Boggart Circle **
  3. SSH
  4. Mountain climbers
  5. Burger Jump Squats *
  6. Gas pumps
  7. Catalina wine mixer
  8. Angel crunches
  9. Plank hip dips
  10. Body builders


Only had time for this week’s plank challenge – 80 seconds


Me and 8 of the best men that I know


The Word this morning starts in Mathew 8… It’s soon after Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount.  He and his follows were in Capernaum, getting ready to leave.  A disciple comes and says, “first let me go and bury my father.” Jesus responded, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”  That seems kind of harsh, Jesus.

I was reading in a couple of commentaries – Ellicott’s and Barnes’ – that the word “dead” is used in this passage in two different senses.  The Greek term, nekrous, can mean “dead; corpse” – but it can also be used to express indifference toward a thing; or, rather, to show that a thing has no influence over us.  Roman 7, “dead to the world…”, “dead to the law…” – Romans 6 “dead to sin…” – those all use the term nekrous – to mean “not influenced by”.

So, perhaps, Jesus is using a play on words to say, “Let people who are uninterested in my work – people who are indifferent to spiritual things – let THEM perform routine duties.”  The statement implies… “so that you can spend your time living a higher calling.” Jesus and his band of misfits were healing the sick (!), raising the dead (!), casting out demons (!)…let someone who is not interested in those things do the lower conventional duties (or leave them undone).

Everyone has a finite amount of focus, time, and energy.  We need to prioritize the higher things over the lower things. 

I’m reminded of a Stephen Covey principle, “put first things first”.  He talks about the 4 quadrants that we can use our time – and implores us to convert our Q3 time (where most of us spend the majority of our time) into Q2 time.  In a nutshell…don’t spend all of your time doing unimportant urgent things.  Sacrifice those things so that you can focus on important non-urgent things. 

Here are a couple of Covey quotes;

“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.”

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”

What are the Q2 things?  Not urgent – but important?  Things like;

  • Spending time reading and praying, because that brings me life and then I can offer my best to others…
  • Spending time playing with my kids, because I know that I’ll blink and they’ll be grown…
  • Making time to make love with my wife (hard with a baby in the house), because otherwise we feel a lack of connection to each other…
  • Going to bed early so you can make the F3 workouts and spend time with your F3 brothers

Challenge:  Sometime this week, sacrifice (or delegate) a routine responsibility so that you can do something that is not urgent – but is important.  I’d love to see you respond to the BB thread and let us know what it is you did.  Something like,

  • “I left the clothes in the dryer for a few hours so that I could play with my kids before they went to bed.”
  • “I wanted to spend more time with my pillow, but I rolled out of bed to make the F3 workout”
  • “I paid a guy to come replace my water heater so that I could spend my Saturday catching up with friends who I haven’t seen in a year.”

Colossians 3:2, “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”


* Burger Squat Jump:  T-Claps to Guardrail for naming this exercise!  A “Burger Squat Jump” is a wide squat, jump and bring your feet narrow, narrow squat, jump and put your feet back wide.  That’s one.  In-N-Out…

** Boggart Circle:  T-Claps to Cross-check for naming this!  It started out as us doing 30 seconds of SSH in a circle…  Impromptu and out of boredom, we started a thing…  One man would call the name of a man across from him, then they would do traveling SSH to switch sides with each other.  Since we did this 8 times total, later versions got crazy with rotating SSH, dosey-doe movements…it was totally riddikulus – which is how it got the name. (Sidebar: Pool Boy likes Harry Potter but hates SSH…I wonder what he’ll think of the Boggart Circle?).


CSAUP this Saturday!

Double ladder meets: give yourself a shot

THE SCENE: 20s full moon

  • Imperial squakers
  • seal claps
  • upward and downward dog
  • stretch on your own


Mosey to swim wall and do mike tyson push-ups. so do one pushup, then fold into child’s pose for 1 sec. rest. then do 2 pushups and back into child pose. continue until ten. that should be 55 push-ups
Mosey to play ground;
complete Kick-flip challenge by doing 15 more pushups (70 – total), 7 chin-ups and 70 sec plank.
mosey to parking lot for double ladder.
Ladder 1:
10 burpees
20 Big boys
30 Mountain climbers (2 count)
40 Squats
50 American Hammers (2 count)
40 Squats
30 Mountain climbers (2 count)
20 Big boys
10 burpees
Ladder 2:
between each exercise, sprint to the cone. the cones ladder in distance.
Mosey to stage
11s box jumps with dips (note stopped at 9 boxjumps)
Mosey to bars
3 rounds of 20 reverse rows while partner planks.

4 minutes of user choice


give yourself a shot at doing something you thin in unattainable