F3 Knoxville

March Madness with 2.0s

THE SCENE: 50s, dense fog to drizzle

  • Reach for the sky
  • Let it hang
  • Neck Rolls
  • Arm Circles Forward, Backward, Morrocan Night Clubs, OH Claps x 10 each
  • Hip Circles in cadence
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Tempo Merkins

Find the curb – then Lunge and Twist, Toy Soldiers and Elbow to Instep

Mosey to the “Court”yard of paradise for March Madness Doras

  • Bobby Hurleys x 200
  • Dips x 150
  • Bonnie Blairs x 100
  • Merkins x 50
  • Bobby Hurleys x 200 because coach said to do more freethrows when you are tired.

Mosey, wagonwheel, jailbreak back to the flag

Flutterkicks x 25

Sidestraddle hops x 25
18 HIMS, 3 named 2.0s and 10 FNG 2.0s
Happy St. Patricks Day!  Did you know that St. Patricks Day is not about Irish Traditions, it is about the spread of the Gospel by St. Patrick in Ireland after he was kidnapped at age 16 from Britain, forced to work in Ireland, escaped slavery only to return to plant churches all over Ireland.  The truth can be lost some 1600 years after things happen.  So lets talk about Lies — what is the worst that can happen when we think about Lies?  The Pax correctly answered, “We can believe them.”

Satan, the enemy, Jesus said is the father of lies – John 8:44.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life.” John 14:6.  Let’s talk about one of God’s important truths — the fruits of the Spirit — love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (of which against there is no law)  Think about where God put Adam and Eve — in the Garden of Eden.  We are constantly surrounded by manmade homes, buildings and materials, but when we get into nature, we see how God makes things.  This is how it works inside our souls.  God granted me a great peace that passes understanding in my greatest time of need, and I believe it was because of my love for God and belief that my faith mattered.  The agricultural theme throughout the Bible is not just for the people of the day to understand, but it is how God works.

I encourage you all to read Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20, Luke 8:4–15 — the Parable of the Sower of the Seed.  We cannot earn the fruits of the Spirit but we can resist the lies of the enemy, deceitfulness of wealth and world systems, and desire of the flesh to live when faced with persecution.  We can also prepare our soil through unity with God.  The oneness with God thru Jesus Christ gives us light from the fierce fiery love of God and saturates us with the River of Life from the throne room of God.  This COT is a continuation of a Q previously: Psalms 37:4, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Decided to read this literally, by delighting in the Lord, HE will literally give me the pure, holy desires in my heart (not give me what I desire).  Desire is the fuel that waters Passion, and Passion is the soil from which Purpose can Grow  =   Abundant Life.
Please pray for my friend, Nick Osborn’s healing from cancer and salvation.

One another

THE SCENE: a balmy 50 degrees at the Project.

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo Merkins, 10 LBAC forward and backward, 10 tempo squats, 10 imperial walkers
Mosey to the K-25 hill for 11s. Merkins at the bottom squats at the top.

Mosey to the track for some laps. Run a lap after each of the following:

  • 10 burpees
  • 30 Merkins
  • 30 squats
  • 30 heels to Heaven
  • 20 diamond merkins

Mosey back to the shovel flag.

Flutter kicks IC
8 plus an almost FNG. He got through almost half but got kinda dizzy and sat out the rest. Next time!
There are many “one anothers” scattered throughout the Bible. There a few in particular that I want to present for today.

Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. (James 5:16)

Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.(Colossians 3:16)

and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.(Hebrews 10:24‭-‬25)

These are all things that we can do as part of worship to God, but they are also meant to build each other up. Worship may have looked a little different for a big part of the year or perhaps worship hasn’t been a regular part of your life at all. I would like to encourage you to make sure you are taking advantage of this resource.

We covered a lot more distance than I originally thought we might. Great job!

Project Deck of Pain Part 2: Isolated? No! Relationships in Spades!

THE SCENE: Low 30’s but dry so good to go.

Moroccan Night Club x 15 IC (for Erector!)
Forward Lunges x 5 ea, Reverse Lunges x 5 ea OYO
Tempo Squats x 10 IC
Tempo Merkins x 10 IC
Tennessee Rocking Chair x 10 IC

This is Part 2. Part 1 here: Soldiering Through the Project Deck of Pain

The following Spades were not done last time but we did them this time:

Location Suit Card Description Card Amt Modified Amt
Shovel Flag Spades 2 1 lap entire shovel flag parking lot 1 1
Shovel Flag Spades 3 Dips on the curb 15 5
Shovel Flag Spades 4 Bear crawl in parking lot Q’s distance Q’s distance
Shovel Flag Spades 6 Tempo squats 10 10
Shovel Flag Spades 8 Jumping Spider 10 5
Shovel Flag Spades 9 Heels to Heaven IC 20 10
Shovel Flag Spades J Stationary Lunges 10 ea leg 5 each leg
Shovel Flag Spades Q Al Gore 30 sec hold x 2 30 sec hold x 1
Shovel Flag Spades A Single Leg Calf Raise 15 ea leg 7 ea leg

From there we did the following “randomly” pulled exercises (these aren’t in order but my cards got off so I’ve just put them in a filtered list from all exercises below):

Location Suit Card Description Card Amt
Shovel Flag Spades 5 Moroccan night club (if Erector is present he must lead it IC and must be 15 reps) 15
Shovel Flag Spades Q Al Gore 30 sec hold x 2
Amphitheatre Diamonds 6 Box Jumps on low theatre wall 15
Amphitheatre Diamonds 7 Flying Squirrel 10
Amphitheatre Diamonds J Iron Mike / Bonnie Blair (ea leg) 7
Amphitheatre Diamonds Q Reach for the Sky / Let it Hang 30 sec each
Amphitheatre Diamonds K Pickle Pointer IC 20
Friendship Bell Hearts 4 Reverse Crab around bell 1
Friendship Bell Hearts 9 Leg Lifts 20
Friendship Bell Hearts A Alternating Leg single leg calf raises (single count) 40


Mary-go-round (aka Rotating Dealer’s Choice) – making a normal MARY circle for Dealer’s Choice, going around the circle each PAX calls out a 4-count IC exercise . After going around, the Q or one PAX doing one of the exercises as it rotates does 10 IC reps of the exercise on the Q’s lead. PAX does the exercise the PAX to his right did. After a 3-5 sec confirmation, the Q calls out the the cadence and the PAX again do 10. Repeat for a chosen length of time or at the end during normal “MARY” part of the workout. If PAX complete all exercises in the full circle, go back to the left instead. (I made this up a few weeks ago and submitted it but it’s not on the Exicon yet)

Exercises in today’s Mary-Go-Round included the Pickle Pointer, Basilisk, LBC, Stargazer (everyone was a fan of 15 seconds of rest in!), Leg Lifts (or Heels to Heaven… the Q might have gotten these confused today!), BBS, & more!

COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMAPAX in Spades today!

Because of life circumstances and COVID, I haven’t attended church in person since March 2020. Lord willing, that will change on Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021. There are many factors that have gone into me staying away to care for those around me, but I want to write this to encourage those who are like me with what God has taught me and worked in me while absent.

1. God has not forgotten me and He hasn’t forgotten you.
It would be easy to get fatigued and feel like I’m not being faithful, making a difference, or really growing. I feel like I’m in no man’s land, simply riding the bench while everyone else gets to play the game of fellowship and worship each week. But we know that’s not true. Each person and especially those not present in person has a role to play in our church. God has called every member of the body to work and serve its purpose. He makes it clear in 1 Corinthians 12:21-23 21 The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 22 On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty,
Do not fear – you and I are not forgotten.
2. God has been working while you were ‘away’ both in you and in others.
In many ways, relationships cannot help being had in person. There are various methods of communication – email, letters, endless Zoom meetings for work and with family- but these are not exactly the same. We feel it with the drain from being in front of a screen longer than any of us knows we want to be. Even those of us who are technophiles (previously loving technology a little too much) want to join in with the technophobes (that computer is ‘of the devil’ as Bobby Bouche’s mother would say) and take a break from the endless virtual communication we get. So, for those who you haven’t seen and those who haven’t seen you for a year or so, remember that you have changed and so have they. Lord willing, you’ve both become more Christ-like and the best version of you. But if you have stumbled, if that person has not followed as straight-and-narrow of a path as you or I may think they should have, there is grace for that as well. When you see someone after not seeing that person for some time, go into it with the thought “God how can I love the 2021 (person’s name)?” Colossians 4:6 reminds us how those conversations are to be ” 6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”
God will give you the words, just listen to what the Spirit says in that moment and not your flesh is saying. Trust Him with your relationships.
3. Remember true community starts and ends with fellowship with God.
Jesus condescended from perfect communion with the Father and Spirit. We do not yet have that fellowship, and it is God’s good gift to use by giving us other people who are made in His image, giving them value and dignity and making them capable of relationship. This is God’s design, but as with all things, you and I need to realize that fellowship is to point us to God. Our church family should be one of the dearest groups of people and especially many individuals there can be so edifying and encouraging to us as friends, brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers. When we gather 2 or more, God is manifestly with us. But there is no replacing time with God and communion with the Lord. Are you following the example of Mary (Luke 10:38-42), sitting at Jesus’ feet? Are you slowing down, carving time out of your “busy schedule” to make time for what trutly matters? Or have you let the feeling of isolation pull you away from making time to intentionally get alone with Jesus every day (as Jesus Himself did with the Father in the GLOOM in Mark 1:35)
This last point has been of particular relevance to me in the preceding few months. I’ve been lonely and anxious, struggling with seeking other things to soothe my flesh rather than pressing into the Spirit.
All of these are a call to press into God and not let the things and people of this world be what take the cake for you. Appropriately desire community with others, trust God to work in those relationships, and seek God first and most.
Proverbs 18:1Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire;
    he breaks out against all sound judgment.
Press into relationships, especially the one with your Creator!
Glad to have Baby Boomer visit us!

Shamrock F3 Shirt Deadline is 3/13/2021

The Bronson 02/23/2021

THE SCENE: mid-30s cold but great day to get out
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER administered with covid warning as well

    •    Side straddle hops (IC) 4ct
    •    Imperial squakers (IC) 4ct
    •    Tennessee rocking chair
    •    Cherry pickers
    •    Stretch on your own 30 seconds


Two lines to the peace bell.
  • At the peace bell we did 7s with derkins and dips

mosey to K25 hill.

Modified Charles Bronson: place 5 cones.  perform exercise below at cone 1, run to cone 2 and do a hill sprint, run to cone 3 and do a hill sprint, bear crawl from cone 4 to 5. mosey back to cone and perform next exercise – rinse and repeat.
  • 50 SSH
  • 50 Merkins
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 LBC’s, rinse/repeat.
  • 50 American Hammers
  • 50 squats

Only 2 minutes for this, we did dealers choice



Momento Mori, a note from Stoic philosophy to remember that will die. how does that change the way you want to shape you day…



THE SCENE: Drippy, slushy, 35ish with a brook babbling by in the background

  • High knees
  • Projectivators
  • Tempo squats
  • Little baby arm circles
  • Tempo merkins
  • Dive bombers
  • Fence steppers
  • 5 burpees
  • Cherry pickers

3 cycles of AMRAP, 45 s on, 15 s recovery

  • Cycle 1
    • Curls
    • Overhead press
    • Heavy squats
    • CMU Swings
    • Row right
    • Row left
  • Mosey to pool wall and do 7 wall-ups
  • Cycle 2
    • Derkins
    • Block Jump overs
    • Tricep Extensions
    • Heavy freddy’s
    • Thrusters
    • Walking CMU Merkins
    • Mosey to playground for 7 pull ups
  • Cycle 3
    • Heavy Lunges
    • Heel taps
    • Good mornings
    • Heavy flutter kicks
    • Airplanes
    • Blockees
    • Return to parking lot and bear crawl the CMUs back from whence they came

60 s tree hugger with a probably-longer-than-necessary joke

Matthew 6:16-18

16 “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.17But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,18so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

fasting, Schmemann argues, “rather than weakening us makes us light, concentrated, sober, joyful, pure.

true “Christian asceticism is a fight, not against but for the body.”

In Taft’s words, penance is “not a turning in on self, not a concentration on self-discipline as some sort of spiritual athletics, but an openness to new life, and through it openness to others, the end to which it is all supposed to lead.”

Schmemann counsels a fast to “control our speech”19 so that we can recover a measure of silence in our spiritual life without which we cannot hear the voice of the Lord.

fasting, like all forms of discipline, “is not a pitting of the spirit against the flesh, but rather body and soul united together against sin, body and soul converted together to the Lord.

The body is valuable and a precious gift of the Creator—who Himself of course took on human flesh—but its value is only recognizable paradoxically when it is not pampered but denied, as in fasting: “fasting in Christianity is only truly itself when it realizes the sacredness of the body.

fasting as a physical effort is totally meaningless without its spiritual counterpart: ‘by fasting and prayer.

O Lord and Master of my life!
Take from me the spirit of sloth, faint-hearted ness, lust of power and idle talk
But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant.
Yes, O Lord and King!
Grant me to see my own errors and not to judge my brother;
For Thou are blessed unto ages of ages. Amen.
I have a couple of goats, and I realized yesterday that the gate to their pen was completely detached at the hinge. If they had bumped the gate, it would have fallen and they could have escaped. But they didn’t. In the long run, fences don’t work because of their strength or durability. They work because we accept them. If you ever want to get out, just keep testing the fence and one day it will fall.