F3 Knoxville

Asylum Star Wars Day in 3 Episodes

THE SCENE: In a Galaxy Far, Far Away… the weather was pleasant. The rain moved out and we were dry!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: If you recently battled a Wookie, maybe this workout isn’t for you

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 Each Way | TIE Fighters IC x10 each way | Tempo Squats IC x10

Episode I:

Mosey to the top of Mini-Cardiac for a Kessel Run in 12 parsecs

(12s of Merkins & BBS at each light pole down Rt. 66)

Episode II:

Travel to Cloud City 

(Partner 1 runs around Pavilion; while the other partner completes AMRAP of the following: Curls, OH Press, Tris, Rows)

  • Episode III:

    Chewbacca Carry CMU to the end of the parking lot for Han Solo Shuttle Runs (Suicides at each island while partner does exercises.

    Cumulative reps:

    200 → Imperial Walkers


    100→OH Press

    50→Hello Dolly

    25→4 ct. SSH

SWB: Stretching with Blindside until time called

13 HIMs; 0 FNGs

Numbers 6:22-27 The LORD said to Moses: “Speak to Aaron & his sons & tell them: This is how you shall bless the Israelites. Say to them: The LORD bless you & keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, & be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly & give you peace! So shall they invoke my name upon the Israelites, & I will bless them.”

May the Force be with you.

We hear this quite often in Star Wars. It’s not always a Jedi that says it–one of the first instances is Han Solo telling it to Luke Skywalker, It was often used as “good luck on this dangerous mission” but also as a blessing, for good things to come your way.

Over the past 40 years, it’s become the most notable phrase from the saga. The entire notion of Star Wars Day on May 4 comes from the pun on the phrase. It has taken on almost a religious aspect for fans. It’s not surprising to see some fans respond by saying, “and also with you” as you would hear in a litany in a church.

We want to be blessed and we want to pass along the blessing. When I was in college, the Emory & Henry Choir would close every performance since its founding in 1958 with a hymn with a version of these words called the “Lutkin Benediction.” It was always a powerful and emotional moment at the close of a concert. I had the pleasure of attending many of their performances during my time at Emory since several of my fraternity brothers were always in the choir. Whatever may come, God will be with you. I ask His blessing on you as you go out into the world today. I pray that you will seek Him regularly, that you will call on Him in your dark times and praise Him all the time. May the Force (of the Lord) be with you!


Matterhorn Partner CMU Circuit

THE SCENE: Gorgeous morning to burn off some goo…
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  Done. I’m not a pro, you’ll see soon enough

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Cherry Pickers IC x5 | Tempo Squats IC x 10


Grab a CMU & Colonizer Run with Curls to the bottom of Matterhorn. Partner up, 1st Partner AMRAPs the exercises while 2nd partner runs to the Backbone for 5 pull-ups, repeat until each round is over. Partners then run together up Matterhorn for 5 Burpees together, return and start the next round

  • Round 1
    • Goblet Squats
    • Curls
    • CMU Flutters
  • Round 2
    • Imperial Squat Walkers
    • OH Press
    • American Hammers
  • Round 3
    • Squat Thrusters
    • Rows
    • BBS w/ CMU Raise
  • Round 4
    • CMU Merkins
    • SSH
    • LBCs
  • Round 5
    • Plank Jacks
    • Blockees
    • Hello Dolly w/ CMU overhead

We were attempting to do a couple of Peter Parkers, the Q even let Tweet-E lead them as they are his favorite. HOWEVER, per the usual, Mr. Tweet-E took talked a little too much, so we only did about 1/2 of one.

16 HIMS; 1 FNG (Zack Attack); 1 Pre-Rucker

Mayberry, Junk, Tweet-E, BlueCross, GoatDish, Earmuffs, ExciteBike, Frosty, Inspector Gadget, JaggedPill, Aladdin, Tonka, Biscuits, ICP, ZackAttack, Blindside


“The only thing in your control is effort.
That’s all & that’s everything.” -Mark Cuban

Perseverance. It is a word that I have struggled with as of late. I am in the very late stages of my Ph.D. dissertation and all of the motivation MUST be intrinsic. I must continue to persevere. I must continue to put the effort in every day to finish. This lesson isn’t just for my dissertation, but also for my job, my family, and my relationship with my M.

CSAUP this Friday at HawRidge

CMU Monday @ The Equalizer

THE SCENE: The weather is getting *NICE* … several members of the PAX decided that sleeves were optional today
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done well… 

SSH IC x25 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Cherry Pickers IC x10 | Tempo Squats IC x5

Mosey to Smokehouse for a CMU (we used our entire allotment of CMUs today, looks like the AOQ needs to make a trip to Lowe’s this week).

Line up on Field for some CMU-icides. Rifle-Carry your CMU to the first cone, do 10 Block Merkins, mosey back to start, and do 10 Squats. Mosey to CMU, Rifle-Carry to the second cone, do 15 Block Merkins, mosey back to start, and do 15 Squats. Repeat for all cones, adding 5 to the rep count (6 total cone stations = 35 of each)

When at the top of the ladder, start over with the exercises changing to OH Press / Imperial Walkers on a 2 ct.


Partner-up. 1st partner farmer carries BOTH CMUs clockwise around the track while 2nd partner runs counter-clockwise. When partners meet, switch. Recover once CMUs make their way around the track once

SWB: Stretching with Blindside

15 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 3 Pre-Ruckers

Tank, Trunk, School Zone, Ribbed, Choir Boy, Snitch, Lilo, Stripped, Bookman, Mouthwash, Einhorn, Smoky, Head Gear, Aladdin, & Blindside


Since becoming a father 6+ years ago, I have developed a very serious devotion to St. Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father. St. Joseph is the patron saint of fathers. My favorite quote of St. Joseph’s from Scripture is, “…” That’s right, St. Joseph never speaks in Scripture. He was a man without words but not without a witness. His silent witness makes us even more aware of his actions which occurred during one crisis or another. Like St. Joseph, we don’t need words when actions will suffice. How can you develop your attentiveness to God’s will to be a man of action in the mold of St. Joseph?

Haw Ridge CSAUP this Friday night (9pm-Midnight); Convergence 7/2 @ JUCO

EMOM Friday

THE SCENE: 57 and clear

Cherry pickers




little baby arm circles

this and that


mosey to the pavilion

EMOM round one – ten sets

  • 5 squats
  • 10 dips
  • 5 decline merkins

mosey to the field

EMOM round 2

  • 10 x 100M sprint

we moseyed around the track between rounds 5 and 6 and between rounds 8 and 9 for some recovery

Warm down lap

20 big boys

20 flutter kicks (4 ct)

peter Parker tease

“”If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Shamrock flag passing Wednesday after next

CSAUP May 6 at Haw Ridge

Not All CMUs are Good CMUs

THE SCENE: Wonderfully warm(er than recently)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done and Done well… 

SSH IC x25 | LBAC x10 each way | Cherry Pickers I[DP]C x5 | Tempo Squats x10

Grab a CMU & Colonizer Run with CMU Merkins to the bottom of Matterhorn. Partner up, 1st Partner AMRAPs the exercises while 2nd partner runs to the Backbone for 5 pull-ups, repeat until each round is over. Partners then run together up Matterhorn for 10 Burpees together, return and start the next round.

Round 1: Squat Thrusters, OH Press, Curls, Goblet Squats

Round 2: Left Arm Row, Right Arm Row, Flutter Kicks, CMU Pull Throughs*

*Time was called before we got here, returned to the AO, stopping for 25 dips on the way

There just wasn’t any time left. Maybe next time.
12 HIMs; 2 FNGs (!!)

Ski-Dog; Excitebike; Goat Dish; Mayberry; Ribbed; Submarine; La-Z-Boy; DriftWood; Inspector Gadget; Nole; Jagged Pill; Blindside


“Not all money is good money.” 

I heard this quote for the first time yesterday and it really made an impact on me. Hustling, grinding, and always searching for more financial success isn’t always a good thing. Would taking a promotion and a pay increase be worth more time away from my family? Maybe, but not often. This is something I need to remind myself as I have opportunities to add more hours or enter into a new position in Knox County Schools…ANNOUNCEMENTS:
2nd F event tonight at 6 pm at Admiral’s Pub in Farragut; CSAUP 5/9 9 pm-Midnight; JUCO Convergence 7/2