F3 Knoxville

There will be Blood on the Dodgeball court


THE SCENE: beautiful morning!!!

Warm up stuff
Mosey to get CMU then to tennis court and divide into Teams of two

Partner 1: takes CMU and does 10 curls, 10 presses, 10 tris, 10 AMERICAN swings

Partner 3: runs into field and around the cones., second round does two laps

 rotate stations and go till Q gets bored.

in tennis court, squat walk around the inside perimeter while dribbling lacrosse ball. Second lap Bernie squat.

mosey to froad with CMUs: line up in teams at speed bump. Partner 1 sprints to end and back and then swaps with partner 2 who is walking while curl,press,tri x10. Partner 3 runs to catch partner Continue till Q gets bored then mosey to tennis courts.

Dodgeball time. You get hit you do 5 burpees before you can come back in. After every throw you must do a sprawl. You can only hold a ball for 5 seconds.

recover with torn rotator cuffs

No time for her
10 including a visit from Juco’s Butterknife
Men, protecting your wife and children–and others -is not a tiny little part of your Christianidentity. That’s your job title, your burden, yourcalling. That’s on your business card: protector of those God has given me. That’s who you are, men (see Eph. 5:22-33; 1 Cor. 16:13).
You may never have been told this. You may never have been trained in this. You may have no idea in yourself how to do this. You may fear this. You may think you are insufficient for this. It matters not. All that matters is who God has made you to be and
called you to be. You are weak, yes, but God makes you strong. His grace is sufficient and proven in your weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). Your life, therefore, is not about you lying on the ground, moaning about how weak you are, celebrating your failure, and lashing out at anyone who would charge you to get
up off the ground. Your life is about asking God to make you stronger, and then you going out and living in that strength.
Divine grace makes you protect women, children, and the endangered, men. Go and do it. FIGHT for your loved ones. STAND for God’s truth. Don’t accept defeat. Claim the grace of God in Christ, repent when you fail as we all do, and fight still more. Fight, and then fight again, and then after that keep on fighting.

We learned that some of the guys at the equalizer have some pretty good moves.
Kickball tourney June 11th