F3 Knoxville

Q2– Pre-Easter at the Equalizer

THE SCENE: 51 degrees out


Rockettes *10

Cherry pickers *5

Grady corns *15

Baby arm circles *10

Reverse baby arm circles *10

Tempo squats *10


 Mosey to Bermuda Triangle—

Lunges between wide Merkins, Carolina dry docks, Merkins 20, 15, 10

 Mosey a lap

Shoulder taps and hanging v ups. 11s

Rows, Overhead press, curls with a rock *20

10 squats with a rock

Mosey a lap

5 pull ups

Mosey a lap


Imperial walkers 4*20

Squats *10

Mountain Climbers *15

Sumo squats *10

Flutter kicks 4*10

LBCs 4*10

Star gazers/stretch 1  min

11 fine gentlemen

With Easter upcoming where we celebrate life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we naturally ask: Who is Jesus?  What is He like?

He is never “too cool” for anyone.  He approached lepers. He played with children.  He talked with Samaritan women. He showed compassion to tax collectors, beggars, thieves, and widows. He noticed people that were mourning, sick, frightened, and having financial troubles. He saw people as they were, loved them, and also saw what they could become. He stood up for outcasts, for the publicly shamed.

Yet with His radical inclusivity He never condoned unrighteousness, even a little. He taught hard truths, truths that are still hard—both to swallow and to live.  He taught “except ye shall keep my commandments . . . ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.”  He taught that not only should we not kill, we shouldn’t be angry with or say unkind things to or about each other, and instead actively work to reconcile our differences.  He taught we should actively try to keep our thoughts morally clean, not just have chaste and virtuous behavior. He taught that when we do something good, we should try to do it privately and not seek praise for our good actions.

The great news of Easter is that if you feel you have a ways to go to meet these divine expectations, Jesus really did die and really does live again, and because of Him we can receive all the help we need to close that gap.  What a reason to celebrate!

Letting the Dice Control Your Fate…

THE SCENE: We’ve decided that we welcome warmer weather whenever it decides to show up.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: done and done 


Blindside’s Standard Warm-up: 

SSH IC x20 | LBAC x10 IC each way | Little of This, Little of That | Abe Vigoda IC x10| Tempo Squats IC x10 


Mosey up to Splashpad and partner up:

One partner runs to the BathHouse does 5 pullups and returns around the loop back to the Splashpad. The other partner rolls the dice and does the exercise and # of reps rolled. If they finish those before the runner returns, roll again. When the running partner returns, they complete the last set rolled. Switch, rinse, repeat. 

Exercises on Dice:

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Hello Dolly
  • Flutter Kicks
  • BBS

Reps on Dice 

  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • 25
  • 30

Fellowship Mosey™ back to AO


Stretching with Blindside 


7 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 2 Pre-Ruckers 


“To Laugh Often & Much” by Ralph Waldo Emerson

To laugh often and much;

to win the respect of the intelligent people

and the affection of children;

to earn the appreciation of honest critics

and endure the betrayal of false friends;

to appreciate beauty;

to find the best in others; 

to leave the world a bit better

whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch,

or a redeemed social condition;

to know that one life has breathed easier 

because you lived here.

This is to have succeeded.



This poem was read at my aunt’s funeral yesterday by her sisters. As I was listening to it, I immediately thought of F3 and its mission. Taking the Daily Red Pill of F3 is something that connects with this poem. Realizing that it is not recognized at work, or accolades in other places, but it is finding the best in others, it is leaving the world a little bit better, and all the other things that this poem mentions. 


April 15th Flag Changeover at the Equalizer! 

May 6th CSAUP at Haw Ridge 9 pm-Midnight

Progressive EMOM

THE SCENE: Pretty nice morning, just a tad bit sneaky cold

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done Well


Blindside’s Standard Warm-up: 

SSH IC x20 | LBAC x10 IC each way | Little of This, Little of That | Abe Vigoda IC x10| Tempo Squats IC x10 


Mosey to the main school parking lot by construction fence for several rounds of EMOM

  • Rounds 1-5:
    • 4 Merkins
    • 4 BBS
    • 2 Squats 
    • 2 Burpees

Sprint to the end of the parking lot and back 

  • Rounds 6-10: 
    • 4 Diamond Merkins 
    • 4 American Hammers
    • 2 Jump Squats
    • 2 Burpees 

Run to the end of the parking lot, back, halfway, and back 

  • Rounds 11-15: 
    • 4 Merkins 
    • 4 Diamond Merkins
    • 4 BBS 
    • 4 American Hammers 
    • 2 Squats 
    • 2 Jump Squats
    • 4 Burpees 

Run to the end of the parking lot and back 

  • Rounds 16 & 17:
    • 4 Merkins 
    • 4 BBS
    • 2 Squats
    • 2 Burpees 
  • Rounds 18 & 19:
    • 4 Diamond Merkins
    • 4 American Hammers 
    • 2 Jump Squats 
    • 2 Burpees 
  • Round 20: 
    • 4 Merkins 
    • 4 Diamond Merkins
    • 4 BBS
    • 4 American Hammers
    • 2 Squats
    • 2 Jump Squats 
    • 4 Burpees

Mosey around the construction, through the B-Building walkway, and back to the AO


For the first time in this Q’s F3 Career, we had a FULL 7 mins of Mary

Hello Dolly IC x 30 | Snow Angels IC x 25 | Pickle Pounders IC x 25 | Get Ups OYO x10 | Freddie Mercury IC x30 | Flutter Kicks IC x30


12 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 2 Pre-Runners 


“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”

-God Entity from Futurama

CMU Suicides is DEFINITELY Something You Love

THE SCENE: Pretty chilly, but ok. 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done Semi-OK


Blindside’s Standard Warm-up: 

SSH IC x20 | LBAC x10 IC each way | Little of This, Little of That | Windmills IC x10 | Tempo Squats IC x10 


DogPound CMU Suicides: Mosey with CMUs to Marina parking lot. Drop CMUs at the entrance (Off to the side per La-Z-Boy, as there could be cars… and there were). Run to first light pole do 1 rep of three exercises, return to CMU to do 1 Curl-Press. Run to the second light pole and do two reps of the exercises and return to CMU for 2 Curl-Presses. Repeat up to 5. After the set of 5 Curl Presses, grab CMU and mosey to the last light pole you went to. This is now your starting point for Round 2. 3 Rounds. 

  • Round 1:
    • Burpees 
    • Jump Squats 
    • Merkins 
  • Round 2: 
    • Burpees 
    • Imperial Squat Walkers 
    • Diamond Merkins
  • Round 3: 
    • Burpees 
    • Jump Squats 
    • Merkins 


She didn’t show up this morning, like most of the rest of the DogPound regulars… 


3 HIMs; 0 FNGs

Blindside, La-Z-Boy, Inspector Gadget


“If you don’t give 100% on something you love (family, friends, etc.), how much are you going to give when it is something just as important, but is something you just ‘like’?” -Coach Prime (Deion Sanders to his team at Jacksonville State)

The Equalizer De-Escalator

THE SCENE: Pretty chilly, most of the snow is now gone 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done and Done Well


Blindside’s Standard Warm-up: 

SSH IC x20 | LBAC x10 IC each way | Little of This, Little of That | Rockettes IC x10 | Tempo Squats IC x10 


Equalizer De-Escalator: 4 Stations; 3 Exercises per station; Do number of reps for all three; mosey to next station; Return to the first station and do the new amount of reps 

  • Dock (25, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps)
    • CDD 
    • BBS
    • Freddie Mercury
  • Rockpile (25, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps) 
    • Curls 
    • OH Press 
    • Rows 
  • BathHouse (10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps)
    • Pull-ups 
    • Burpees 
    • Mountain Climbers 
  • Stonehenge (10, 8, 6, 4, 2 reps 
    • Box jumps 
    • Derkins
    • Imperial Squat Walkers 


1 Session of Boat/Canoe

1 Session of Superman/Banana 


6 HIMs; 2 Pre-Ruckers 


Peter the Tentmaker. On top of the mountain during the Transfiguration of Christ with Moses and Elijah, Peter is the only Apostle that speaks. He tells Jesus that they should build three tents for each of them there. He wants to keep this moment forever. Peter basically word-vomits. He suggests something that doesn’t make sense for the situation. Much like Michael Scott from The Office. Starts a sentence and has no idea where it is going. 

We should have the faith that as long as we are honest and good-hearted, God will be pleased with our speech. Jesus does not rebuke Peter.