F3 Knoxville

99th Day of the Year = 99 Problems

THE SCENE: Mid to upper 50s, no rain

The PAX was rambunctious this morning.  Chapter 11 emerged from his vehicle asking Doubtfire “you got those gloves” as if there was some kind of deal going down.  Then, the whole PAX disrespected the Q by talking over the intro.  So, we started with 5 burpees.

SSH x 20 (4 ct)

Tempo hokey pokeys x 10 (5 each leg)

Tempo squats

5 more burpees because Doubtfire asked about them

Little baby arm circles forward x 10 (4 ct)

Little baby arm circles backward x 10 (4 ct)

Some Michael Phelps

A little bit of this and a little bit of that


Mosey to the flag pole

99 Problems

Do 99 reps of the following exercises:



Carolina Dry Docks


Big Boy Sit-ups

Decline Merkins

Froggy Squats

Carolina Dry Docks


Big Boy Sit-ups

In between each set of 99, run across the field to the bleachers, touch the bleachers, and run back.

Hello Dollys x 20 (4 ct)

Boat/Canoes for about a minute

11 HIMs

Talked about Jesus asking God to take his cup from him before his crucifixion.  Shows humanness and that, if it is okay for Jesus to struggle with God’s plan, then it’s okay for us to struggle as well.  But, the key is the rest of Jesus’ prayer that God’s will be done and not his own.  Keep in mind that your will may not be God’s will and that we should try to focus our prayers on God’s will, not our own.

Prayers for Stripped’s wife, Ribbed, Ribbed’s wife, Lillydipper, Jinxy, Training Wheels, Lazy Boy, and the scout trip to the Virginia Creeper


Collection for Safe Haven

Monkeys & Bears, Oh My

THE SCENE: 40°. Clear. Great moonrise.



  • Cherry Pickers IC | SSH IC


Pain stations at the tennis court. 40sec at each station. 20sec to move to next station. Take a lap & flip stations after each round. Stations included:

  • Diamond Merkins/Boat
  • American Hammer/Flutter
  • Shoulder Taps/Bear Crawl
  • Power Skips/Burpees
  • Inch Worm/Hand Release Merks
  • Imperial Walkers/Calf Raises
  • Monkey Humpers/CDD
  • Burpees/Shoulder Taps
  • Mtn Climbers/SSH


  • LBCs IC X44 in honor of Tweet-E’s birthday



We’re out here to get better: as men & as leaders—in all areas of our lives. Certainly that starts with fitness, but I think it’s inevitable that that mindset, the goal of relentless forward progress will bleed over into each area of our lives. If we’re going to get better at anything, we’re going to need to be teachable.

I found a list of five ways to know if you’re teachable. 

  1. People give you input—if you’ve proven yourself to not be teachable, people probably gave up on giving you input long ago
  2. You experience growth—if other people’s input leads to results, you must be teachable
  3. you don’t have to defend yourself against criticism—you don’t put walls up, you take criticism, knowing that if there’s any truth to it, it’s an opportunity to get better
  4. Not only do you take criticism, you do it without firing back; without returning the favor
  5. you’re hearing different input than you used to—progress is having new areas to work on than you did a few years ago

Run back through them. Think about an area you’re trying to improve in and If one of these hits home with you; take the time to work on it, to cultivate it this week. 

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Fill that Q Calendar.

Also, in April, we’ll be collecting individually wrapped snacks & drinks, as well as paper towels for Safe Haven. It’s a ministry in the Austin-East area giving teens a safe spot to land to get off the street and avoid gang violence. I’ll post a full list in slack; if you’ll tack a couple of those things on to your family’s shopping list, it’s an easy way to make an impact on a part of our community that has experienced a lot of pain the last few months.

Passing the Torch!

THE SCENE:  A couple of degrees below freezing…


Forgot to mention that I am not a professional…  However I am sure the PAX is aware of that by now!

30 SSH

10 Tempo Merkins

10 Tempo Squats

Baby Arm Circles Forward/Reverse


Drawed the number 2 with GPS with 3 stations located in the park.

Station 1 – Bear Crawl around the tennis court with 5 Burpees at each corner.  Run and touch gate then proceed to Station 2.

Station 2 – at the back parking lot I placed some modified CMU’s in the grass next to the trail entrance.  We used these CMU’s for 20 Curls and 20 Overhead Presses.  Then run over to the boat ramp.

Station 3 –  We did 20 Dry Docks facing downhill on the ramp.  Then starting at the water, 20 Squat Jumps up the ramp.  Then we ran back to the Tennis Court.

Rinse and Repeat as many times as you could.

ATM closeout led by Cap’n Crunch


Passed the Flag over to Stripped, he is a wonderful asset to the Equalizer.  Not only is he accountable at the workouts, he is also accountable to reach out to brothers that are needing help outside of the workouts.  I am grateful that the Equalizer is in good hands!

“Leadership is not about a title or a designation.  It’s about impact, influence,  and inspiration.”

Was one of the most boring workouts I have put together but drawing the 2 for our 2 year anniversary was very important for me.  However it did turn into a pretty good beatdown, so I plan to use it again soon!
Hardship Hill 10/2!!!

Lotta Tabata

THE SCENE: 58 degrees and raining slightly

10 baby arm circles in cadence

10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

10 cherry pickers in cadence

50 SSH in cadence
4 10 minute Tabata circuits (1 min work/1 minute “rest”)

  • Step-ups with wall sits
  • Dips with planks
  • Squats (butt touches bench) with wall sits
  • Pull-ups or bench rows with hangs/planks

Assfault, Blindside, Stripped, Doubtfire, Snitch, Choir Boy
Time has a way of showing us what’s important! We only have a finite amount of time each day and on this earth. Are we making the most of it? Are we being intentional enough? Do we ask ourselves before we do anything “how is this going to benefit me and those around me?” If not then we/you should. Don’t waste your time time focusing on things that don’t drive you forward. Don’t invest yourself in others that don’t push you to be better. Don’t waste your God-given talents, time and treasures unless it’s to better yourself, serve others and serve his purpose!

Anniversary of The Equalizer on 4/2 with pre-ruck beforehand and coffeeteria afterwards.

Easter week beat down

THE SCENE: 40 and clear


quick run, SSH, Merkins, Burpees, Cherry Picker, Arm Circles, stretch


Migrating workout from site to site with a goal number of reps, and moving to SSH as we held to move until the entire group was done.

  • 75 Rock curl to press
  • 75 Dips
  • 40 elbow elbow hand hand Merkin Merkin
  • 100 Iron Mikes
  • 100 imperial walkers
  • 75 Dry Docks
  • 25 mtn climber burpee
  • 30 Pull ups
  • 100 ankle taps




15 strong today


The thing we would remember from meeting a truly gospel-humble person is how much they seemed to be totally interested in us. Because the essence of gospel-humility is not thinking more of myself or thinking less of myself, it is thinking of myself less. -cs Lewis

Try to really think about what really bothers us. So much of it is about identity. How do we see ourselves? How do we measure ourselves? Remember that we are all saved by something we didn’t earn, and that should be what defines us.


Prayer requests – ribbeds wife, Covid, davis, jinxy, biscuits dad