F3 Knoxville

Stranger Things in the Upside Down

THE SCENE: A muggy 73 with ominous silent heat lightening in the distance.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Properly administered.


  • SSH x11
  • Knox Cherry Pickers x11
  • Tempo Merk x11
  • Tempo Sq. x11
  • Shoulder Burn x11
    • Little Baby Arm Circles x11
    • RLBAC x11
    • Seal Claps x11
    • OH Claps x11
    • Chatty Cherry Pickers x10 (Dangit.)
  • Mtn Climbers x11



11s on Mr. Hill. Russian Twists (Yes, I know. They just go with my theme, ok!) at the bottom. Squats at the top.

Mosey to the clubhouse.

Ascending Testicles …What? I got it from the Exicon 😉 – Cousin of Balls to the Wall. 10 Derkins with feet on the wall at 15 degree position. 10 Derkins 45 degree position. Walk up to full BTTW pose. Hold for 10 count. Rest with 1 Minute People’s Chair. Rinse and Repeat.


Stadium 11s – 10 Derkins at the bottom. Jim Hopper to the top. 1 BBS at the top. 0 Derkins at the bottom. Jim Hopper to the top. 2 BBS at the top. …etc.

Back to the Wall for one more People’s Chair and one more BTTW.

Circle Merkins up to 3 and back down with various claps, one arms (nice Wingman!), etc. Finished with dealers choice. 11 LBCs and 11 Heel Touches.

Stranger Things that Lie Beneath the Surface

In Stranger Things, there are these monsters lurking in the Upside Down. Most people aren’t aware of how they are affecting the town and people.

Moses was a Hebrew. Yet, he was raised by Pharaoh’s daughter. He didn’t actually FIT anywhere. Think about the identity crisis that must have been going on inside.

Exodus 2:11-15 “One day after Moses had grown up, he went out to his people and saw their forced labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. 12 He looked this way and that, and seeing no one he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. 13 When he went out the next day, he saw two Hebrews fighting, and he said to the one who was in the wrong, “Why do you strike your fellow Hebrew?” 14 He answered, “Who made you a ruler and judge over us? Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid and thought, “Surely the thing is known.” 15 When Pharaoh heard of it, he sought to kill Moses. So Moses fled from Pharaoh. He settled in the land of Midian”

Moses clearly reacted in this situation and didn’t even think much about how wrong it was until he was exposed. It’s obvious Moses had things lurking on the inside. How did Moses transform from this incredibly rash, reactive guy with such violent outbursts into the great leader of Israel? He spent REGULAR time encountering God.

These encounters with God were the basis of his entire leadership. H sought God’s council on everything. Left to himself, Moses would have been reactive and controlled by what lies under the surface. Instead, he led out of GOD’s wisdom.

Everyone has Stranger Things lurking under the surface. Past hurts that cause us to react. Secret Sins in our past or present that we’re anxious to keep covered up. Temptations that we’d never want someone to know we struggle with. Thought patterns that are negative, unhealthy, or shameful. Being Anxious, Reactive, and Fearful.

Regular Solitude with God helps us to be non-anxious, non-reactive, challenging presence.

Don’t live in the Upside Down. 

Prayers for Olive Oyl on the DL, Skeletor traveling, and our guys that are out right now.

2nd F event at Shakira’s coffee shop, Coffee Whipped at 8am on July 30.
Aug 6 work day at the Cerebral Palsy Center in Knoxville.

Heavy Metric Workout #2

THE SCENE:  64 and clear.  Perfect for a beatdown
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered 

  • SSH
  • Hairy Rockettes
  • Finkle Swings
  • Willy Mays Hays
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Cobra, Down dog
  • Merkins


30 minutes to get as many cumulative reps as you can. The following list of exercises are performed in sets of 25 reps. After completing each set of 25 reps, run 25 yards (6 parking spaces), do 2 burpees, and return for the next set. Here are the exercises:

  • 150 curls
  • 125 heavy squats
  • 100 OHP
  • 75 CMU swings
  • 50 Thrusters
  • 25 Blockees

When you finish the blockees, start over and push until the timer is up.

Once through the circuit is 525 reps.  How many cumulative reps?


Flutter kicks
Prone row


Me and 9 of the best men I know.  Welcome FNG “Ocho”!


The reflection this morning was simple.  We set aside a few minutes to review progress made toward our goals.  First, as a group…  In January, we talked as a group about some of the ways that we’d like to see The Project move forward in 2022.  Some ideas were;

  • Fitness. We now have a few metric workouts to measure performance (military fitness PT, and today’s heavy PT baseline).  Let’s re-do those occasionally to see how our performance is trending.  Weekly Push/Pull/Plank challenge on Slack.
  • Fellowship. Consistency in the gloom and chatter on Slack.  Outside of the gloom – Hiking daytrips…  ..  Bonfires…  Spring camping trip…
  • Faith. More deliberate discipleship.  Developing smaller shield lock groups within the larger Project group.  Meditating on and committing scripture to memory.  Leading our families in study, prayer, and faith.
  • More men in attendance. More Sad Clowns who need something like F3.  Specifically, more newly married men and new fathers – those are critical points in a man’s life and full of anxiety.  We have a wealth of experiences to share with those men – let’s find ‘em!
  • Family Workout! It’ll be great to get the families together monthly. It’s also a service to the community to we are uniquely gifted to provide.  I think this will largely define The Project’s evolution in 2022.


Then, we turned our thoughts inward to reflect on personal goals.  Six months ago (or 3 years ago), what did you want to change in your life?  What goal or goals did you have?  Did you make a plan?  Did you tell a trusted friend?  How are you progressing?  If you’re on track – awesome!  If you’ve tapered off, today is a great day to get back started.  If you haven’t already, write it down.  Break it down into simple steps.  Seek accountability.

Proverbs 4:25, “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.”

Hebrews 12:1-2, “…let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Philippians 3:14, “But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

 “The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” – Bruce Lee

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” – Walt Disney


We first did this workout in January.  Every man who repeated today increased his score!  Every. Single. One.  We ARE getting stronger, men!

Here are the scores;

  January July Delta
Rocket 515 550 35!
Snaggletooth 525    
Erector 550    
Mathlete 525 599! 74!
Tuba 510 516 6!
Bobbitt 516 565 49!
Kickflip 510 565 55!
Wingman   525  
3-Peat   500  
Ocho   325  
Boy George   535  
Skewer   450  


For more evidence of our fitness acceleration, see this BB from March

USAF Fitness Measurement – Round 2



Hills of Contenmt

THE SCENE: 69 degrees, 99% humidity with a slight breeze to make Ol’ GLory show her colors
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Check, Check, Check and Check

  • 5-Windmills
  • 6-Cherry Pickers
  • 10-LBAC (Foreward and Backward)
  • 10-Grady Corn
  • 10-Chattanooga (Suck-up) Cherry Pickers
  • 15-SSH

We began our morning with a mini D.O.R.A., PAX split into groups of 2. PAX 1 started doing the exercise while PAX 2 ran 100 yards and did 5 burpees, then ran back and switched.

  • 50 Merkins
  • 100 LBC
  • 200 Squats

Mosey to small hill next to light pole and completed 4 rounds of climbing exercise.

  1. ROUND 1-Welsh Dragon up, increasing in reps until reaching 10. Mosey down the hill, 3 Merkins at bottom.
  2. Round 2-Buddy up. PAX 1 hold Al Gore while PAX 2 does 50 1-count flutter kicks back pedal up the hill then 50 Sweat Angels at the top. Mosey down and switch.
  3. Round 3-50 Sumo Squats at the bottom, mosey up the hill 75 Monkey Humpers at the top.
  4. Round 4- FINAL ROUND! Arm Release Merkins at the bottom. Mosey up the Hill for San Antonio Shuffle at the top. start with 2 reps at bottom, 4 at top and increase by 2’s until reaching 10.

5 Min. left, why do Mary when you can play a pleasant game of Rochamburpee. We’ll call it a practice run with no winner. Rules to be slightly modified next time to account for draws.
8 PAX Killed it this morning!!!
1 Timothy, Chapter 6: “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it.” With all the temptation around us, and everyone trying to keep up with the rat race to take a second and be content with the great things we already have. All the tings we want or think we need eventually all add up to nothing compared to the gift that the Lord has given us. The assurance that at the end of it all we will greet him in the promised land. So just remember to take that second and thank the lord and find contentment in your current situation.
Remembering Olive Oyl with his neck injury and all our others brothers who weren’t there for one reason or another. TAPS gentlemen.
August 6- Service/Work day at Cerebral Palsy Center @ 7:00 a.m. yard work, moving things, cleaning up. Message Judge Judy and see main thread for more info, equipment needed, etc.

July 30- Saturday Beat down with Coffee Whipped Cafe Coffeteria after. Hope to see everyone there!

HIM Equip 4 life

THE SCENE:  cloudy with a chance of a Orange moon

The PAX did the Albatross wings  in cadence  (See the F3 exercise Lexicon) excluded the front raises, overhead press and the 45 ° hold

Mosey to the pool wall for

  • 47 Mike Tyson
  • 1 bear  crawl
  • 47 Superman Merkins
  • Then recovered and walked to the front of the pool wall for
  • 47 Alligator merkins towards the playground
  • recovered with name one thing your grateful for
  • Then did Pull/Plank
  • 4 circuit of 7 pullups then 1 minute hold
  • MARY:
    Some Al-gore hold
  • Some flutter kick
  • Sprint jail break
  • Some American Hammers
  • Some Basselets


Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—
Ephesians 6:10‭-‬18

This PAX showed up equipped to get stronger and meet there challenges . The HIM equips for his occupation

Likewise we need to daily equip ourselves with the whole Armor of God so we can be equipped to stand against evil as well as help those in our lives to stand as well.

By teaching the next generation,  our spouse how to also stand against the evils and challenges to come

Freedom = Power to Do As You Ought

THE SCENE: Temp – 75. Skies – partly cloudy and blissfully captivating. Humidity – Muggy? Please. I just hope you brought your bathing suit and towel!

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Skillfully Executed


  • SSH x15
  • Projectivators x?? (lskdjfslkdskfj) *See below
  • Tempo Squats x10
  • Knox Cherry Pickers x10
  • Willie Mays Hays x10
  • Tempo Merk x10
  • Shoulder Burn – YHC’s favorite part of the morning!
    • Little Baby Arm Circles
    • RLBAC
    • Grady Corn
    • Moroccan Night Clubs
    • Chat Cherry Pickers (Lot’s of groaning here! LOVE IT!!!)


Mosey for 11s on the Hill
Shoulder Taps at the bottom, Burpees at the top

Mosey to the Baseball Parking Lot entrance.
20 squats at the bottom
Bernie to the middle
10 BBS
Bernie to the sign
20 Merks
Mosey to the middle
10 BBS
Rinse and repeat until time or utter collapse.

Mosey to clubhouse for 60 sec wall sit and 60 sec plank

20 (2 ct) Flutter Kicks


Lord Acton, British historian and the guy who said, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely” was also working on a defintion of freedom. He came up with two.

  1. Freedom = The permission to do what you like
  2. Freedom = The power to do as you ought

Permission, such as the self-interested, self-indulgent kind of freedom without constraint actually leads to slavery. It circles back on itself like a snake eating its own tail. You see it best in addiction. It starts with freedom to look at, drink, smoke, eat whatever I want and ends in an inability to stop (porn, drunkenness, tobacco addiction & drug use, overeating). That’s slavery. It actually becomes bondage, captivity, servitude to something or someone else.

However, the second definition is you putting limits on yourself and leads to ACTUAL freedom. For example, anyone is free to become a baseball player in this country. They have permission. Yet, if they do not put on the appropriate restraints they are not actually capable and therefore not free in reality. A true baseball player has to train their diet, exercise, eating, sleeping, practice, and time. They are free to put those restraints on themselves, and by doing so are MORE free to do what they desire.

Place limits and boundaries in your life to really exercise your freedom.

Use your freedom FOR others.

Gal 5:13-14 says, “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

T-Claps to Foghorn Leghorn for showing back up and grinding it out this morning for the second time this week!

Way to grind it out this morning fellas!

*I plan to organize an hour-long OTB session just for everyone to practice projectivators. I’m also considering putting together an instruction video/DVD series entitled “So You Wanna Projectivate” brought to you by the men at The Project to help with those that are struggling with coordination, counting, and balance for a mere $19.95… + shipping and handling, of course. Sorry, no CODs. Make checks out to “So You Wanna Projectivate, LLC”, PO Box 54321, Omaha, Nebraska 68DoubleO7.

Service Opportunity coming soon to Cerebral Palsy Center.
Working on 2nd F get together at Coffee Whipped on a Saturday Morning at 0800. Details to come.
Prayers for those sick and those traveling.