F3 Knoxville

The Bo… (Derek that is)


  • 46f and cloudy…. perfect morning to burn off the weekend goo


  • No FNGs / Quick disclaimer and safety briefing


  • 25 Side straddle Hops
  • 20 Baby Arm Circles (10 forward / 10 back)
  • 5 Cherry Pickers

Grab a CMU and head to the Pavilion for “The Bo (Perfect 10) Derek”

10 exercises x 10 reps each x 10 sets

10 CMU Overhead Press
10 Step Ups
10 Flutter Kicks
10 Pull Ups (Under table)
10 CMU Squats
10 Hello Dolly
10 CMU Curls
10 Bobby Hurley
10 Big Boy Sit Ups
10 Side Straddle Hops 


  • N/A


  • 24 HIMS!!


Perspective” – One word that can really provide you with peace of mind.
It is easy to get caught up in the day to day stress of home and work. Let’s say you just lost a contract you were really close to landing or maybe you lost a case you thought you had in the bag. Bunny is likely up a lot with a newborn or someone in this group might have a 3 year old who just decided to randomly turn over their cup of milk in the car…. The list can go on and on…. But the bottom line is, on the grand scale, in a global sense or even a biblical sense, these things are minor. The fact is every one of us here has got it pretty darn good. Keeping things in perspective helps us to remember that and focus on the positive. We’ve got food on our tables, roofs over our heads, wonderful families and friends. We’ve got this group of brothers who come together and support each other physically, socially and spiritually. We vacation, we go out to dinner, we go to the movies, we are free, etc. etc. Put into that context, the spilt milk is trivial.

A few (somewhat humorous) examples:

  • The sinking of the Titanic was by all human accounts a great tragedy… the lobsters sitting in their holding tanks in the galley likely view it very differently
  • The great modern day poet Jimmy Buffett frequently offers discourse on the value of “changes in latitude, changes in attitude”
  • The man stranded on a deserted island was excited to see the boat on the horizon.  Likewise the man lost at sea in the boat was excited to see land ahead.
  • The toothbrush was quoted as having complained that it had “the worst job ever” to which the toilet paper quickly objected!

When you think you are having a bad day, think globally. Think about the millions around the world (and those right here in East Tennessee) who don’t have what you have. Reflect on that a bit and put your troubles into perspective. It will make things a little brighter for you.


1. Scarred but Smarter – Drivin’ N’ Cryin’
2. Hellraiser – Drunken Prayer
3. Unchained – Van Halen
4. Blue Orchid – The White Stripes
5. The Distance – Cake
6. Superman – REM
7. Shake Your Rump – Beastie Boys
8. Cannonball – The Breeders
9. How You Like Me Know? – The Heavy
10. Mach 5 – Presidents of the United States of America
11. Seether – Veruca Salt
12. Good Times Roll – The Cars
13. Hoodoo Gurus – What’s My Scene?
14. What’s Golden – Jurassic 5
15. D is for Dangerous – Artic Monkeys


  • Prayers of safety for PacMan who is on a mission trip to Central America


  • Charmin thanked the group for stepping up to fill the Q calendar and encouraged others to join in

hump day at the Lizer

THE SCENE: low’s 30’s and clear

SSH (x 25); Tempo Merkins (x10); Imperial Squat Walkers (x10); BAC (x10 both ways)


  • Mosey to playground.  10 Body Blasters (Burpee/pull-up/knees to elbows) and flutter-kicks for those waiting for a spot.
  • LAP around the track.
  • Ring of fire — 10 squat jumps + 10 second hold squat; 9 squat jumps + 10 second hold; 8… etc… you get the point.
  • LAP around track
  • Lunged the parking lines with 2 merkins at each line.  Uphill and downhill.
  • LAP around track

Tour de park — we moseyed around the park stopping at each street light for 20 exercises of dealers choice.  Included BBS, diamond merkins, crab jacks, pickle pounders, jump-knee-tucks, imperial squat walkers, merkins.

Peter Parkers and flutter-kicks.


An encouragement in the New Year to take some time each week to plan.  Planning has made all the difference in being intentional with my time, attacking the week, and making sure the things that should get my first and best actually get that.  Through planning, you take time to list out your roles and goals for the week and make sure the most important things get on your calendar.  When I fail to plan, I drift into the week and often find myself just responding to whatever is coming my way instead of focusing.  It effects my kids when I plan out our nights and how we are going to use our time together (so we don’t just default to tv).  It effects my wife when I plan out our date nights and time for communication throughout the week where I am seeking to draw her out and care for her.  So, take time each week to think thru what you are called to do, what is most important, and put those things on the calendar in pen.

Another 12 Days (and a Yule Log)

THE SCENE: Unseasonably warm!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Maybe?  Code Brown was in charge of that and perhaps skipped over some of it.  No FNGs so we’d heard it all.

SSH IC; practice some Manmakers and a Fireman Carry.  Wish Hot Tub and Gibbler well as they took off like scalded dogs to do a little marathon training tour of the Asylum.  Let’s move.
4 volunteers strap in the harness to pull the Yule Log to Circus Maximus.  We use a rotation of volunteers to pull the Yule Log a half lap around at a time, at each stop, we celebrate the Days of Christmas cumulatively as follows:

  • Day 1:  Manmaker;
  • Day 2: Iron Mikes, 4 count
  • Day 3: Jump Squats;
  • Day 4: Smurf Jacks;
  • Fiiiivvveee Buuurrrrpppeeeeeees!
  • Day 6:  Hello Dollys (4 ct, IC)- led by Carney;
  • Day 7:  Merkins (4 ct, IC)- Led by Code Brown;
  • Day 8: Mountain Climbers (4 ct, IC)- led by Double Wide;
  • Day 9: American Hammers (4 ct, IC)- led by Rainbow;
  • Day 10: Big Boy Sit-ups (IC)- led by Honeydew;
  • Day 11: Carolina Dry Docks (4 ct, IC) – led by Pom Pom;
  • Day 12: Partner up and Fireman Carry twelve steps each.
  • Mosey back to AO (with Yule Log in tow)

Bunny takes over and whips us like mules up Baby Everest.  Our distance runners rejoined the PAX and took a turn pulling the Yule Log up.  Manmakers at the top:  Rinse and repeat.

Somebody put Cat Gut in charge for a brutal 5 minutes of Boat/Canoe.

Christmas isn’t about bright presents in flashy wrapping.  God’s ultimate gift of love and grace through his Son came in very humble wrapping.  With that in mind, we should be able to celebrate Christmas in any situation.  Also, this day in history:  The counter-offensive known as the Battle of the Bulge began in the Ardennes Forest.  Those involved certainly spent Christmas without anything fancy or shiny.
Prayers for Pinto and his family and Junk, Junk’s wife, and their family.
Second F gathering at Tank’s house on Jan 3.  M’s are invited.

12 Days of F3 Christmas


19 HIMs enjoyed 50f and overcast – Great morning for burn of the weekend


30 Side straddle hops

10 Front and 10 back baby arm circles

After a quick warm-up it was off to the CMU pile – Grab a block and mosey down to Circus Maximus for a 12 Days of F3 workout.

Starting at baseline, HIMs made their way around the loop and back stopping at each station representing the 12 Days of Christmas – Just like the song…

  • Baseline to station 1 for 1 overhead CMU Press then back to the baseline.
  • Baseline to station 2 for 2, 4-Count Box Cutter, then station1 for 1 overhead CMU Press, then back to the baseline.
  • Baseline to station 3 for 3, 4-count Knee to Elbow, then station 2 for 2, 4-Count Box Cutters, then station 1 for 1 overhead CMU press, then back to baseline
  • Baseline to station 4 for 4, single count Big Boy Sit-ups, then to station 3 for 3, 4-count Knee to Elbow, then station 2 for 2, 4-Count Box Cutters, then station 1 for 1 overhead CMU press, then back to baseline
  • Baseline to station 5 for 5, 4-count side straddle hops, then to station 4 for 4, single count Big Boy Sit-ups, then to to station 3 for 3, 4-count Knee to Elbow, then station 2 for 2, 4-Count Box Cutters, then station 1 for 1 overhead CMU press, then back to baseline
  • Baseline to station 6 for 6, 4-count Merkins, then to station 5 for 5, 4-count side straddle hops, then to station 4 for 4, single count Big Boy Sit-ups, then to station 3 for 3, 4-count Knee to Elbow, then station 2 for 2, 4-Count Box Cutters, then station 1 for 1 overhead CMU press, then back to baseline
  • etc. etc. all the way to the 12th station (BURPEES!!) & back

Mosey with CMU block back to AO

In total HIMs put in 2.5 miles of running plus the following totals per station:

  • Station 1 = 12; Overhead CMU Presses
  • Station 2 = 22; 4-count Box Cutters (Four count factor = 44)
  • Station 3 = 30; 4-count Knee to Elbow (Four count factor = 60)
  • Station 4 = 36; Single-count Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Station 5 = 40; 4-count Side Straddle Hops (Four count factor = 80)
  • Station 6 = 42; 4-count Merkins (Four count factor = 84)
  • Station 7 = 42; 4-count Overhead Claps (Four count factor = 84)
  • Station 8 = 40; 4-count Flutter Kicks (Four count factor = 80)
  • Station 9 = 36; Single Count Squats
  • Station 10 = 30, 4-Count Mountain Climbers (Four count factor = 60)
  • Station 11 = 22; Bobby Hurley
  • Station 12 = 12; Burpees


19 = Charmin, Snitch, Honeydew, Jenner, Enos, Rusty, Pacman, BlueBird, Rousey, Pusher, Carney, Gibbler, Bunny, Cat Gut, Rainbow, Hands, Cheatsheet, Doublewide, Timber

Sharing HOPE with others.  Each and every one of us is dealing with difficulties in life.  Some large, some small…. some known by many, some known by only a few.  Encouragement to each of us to seek out help to provide hope for yourself and also to be that resource of hope for others.

Special prayer request out for a few folks.


Simple, effective and together

THE SCENE: Cold, 33 degrees and clear

SSH, cobras, Merkins, squats

Mosey to the back lot for some Kraken

  • Merkins 20
  • Dry docks 30
  • LBCs 30
  • Burpees 15
  • Get ups 10 each side
  • Overhead claps w/ squat 20
  • crab toe touches (bear if needed) 30 total
  • Inch worms 15

after each exercise run around perimeter then to next exercise. After 1st round do two laps.

Take two  “breaks“ for four 50 yard sprints

Flutters, box cutters, cobras

12 pax includes 1 FNG “Stretch”

God forgives. We should also.  I gave an example of a television show my wife and I were watching about how a woman was able to forgive another woman for some very evil things that she did to her. How many times have we needed forgiveness from God and he immediately forgives us if we trust and ask through him. How selfish can it be for us to not forgive someone who hurts us.

Welcome FNG Stretch! Great work by the PAX this morning. I was definitely feeling tired this morning and honestly felt like sleeping in but I’m always glad I don’t.  The energy and fellowship kept me going.

3rd F this weekend. Forgot to mention Ski trip Feb 7th and Lunch tomorrow at Bearden field house