F3 Knoxville

Motown Beat Down

THE SCENE: Buckets of Rain

LBAC’s (Fwd/Bwd) 4ct x 10, Michael Phelps, 4 Pt Cossack Squats 4ct x 10, Spider Man Lunges (L/R) x 5, Side Straddle Hops 4ct x 10, Mtn Climbers 4ct x 10
CMU Circuit Time!  3 Stations 3 Exercises Each Station (20, 15 10) count.  All on the grinder…

  • Station 1: Bent Rows, OH Press, Goblet Squat
  • OH CMU Lunge from pavilion to middle of bathrooms.
  • Station 2: Incline Merkin, Decline Merkin, Mtn Climber….all on CMU
  • Bear and Block to 1st basketball goal
  • Station 3: Step Up on CMU, Burpee Box Jump, Upright Rows
  • Leave block and run quarter mile loop….and then start again.

PAX circles up for burpees and running in place to Bill Withers – Ain’t No Sunshine.  Every time the song says Gone or Go the PAX does burpees, and the rest of the time the PAX runs in place.          Mo Mary…..

Dancing Bears and ABC’s

The PAX enjoyed some soggy Motown and got buckets better! Butterfingers, Drifter, Fins, Flash, Hammy, KY, Moses, Napster, Pinocchio, RadioShack, Snorkel, Swayze, Woodshack
I recently spent some time away from my family on business travel, and that always reminds me how much I love them.  I think that sometimes we take each other for granted.  This probably goes double for the people close to you.  Sometimes it’s really difficult to get past all of the day to day stress and take a moment to appreciate these relationships.  So I just wanted to encourage everyone to pause for a moment and spend some downtime with your family.  This could be as simple as playing Legos with kids or have coffee in the morning with your spouse.  These small moments are really what keeps us together and reaffirms our commitment to each other.

A back from the beach beatdown…

THE SCENE: A little balmy

8 Cherry pickers

15 Little baby arm circles

15 SSH

Cadence was a little off, I blame the Q…


-CMU pickup, squat then press. 20x OYO

-Merkins. 20x OYO

-WW2’s. 20x OYO

-LBC’s until the PAX is done

-Indian Run with CMU to the church parking lot.

-Split into 1’s and 2’s

-1’s do burpees while 2’s run to other end and do  10x big boys and run back to the 1’s. Switch it up.

-Indian Run with CMU back to the AO

-Bear crawls length of the court, stopping every three hands for a pair of Merkins.

-Quick trip to Krumpet and back to the AO

LBC’s, Big Boys and WW2’s to cash out.

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
We all have something that wakes up up from time to time or something that keeps us awake. Turn to Matthew 6 when you are heavy laden with worries of this world.

Matthew 6

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life?
A word from Wendell Berry about peace in the midst of what worries you.

“The Peace of Wild Things”

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.


***Attention! I’m looking at putting a t-shirt order together. We’d need 12 shirts to be ordered before they would ship so I’m trying to judge interest amongst the PAX. I feel like there are enough guys like myself that have started in the last few months that would want a shirt or two. Send me a message on GroupMe if you’d like one and I’ll determine if there is enough interest.***

Who Needs Legs?

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

SSH IC x 20

Cherry Pickers IC x 10

OH Clap IC x 30


Started off with a song.  Flower by Moby (Known for lyrics Bring Sally Up, Bring Sally Down).  Hold the bottom of a squat for the entire song, but when the song says Bring Sally Up, you explode off the ground like a squat jump and then right back to the squat.

Mosey to Mt Suckmore

Deck of Cards – Red cards were bear crawl up the hill and Iron Mikes to match the number on the card.  Black cards were run the hill and squats at the top.  Jacks=11, Queens,=12, Kings=13, Aces=14, Joker=20

Q drew a card and we performed.  If you got done, then you held either the squat or lunge position until the 6 was done and we mosey back to the bottom and do it again.

We were not able to finish the deck of cards, but what we got done was brutal enough.

Mosey back to the AO.

Dealer’s Choice.  I picked someone to do a workout of their choice and they lead.  Once they are done, then they picked someone else to lead another workout.

Flutter Kicks

Leg Lifts


Complex Crunch (Moses Special)

Box Cutters

30 second LBC Cash Out OYO.

12 HIMs.  Flash, Pinnochio, Napster, Woodshack, Radioshack, Neighbor, Moses, Taco, Butterfingers, GoldFinger, Hammy, Drifter
You are a product of your choices and nothing else.

Galatians 5 talks about the Fruits of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Flesh.  It tells us not to engage in things to gratify the flesh, but instead do things to gratify the spirit.  This tells me that there is a choice to be made there.  The choice you make will determine your next step and eventually your outcome.  Are you making choices to gratify the spirit and see the outcome that you desire to see.

Be mindful of the choices that you make.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: Thick and Moist!

Walking Lunges With a Twist (100ft)
Carolina Dry Docks (IC x 10)
Burnie Sanders Back (100ft)
Inchworms (50ft)
SSH (IC x 20)
Broad Jumps (50ft)
T-Merkins (OYO x 10)
Burnie Sanders Back (100ft)
Rockette Line in lieu of Woodshack (IC x 10)


15 Min AMRAP
15 Step-ups w/knee to elbow each leg
20 Iron Big Boy Sit-ups (IBBS)
25 Merkins

12 Min AMRAP
10 Single Leg Sun Dials (each leg)
15 Knees to chest, feet to sky (compound crunch)
20 Ankle touches 2ct

10 Min AMRAP
10 Chest to bars
15 Iron Mikes 2ct
20 CMU overhead press

*Roll a dice for the exercise*
1 LBC (x40)
2 Burpees (x10)
3 Hello Dolly (4ct x20)
4 Plank Knee to Op Elbow (4ct x10)
5 Slutter Kick (4ct x15)
6 American Hammer (4ct x10)

11 Pax – Tagged to post

I drop the ball on this – my words were not put into sentences very well after this beatdown and I delivered a very confusing and non complete message…I owe it to the Pax – I will re-visit this message with a “part 2” on my next Q!

The AMRAP layout really increases the intensity of the work-out.  Everyone was together doing the same movements and able to motivate one another for another level of intensity.  Multiple Pax caught the eyes of another in a moment of rest before digging deeper and pushing through!

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.



Slingshot around lower loop with partner – farmer carry CMU’s while partner does 15 calf raises
Had 3 back to back Dora exercises but no one made it past the first two. oops.

  • 100 V-ups, 200 Squat Jumps, 300 Shoulder Taps – Karaoke down and run back
  • 100 CMU Swings, 200 OH Press, 300 Curls – Run down and back


  • Captain Thor (up to 5)
  • LBC’s until end

13 Total

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

The golden rule is often taken into negative context… “If you don’t want to get punched, don’t punch others. If you don’t want to be talked down to, don’t talk down to others.” The Lord isn’t called us to stop doing bad things in order to not be treated badly, He calls us to do positive things in order to receive positive things.

If you want to be loved, go and show your love to others. If you want to receive gifts, give gifts to others.

Spend your time spreading positive things in life, not just avoiding the negative.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.