F3 Knoxville

2.0 Black Friday Event

  • The Scene:
    • Overcast 50 degrees..perfect day for a workout at The Burbs!
  • Welcome/Disclaimer:
    •  Archie/Cheddar claimed they are not professionals, however we aren’t convinced..
  • Warm-a-rama
    •  Archie/Cheddar led the warm up.
      •  Cheddar sensed we were all a little sluggish from all the turkey, so it went like this:
        • Bur-pees
        • Squats
        • Merkins
        • Up Hil Leap Frog
  • Tha-Thang-FullHouse took over and led the way:
    •  Indian Run to the bridge. We frog jumped across the bridge and indian ran through the park to frog jump across the next bridge.
    • It was a free for all to the base of the hill…
    • Relay race up the hill with 2.0’s vs 1.0’s. Each partner runs twice!
      • 2.0’s grouped in 4’s while the dad’s were in 2’s
      • Dads handicapped with the Bernie
      • The 2.0’s were victorious!
    • Mosey on over to the Tennis Court
      • Partnered up and started at the practice wall.
      • One partner does a wall sit while the other partner bear crawled to the tennis net.
      • Repeat with Crab Walk
    • Regrouped at AO and headed to the open field with a Kickball
      • we played capture the ball. The Q punts the ball as far as they can..the PAX pursues. First to the ball gets to kick it next.
      • Each time we got the ball the 2.0 said their name and something they are thankful for.
      • Each 2.0 can only recover the ball once–allows everyone a chance.
    • Mosey back to AO-basketball court for some Suicides  Wind sprints or Ladders
  • Mary:
    • Flutter Kicks
    • Box Cutter
    •  LBCs
    • Planks
    • We finished up with a version of ring of fire. The kickball was passed around the circle. If you have the ball you do a burpee while the rest of the PAX follows the Q’s lead
      • FIrst Round was:
        • FLutter Kicks
        • Freddy Mercuries
        • LBC’s
        • Repeat
      • Second Round
        • Plank-left-center-right repeat until done.
  • Name-O-Rama
    • 18-(6-1.0s & 12-2.0s)
    • 2 FNK-s got names. We had T-rex(kick-flip) and Copperfield (erector)
  • COT
    • 1 Timothy 4:4-5
    • We talked about being thankful and specifically prayerfully thankful for all that god has created..
  • Moleskin
    • Look out for a new location and a 2.0 workout soon!a

90 second AMRAPS x22

THE SCENE: slightly warm with heavy rain

10 x tempo squats

10 x moroccan night clubs


each PAX received an exercise card upon arrival. a quick count-off after name o-Rama With Q as #1. in order, each PAX called out their exercise case resulting in a random mix of exercises performed for as many reps as possible in 90 seconds with a 30-second breather in between. the deck of cards included a random mix of exercises from the Lexicon that included exercises such as Pickle Pounders, Squats, Mercans, Little Baby Arm Circles, Freddie Mercury’s, Alphabet on 6, Flutter kicks, Bear Crawls in a circle, Planks, Mountain Climbers, Big Boy Situps, etc.. (Note: Pax made a quick mosey to the adjacent covered carport to get some cover from the heavy rain thanks to Trolley)18 various exercises were performed in approximately 42 minutes.

None – Out of Time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
on this Thanksgiving eve, we can all find many things to be thankful for, many of them simply because of the country were fortunate enough to be born in. From our health to the food we will be blessed with this Thanksgiving to the Men we surround ourselves with in F3 and so on. Ultimately, being thankful is about the mindset of being conscious of what we have and what surrounds us and giving thanks for that as opposed to comparing our lives to others (coveting thy neighbor) and striving to acquire more and more material objects.

“Ephesians 5:20 New International Version (NIV)
20 always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Apologies to those 3 prayer requests that were mentioned. My short term memory loss strikes again.
a 2nd order is being gathered for Brolympics shirts. Also, See Mayberry with donations for the TN Veterans Home.


THE SCENE:   43 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered 

Abe Vigoda IC x 8
Finkle Swings (demonstration!) OYO
Chinook (demonstration!) IC x 8
Seal squats (demonstration!) IC x 8
Pickle pounders IC x 10
E2K L&R (demonstration!) IC x 6


Come!  Bring 6 CMUs and mosey to “Aww Hill”.  Q calls out “up”, “down”, or “bernie” and the PAX run up, down, and backerds…

Come!  Mosey to the “Stairway to Nowhere”.  Form two teams for a little competition.

Three at a time from each team will carry CMUs to the top of the steps and back while the rest of the team performs listed exercises in cadence (metronome set to 95 BPM).  Once runners return, start the next exercise while three new men run the steps.  Repeat until one team finishes the list.

List of exercises is;

Seal squats
Hello Dolly
Mountain Climbers
E2K (Right)
Tempo Merkins
E2K (Left)
Iron Mike
6-inch plank
All run to the cone and back
Scorpion Dry Docks (left leg)
Monkey humpers
Scorpion Dry Docks (right leg)
Side crunch L
Side crunch R
Bobby Hurleys
Flutter kicks
Pickle pounders
Shoulder taps
All run to the cone and back

Come!  Mosey back to the Shovel Flag




33 men counting the Rushers.  2 bugged-out before the pic.

Welcome!  FNG to-be-named (that dude CRUSHED the workout without even breaking a sweat!  I think I even saw him yawning a half-dozen times…)

Glad to have you!  2 from down-range (Chattanooga), “Blindside” and “Laces Out”


It’s been said that when leading his army in conquest, Julius Caesar would never tell them “go forward” – instead, he would move first and then tell the army behind him, “Come!”.  This morning, I want to talk about leading by example – and more specifically to those of you who are fathers – about leading your children by your example.

In some ways, your sons and daughters will become what you are – are you being what you want them to be?

In the mid-19th century, J.C. Ryle wrote a book, “Duties of Parents”.  Here are a few nuggets of wisdom from the book;

  • Train them (your children) remembering continually the influence of your own example
  • Instruction, advice, and commands will profit little unless they are backed up by the pattern of your own life
  • Your children will never believe you…so long as your actions contradict your counsel
  • They will seldom learn habits which they see you despise or walk in paths in which you do not walk yourself
  • What they see has a much stronger effect on their minds than what they are told

Your actions speak much louder than your words.  Are you demonstrating right living?

You must be demonstrating for your sons and daughters, habits which will produce healthy bodies (exercise, eating well…).  More importantly, you must demonstrate habits which promote healthy relationships (trustworthiness, self-control, kindness, vulnerability…).  Most importantly, you must be persistently demonstrating through observable action, habits which promote a healthy soul (charity, prayer, reverence for the Name of God, studying the Word of God…).

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable…excellent…and praiseworthy” (Philippians 4:8).  You must fill your own mind with these things – and DEMONSTRATE them to your sons and daughters.

They are observing you, Dad!  Are your behaviors promoting the young men and women that you want them to be?

The parent who tries to train without setting a good example is building with one hand and pulling down with the other.” – J.C. Ryle

A lot of today’s exercises we did to failure.  Do you ever fail at being the example you want your children to follow?  I wish I could say that I never have setbacks – that I can always tell my sons, “Imitate me, just as I imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1) – but that’s not the case.  I fail sometimes, and those failures are counterproductive to my hard work.  Just three days ago, at the end of what had been an incredible and memorable boys-only weekend, I lashed out at my oldest and called him a “stupid ass” (for nearly blinding his little brother by directing a leaf blower right into his face…).  For all the time and energy my wife and I spend building him up and up… with that emotional outburst, I tore some of our hard work down.

For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing” (Romans 7:18) – (Hat tip to Anchorman for his Q last week)

Inevitably, you’re going to fail as well.  What then?  Here’s what I did last weekend (after the emotion died down)…  I explained my reaction – I was volcanic at him because he could have very seriously hurt his brother.  I admitted my mistake – which was assuming that he’d done it on purpose for a laugh.  I asked his forgiveness and talked to him about how I could have reacted differently.  He sees me trying hard to be a better father.

DEMONSTRATE right living for your children, men.


3 CHALLENGES for today – from easiest to hardest…

#1: Commit this to memory;
Proverbs 20:7 “The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.”

#2:  What is something that you want your kids to do or be that you will START DEMONSTRATING for them?
(For me, it’s reading scripture.  I often read on my phone, but for all my sons know I could be playing Candy Crush…  I need to be more deliberate about outwardly demonstrating that habit – it can be as simple as reading an actual paper Bible, or including them in discussion)

#3:  What is one unhealthy part of you that you do not want your kids to do or be – and you will STOP DEMONSTRATING for them?
(For me, it’s reacting emotionally)


  • Prayers for Guardrail’s family in Chicago, for Gump and his wife as they have a baby today (!), praise for Mailbox’s answered prayers from Monday!
  • Here’s a link to the book I quoted above.  At only 25 pages, it’s a quick read.  Review pages 20-21.  https://chapellibrary.org:8443/pdf/books/dopa.pdf
  • The workout didn’t seem nearly hard enough today.  I’ll be scheming about how to bring more pain next time I’m on Q.
  • If you’re up for it, share in JUCO Group Me about life changes you will make to better demonstrate right living (Answer Challenge 2 and/or 3)


Convergence December 7th!!!!


THE SCENE: 41F Clear

1 mile mosey
Hill Repeats:
Start at the bottom of JUCOmanjaro and sprint up to the first turn out. Its about halfway up. It’s 0.14 miles with a little less than 100ft of elevation.
Then slow mosey back down. The time to come back down should be double the time it took to go up.
Then Rinse and Repeat, until the hill had been conquered 10 times.
Cool Down was a 1 mile mosey.
Finally we got in some stretching: Downward Dog, Upward Dog, Pigeon, etc.
Joined in with the Boot Camp guys led by KickFlip.
Erector, Frenchie, Cosmo, Downhill, Uncle Rico, Alter Boy, Hydro, QIC-Archie

Pumpkins & Prison Workout

THE SCENE: High 50s

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) X 20
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Hand Release Merkins – OYO X 10
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Calf Raises X 50 (OYO)
  • Frankenstein Leg Lifts X 20 Yards
  • Mosey


Parking Lot near AO

  • 20 Merkins on one end & 20 Squats at the other
  • Rinse & repeat X 4
  • Max Big Boy Sit-ups – 1 minute
  • Indian Run Mosey

Sophomore Hill

  • AMRAP burpees at the Bottom while partners sprints up and back; switch
  • Rinse & Repeat X 4
  • Spider crawl & bear crawl to the top of the hill

Fitness Center

  • 20 Pullups while partner does AMRAP of Diamond Merkins, Wide Grip Merkins & Carolina DryDocks; rinse & repeat X 3
  • Flutterkicks


  • LBCs
  • Hello Dollies
  • Superman


26 HIMs – 5K, Anchorman, Archie, Butcher, Commission, Cosmo, Cortez, Curveball, Downhill, Erector, Frenchie, Ginger, Gump, Jitters, Judge Judy, KickFlip, Mermaid, Nadia, Pool Boy, Sargent Slaughter, Snaggletooth, Spotter, Stye, Triage, Weedwacker and Booster.


On Wednesday, October 23, I met two people in Oklahoma City who have overcome great obstacles to make a difference in our world and impact me in a strong way.  Amy Downs was a 335 pound woman living a bad, unfulfilling life.  She was a college dropout, had no social life, didn’t volunteer in the community and was a teller at a local credit union.  One morning while talking to a friend at work, there was an explosion and she found herself trapped. She thought it was a nightmare but it was a real nightmare.  The Murrah Federal Building where her credit union was located on the 3rd floor was under attack by domestic terrorists.  She fell 3 stories and was trapped on the first floor where the daycare was located.  For 6+ hours, she cried, asked God to forgive her for not living her life to her fullest and begged to be saved.  She promised God if her life was spared that she would do her best to fulfill her promise.  She was rescued and turned into a different women.  She lost 200 pounds, she got her bachelors and MBA, she started attending church and volunteering in the community.  Amy got married, had 2 children and is now President/CEO of Allegiance Credit Union where she worked during the bombing.  Amy became an endurance athlete and has competed in countless ironman, marathons, etc. around the world.  She is now making the most of the gift God gave her.

Lt. Colonel Forrest “Woody” Aurentz (retired) and I sat next to each other on the plane back from Oklahoma City to Atlanta.  He’s a great guy.  He started the Gathering of Mountain Eagles, a charity that helps wounded veterans.  Woody and his volunteer team takes them whitewater rafting, deep sea fishing, skiing, etc.  I asked him what made him start his charity…he paused and looked away.  I told him it’s OK if he didn’t want to share.  Woody looked back with tears in his eyes and began another nightmare that led us both to start crying at 30,000 feet above our great country.  When his daughter was 14, she went on a church trip to an amusement park out of town.  A drunk driver hit her bus and 27 people were killed including her best friend.  His daughter would have died but she woke up because her legs were on fire.  She crawled off the bus.  She lost her leg and was burnt more than 65% of her body.  Woody ended up having PTSD himself because he would hold his daughter’s hand as the trauma team would cut the dead skin off of his baby girl twice a day.  He said it was the worst experience of his life.  The military men and women up near Fort Knox, Kentucky where they were stationed were there to help Woody, his wife and family with food, financial and emotional support, donating blood, etc.  He promised that if he was ever in a position to help the men and women who have served our country that he would.  Woody said he’s great at organizing but doesn’t know anything about fundraising.  I asked Woody what he would do if his charity had more money and he said have more activities and trips because there’s always a waiting list and people that can’t afford to pay to get to wherever the activity will be held.  I’m going to start helping the charity pro bono through my new fundraising consulting firm.

Brolympics is on November 9

Bring canned food.