F3 Knoxville

DORA at the equalizer

THE SCENE: 32 and doggy

Cherry pickers


some of these some of those

feet together stretch

partnering up and get ready for a nice fun beat down.For stations and with three exercises at each station one partner will run to the next station while the first partner does the first exercise. The second partner comes back and does the exercise while the first partner runs to the next station and back. Repeat all the way through each set of exercises to the end of the path and back.

  • First station:
  • Merkens, Plyo Merkens, shoulder taps
  • Second station:
  • LBC, side crunches, hello Dolly’s
  • Third station:
  • Burpees, American hammers, V ups
  • Fourth station:
  • Iron Mike’s, squats, lunges

First pickle pounders, butterfly stretch
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THE SCENE:  Cloudy, temp in mid-forties.

20 Plank Jacks, 10 Jump Squats, 10 Rockettes, 10 Windmills, Michael Phelps, Little of This and That
Mosey to South Ball Fields Parking Lot.  We will start at southern curb.  There will be five cones places along parking lot toward northern curb.  We will run to each cone, hop backwards three parking spaces, then run to the next cone, hop backwards three parking spaces, and continue this pattern until we reach the northern curb.

We will do the same thing going back but instead of hopping back three spaces will bear crawl back three spaces.

Next, we will have a race to pick up the cones.  The idea is to get a cone and run back to southern curb or to the middle light pole with the cone.  However, anyone who is touched by another men must give that man his cone and allow him a second to run off.  Whoever ends up back at the southern curb or at the middle light pole with the most cones wins.

Mosey to stop sign at main drive.  10 Tempo Squats.

Mosey to parking lot with the nice restrooms.  We will do 20 American Hammers.  Then we will Bernie Across parking lot.  On the other side of the parking lot we will do 20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to playground.  We will do the following in a counterclockwise triangle:

  • At Playground:  20 Bench Jumps and 20 Bench Dips
  • At Pavilion:  20 Picnic Table Pull-ups and 20 Decline Merkins
  • At Flagpole:  20 Sky Jumps and 20 Squats
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to parking lot by the entry gate to the Northern Ball Fields.

We will do Sprints, Bernies, Karaoke’s, and Skips back and forth across parking lot.

Mosey to AO

20 Flutter Kicks, 20 Pickle Pounders, 20 Bicycle Kicks, then stretches.
15 men, no FNGs.
I have read from this song in the past in reference to topics but I thought I would read the whole thing today.  To me, it is a beautiful song about what it means to be baptized.  The name of the song is “Been Through the Water.”  It is written by Kyle Matthews.  It follows the life of a person baptized as a boy and talks about how his baptism follows him through marriage and as an old man before he dies.

Been Through The Water – Kyle Matthews

Preacher pulled the boy up from the water
Alleluias rose from the banks
There was a new suit of clothes from his Father
And a prayer of thanks

The boy walked barefooted all the way home for dinner
And when they laughed at his muddy feet…

He said I’ve been through the water and I’ve come out clean
Got new clothes to cover me
And you don’t wear your old shoes on your brand new feet
When you’ve been through the water
Ah been through the water

Preacher turned them around at the altar
Pronounced the boy and his girl “man and wife”
In two years they were Mother and Father
And they built them a life
And his old girlfriend saw a moment of weakness
And she said “If you’re lonely come see me sometime…”

He said I’ve been through the water and I’ve come out clean
Got new clothes to cover me
And you don’t wear your old shoes on your brand new feet
When you’ve been through the water
Ah been through the water

He baits a hook with his grandson of seven
And says “Soon, I’ll be free from these pains.”
The boy asked if he’s ever been to heaven
He says “No… but I think I know the way… ’cause I’ve been through the water…”

I’ve been through the water and I’ve come out clean
Got new clothes to cover me
And you don’t wear your old shoes on your brand new feet
When you’ve been through the water
Ah been through the water

Prayers for Pele’s cousin, Tom, who is in 80s and has Multiple Myeloma.  He, further, was recently diagnosed with Covid.  Prayers for Crawdad on a safe journey to Huntsville.
CSAUP on Saturday, January 30.  Arrive at 6:15 am at the Asylum to register.  We will start at 6:30 am and end at 9 am.  Breakfast will follow.  Blood drive at Asylum the day before.


THE SCENE:  35 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Reach for the sky
  • Let it hang
  • Monkey humpers IC
  • Hand release merkins x 5 OYO
  • Plank jacks IC
  • Carolina dry docks IC
  • 50% run down and back
  • 75% run down and back
  • Bobby hurleys x 5 OYO
  • Iron mikes x 5 OYO
  • Smurf jacks x 10 OYO


First, The Hub.  Nine cones surrounding a center cone.  Exercises at each cone around the wheel.  Perform the exercise, sprint to the center cone, Bernie to the next cone clockwise.  Repeat until time is called (5 minutes).

Exercises were;

  • 10 hand release merkins
  • 15 bobby hurleys
  • 30 mountain climbers (15 each leg)
  • 10 carolina dry docks
  • 20 iron mikes (10 each leg)
  • 15 plank jacks
  • 10 diamond merkins
  • 15 smurf jacks
  • 20 imperial walkers (10 each leg)

Mary to rest.  Then repeat.  This time go farther! (I believe every man did go farther – nice work!)


Next:  Cone War.  Half the PAX are “Team Up” – half are “Team Down”.  Cones set out in a circle with some in the middle.  Run to a cone, perform exercise, then put the cone down/up depending on which team you are on.  Repeat until time or until a Team has all cones up/down.

Round 1: 1 burpee

Mary to rest.  Then repeat.

Round 2: 3 star jacks

Team Up crushed it both rounds.


Next:  Sixes at the Corners.  Exercise at each of the four corners then side shuffle/sprint/Bernie to the next corner

Round 1: 6 burpees at each corner

Round 2: 12 merkins at each corner

Round 3: 18 squats at each corner



PAX choice for 5 minutes


12 + 5 Rushing

Q Source 1.11 is “Study”.  The Daily Exploration into The Foundations of Faith.  I love that description…”exploration into the foundations of faith…”.  The QSource says, “Faith is a practice that requires Study to Accelerate.”

I have found a lot of fulfillment and excitement from studying the context of scripture.  I’ve enjoyed it because understanding the context is an antidote to the two main reasons I don’t want to read my Bible; either 1) I find it confusing, and/or 2) the richness of scripture goes over my head because of the difference in culture, language, location, etc.  Exploring those differences and really seeking to understand who these people were, what they meant when they said that, where they were living – I have found that it can unlock treasures within these ancient writings.

There’s a free app called “Bible Hub” that can help you mine the scriptures for treasure.  You can read the Bible in tens of translations, you can see a dozen different commentaries on every verse, in some cases you can see scans of the original papyrus scrolls.  I enjoy using this app to look at the original words of our Bible (I don’t read those words – I’m not smart enough to read Greek or Hebrew, ha) – one feature of the Bible Hub app (Interlinear Chapters) allows you to see English and Hebrew/Greek scripture side-by-side.  You can click on a Hebrew/Greek word and see the definition…how it might be used symbolically…and links every other place that word is used in the Bible.  That information is so powerful and might even provide a texture to stories that you’ve read a dozen times.

Verses we explored;

  • Numbers 15:38-40
  • Malachi 4:2
  • Mathew 9:20-22

Context and detail can provide richness to your reading.  I encourage you to explore into the foundations of your faith daily.  One way of doing that is by studying the original words, people, and places in order to better understand and appreciate what you are reading.



Prayers for Booster’s friend’s family, who has suffered a recent tragedy.

Nice to have Mr. Slate transplant to us from Lexington!

QSource 1.11, Study

Bible Hub in the Play Store

Bible Hub in the Apple Store



Hamstrung @ Shamrock


THE SCENE: Mid 40’s and drizzle

Tempo Squats
Thai Fighters
Cherry Pickers

Start at #1, work through the list, drop the top item each time until complete
Reps 1 30 second hamstring plank
20 2 diamond pushups
20 3 squats
20 4 American hammers
20 5 Hamstring walk out
20 6 Wide arm push ups
20 7 lunges
20 8 pickle pounders
20 9 Hamstring leg lift
20 10 merkins
20 11 monkey humpers
20 12 big boy sit-ups


Mary was included in the workout

Where are you invested with your time?  Where you spend your time shows those around where your priorities are.  If you are out of line, like me, then focus your time where it belongs and get back on track.  For me, being more present while home with the wife and kids, as well as doing intentional things on the weekends.  Work sucks up an inordinate amount of time for me, and my family doesn’t need to feel like they are 2nd to work.

January 30, CSAUP at Asylum.

Incline Bear Burpee Shuffle

  • Scene:  28degrees of misty mountain madness – ie. Cold and dark
  • Intro: Welcome to the Jungle
  • Warmup:
    • high knees + burpees ( ~20 )
    • Side straddles parking lot lengths.
    • Freddy Go Rounds – (all in four count – High Knees, Mtn Climbers, Freddy Mercuries, Austrailian Freddy Murcuries,- and in reverse backup up to high knees )
  • Workout:
    • Single file line of HIMs facing the hills – arms width apart.
    • 1. Do a burpee
    • Bear crawl up the hill
    • Do a burpee
    • Reverse bear crawl down the hill.
    • Do a burpee (and back down to plank)
    • Hold plank waiting for 6.
    • 3 Plank Shuffles to left
    • Repeat until time runs out – progressing to all hills on campus.
    • In light of the monthly challenge we’ll attempt to keep track of the running burpee total.
    • We did four basic hills – 80 burpees on the bottom and 40 burpees on the tops of hills for a total of about 120 burpees.
  • Circle of Trust / Ball of Man
    • Sharing struggles, psalm 38 & 39 are brutal.  Raw, gritty. Such is life.  Sandy dirty muddy wet cold. Offer it up to God. Pleading for mercy. Pleading for grace. From Political crazyiness to at home marriage battles – what do we do?  Life and death on the line with Covid.  Are we but a vapor? A smoke? Dust in the wind? Each breath is a gift. Each moment a miracle.  It ain’t pretty. I’m not pretty.  Forgive me for my mess. Please forgive me for my anger.  Thank you for suffering with me today.  You are my brother!