F3 Knoxville

Don’t Worry…

THE SCENE: awesome


SSH, Imperial Squawkers, Tempo Merkin, Mountain Climber, Plank Jack, LBAC fwd/bkwd, Overhead Clap, Lap around Parking Lot


  1. B-L-I-M-P-S @ Senior Center Parking Lot
    5 Burpees – sprint
    10 Lunge – skip
    15 Imperial walker – karaoke
    20 Merkins – sidestep
    25 Plank jacks – high knees
    30 Squats – sprint
    Sprint (skip, karaoke, sidestep) across parking lot after each exercise. – rabbits hold al gore

2. When Animals Attack @ Pool Paved Courtyard (FUN BUT 5 MINUTES IS A LONG TIME TO BEAR CRAWL)
5 mins – mark off an area (kill zone). All PAX remain in area at all times. One PAX (“the attacker” or “it”) starts in one corner, the other PAX in the other corner. Assume bear crawl position and stay there. The Attacker begins to chase his prey throughout the kill zone (in bear crawl mode). Once contact is made with PAX (“tag”), contacted PAX becomes the attacker, returns to his corner, and it starts over. Tweak the exercise with the size of the kill zone and the number of people.

3. 5-10-15 @ Playground
5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats (5 rounds) – rabbits hold plank

4. Bernie-Bear-Blaster @ Amphitheater
Bernie uphill/bear crawl down:
1. AB BLASTER – 20x (modified 10 for time)
LBC, BBS, American Hammer (2-ct), Freddy Mercury (2-ct) – rabbits hold protractor
2. ARM BLASTER – 20x (modified 10 for time)
Merkins, Carolina Dry Docks, Shoulder Taps (2-ct), Diamond Merkins – rabbits hold plank
3. LEG BLASTER – 20x (modified 10 for time)
Bobby Hurleys, Iron Mikes (2-ct), Step-ups, Squats. – rabbits hold al gore



Sometimes men don’t pay attention to many emotions – we named the big ones: anger and hunger (not really an emotion). But we often worry without knowing it – when we can’t influence/control/manipulate a situation to the outcomes we want, those things often roll around in our minds or become susceptible to triggers without our knowledge. This is worry. (It’s like the photo negative/evil twin of meditation – rolling something around in our mind.) A well-known scripture teaches us how to deal with this. Philippians 4:6-7 (The Passion Translation):

Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life,  then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will guard your heart and mind through Jesus Christ.

I mentioned a song from Maverick City – Jireh

Praying for wisdom and discernment for a specific situation; Crazy coffeeteria at Dunkin: met a guy with a cool Malinois (Belgian security dog) just moved to Oak Ridge from San Diego that needs F3 (we’ll see if he shows up); a sobering T-bone car accident at the nearest intersection that could easily have killed both drivers, and a mom at Dunkin who thought her son was involved (same kind of car).

CSAUP July 24, Hardship Hill Oct 2 (only 2 seats left on the Porkchop Express!)

Gorilla complex and stairs

THE SCENE: beautiful high 60s
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: proceeded as recommended.

Side straddle hops (IC) 4ct
    •    Imperial squakers  (IC) 4ct
    •    Tennessee rocking chair
    •   tempo pushups
    •    Stretch on your own 30 seconds

THA-THANGMosey to dip bars to do 34s: 3 dips followed by 4 pushups. do that for 90 seconds. rinse and repeat twice.

Mosey to CMU area, pick up block and then to theatre stairs.
At stairs do a modified gorilla complex. With a cinder block perform the following OYO without stop: 8 Curls For Girls, 8 Overhead Presses, 8 Tricep Extensions, 8 rows then drop coupon for 8 Merkins. Follow this up by a run up stairs. Rinse and Repeat 8 Times.
At CMU area, did a guest leg exercise (block squats) with Judge Judy. Then parking lot bear crawl with block. at one end, do 10 squats with block and the 10 leg press at other end.
Returned coupons to recruiting center and mosey back AO.

Godfather Mary. Snag, Judge, Kick Flip and Erector lead a user choice Mary – included box cuts, LBC, side crunches and angle leg lifts.


focused on an example of a North Korean defector who went through tremendous adversity to attain her goals. Along the way she learned to not judge the hardship of others. The word focused on extending that us, to not judge the hardship of others, but to provide guidance to help folks be the best they can be.



Learning more about Dolphins & Daffodils

THE SCENE: Very nice

Crunchy Frog
Tempo Squat
Tempo Merkin
Freddy Mercuries


Mosey to the Courtyard, picking up a CMU baby along the way – making sure it didn’t touch the ground the entire workout and passed around to everybody to love on it.
4 Corners to some Tunes
First Round 10, 20, 30, and 40 Merkins
Second Round 10, 20, 30, and 40 4-count Mountain Climbers
Third Round 10, 20, 30, and 40 Monkey Humpers
Fourth Round 10, 20, 30, and 40 LBCs
Fifth Round 10, 20, 30 flutter kicks (time)
Periodically taking a break and doing squats during “Thunder” by Imagine Dragon


Hello Dolly
Big Boys



Part 2 of Missionality in the life of the High Impact Man

Missionality is Service in the High Impact Zone. To Live Right, a HIM must exert the majority of his efforts to Serve within his personal HIZ, the boundaries of which are defined by his Mission.

Mission is the course of action taken to achieve an articulated Purpose. The course of action is comprised of the individual Tasks the HIM undertakes to bring his Purpose into fruition. These Tasks are not random, but are the outgrowth of the Skills for which he is most suited, the things that he does with the most ease and familiarity and constantly improves through Practice.

Building on Kickflip’s message about the Dolphin, The Daffodil represents the people-category that a man is born to Serve with his Dolphin. Like the Dolphin, a man’s Daffodil is a matter of hard-wiring. There are men who continue to coach soccer even after their kids have stopped playing. It took me awhile, but my Daffodil is engaging, collaborating, and helping veterans in their post-military career. Each one of us has both a Dolphin ability and Daffodil passion. The HIM loves all of mankind equally, except for his Daffodil. He loves his Daffodil more, because that is who he was born to Serve.

Part 3 on Friday!

Dealing with Guilt

THE SCENE: hot and sticky

10 Projectivator, 15 Imperial walkers, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo Merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 tempo squats
Mosey to the big parking lot south of the highschool.

Here’s the 7 of diamonds.  Do each exercise at each corner of the diamond.  All exercises are in increments of 7.

  • 7 burpees
  • 14 merkins
  • 21 squats
  • 28 SSH
  • 21 flutter kicks IC
  • 14 wide-arm merkins
  • 7 burpees

Then, mosey to the track for a lap of Catch Me If You Can. Partner does 3 burpees while the other is running backwards around the track. Flapjack when partner 1 is caught.

Mosey back to shovel flag.
Various LBCs
5 in attendance at the Project this morning.
“You have heard that the ancients were told, ‘You shall not commit murder ’ and ‘Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.’ But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, ‘ You good-for-nothing,’ shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, ‘You fool,’ shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell. Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering.”

Matthew 5:21‭-‬24 NASB

Jesus is teaching a more excellent way. It is not just about following the commands, but about the condition of the heart. That’s why if we have something against someone, we need to make it top priority to reconcile. Jesus mentions stopping in the middle of worship to reconcile with a brother. If we allow an issue to fester, it will just get more and more difficult to address.


CSAUP coming up at Dog Pound.

An Attitude of Gratitude

THE SCENE: It’s a beautiful view on top of JUCOManjaro!

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Moroccan nightclub 20
10 Windmills in cadence
5 burpees on your own
Side straddle hop in cadence


Mosey to Hard Knox parking lot.

10 merkins
20 squats
30 flutter kicks

Line up on the curb for some Shawn T’s.

Mosey to Jucomanjaro

Start at the first mark
Run 4 marks and do 10 merkins
Run back a mark and do 20 squats
Run back a mark and do 30 flutter kicks
Walking lunges to the second mark

Rinse and repeat.

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Today’s word is Gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude… is one of my favorites.

When we learn to count our blessings instead of short comings, it’s truly life changing.

If you’ve never done it, I encourage you to keep a 30 day journal, and document 1 thing you’re grateful for each day. It can be as simple as Thank you for letting me wake up today. Thank you for the sunset 🌅 , etc…

Thank you for:

This will help you realize how good you have it.

Thank the Lord because he is good!
Psalm 107:1-3
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. Has the Lord redeemed you? Then speak out! Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. For he has gathered the exiles from the many lands, from the east, in the west, from the north, and the south.

Thank you gentlemen for challenging me! I have nothing but respect for you guys!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.