F3 Knoxville

Another Sunday at The Asylum…

75 and sunny

Welcome & Disclaimer

SSH IC x 20
Union Busters (AKA Imperial Squat Walkers) IC x 10
Merkins IC x 15

Mosey to road and find partner

DORA 1-2-3
Merkins x100
BBSU x200
Squats x300

Mosey to dugouts

CINDY (AMRAP for 20 minutes)
Pull-ups x5 (modify w/ dry docks or shoulder presses)
Merkins x10
Squats x15

Squats x 20
Lunges x 20
Drop lunges x 20
Squat jumps x 20
Calf raises x 20

Mosey to beginning AO
Captain Thor x7

Cash out with Cap’n Crunch, 1 round of  ATMs

Number off and Name-O-Rama

We’re failures as men if we do not love our wives and children. The legacy we leave behind is dependent on how we handle the first two rings of #Concentrica. As Christians, we’re called to live a life worthy of our calling (Ephesians 4).


On a warm day, the PAX stayed disciplined and completed some high intensity workouts with little rest. Morale and the temperature climbed as we got better together at #TheAsylum. We were happy to have an FNG and Little Mike from Charlotte.

Eye of the Tiger

62 and Clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

Side Startle Hop x25 IC
Chinook Squats x20 IC
Little baby arm circles Front x15 and back x15 IC
Mountain Climbers x20 IC
Ranger Merkins x20 IC
Run around the parking x2

Line up along the curb

Burp and Merk
Begin a traditional burpee with a single merkin at the bottom, then back to start. Run to second line for a second burpee with two merkins, then back to start.  Continue to increase merkins by 1 with each line to the 10th line (should do 10 merkins).  Then come down subtracting one merkin for each line all the way to 1.  Total merkins = 100

Count off in 3s then mosey to flag pole.

Bermuda Triangle
Group 1 – 10 pull-ups in the dugout
Run from dugout to short walls near playground
Group 2 -10 step-ups at the short walls
Run from playground to covered area
Group 3 – 10 rows and 10 merkins
Run from covered area to dugout

Rinse and repeat x4

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac Hill

Cardiac Merkin Circuit
Bottom = 20 Ranger Merkins
1st curve = 20 Diamond Merkins
2nd curve = 20 Wide Merkins
Top = 20 Derkins on a bench

Star Fish Crunch x 10 IC
Flutter Kicks x 25 IC
Peter Parkers X 20 IC
Merkins X 20 IC

Number off & Name-O-Rama

Do not be Anxious – Matthew 8:25-34

I have been challenged recently with some uncertainty about what I am going to do when I grow up.

And as I have been going through these I have realized that much of what I have been about achieving and experiencing and measuring my worth based on that.

And as with many of us I have struggled to trust Gods timing.   I think we have all be programed by the world to want answers now when that may not necessarily be God’s timing.   I have been prayerful and seeking his truths about this but I often find myself falling back into the same old desires and habits.   It should be easy right? God says to trust him so I should. I think our desire is to want the easy button.

Now tell me that one more time again God. What is the recipe?   I read a book, the bible, or hear a great sermon, or list to Captain and P-Nut. I want to be that and put it into action but still fall back into the same traps of wanting to accumulate more

Cool morning morning at the Asylum provided a great setting for the PAX work hard.  Spirits were high as always and we ended with group prayer for several PAX members.  Cap’n Crunch also announced that there will be devotions on biblical manhood on Wednesday mornings for those interested.

The Coupon Death March

65 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer

Side straddle hop x20  (In Cadence)
Rockettes x10  (In Cadence)
High Knees x20 (In Cadence)
Baby Arm Circles Forward x10  (In Cadence)
Baby Arm Circles Backward x10  (In Cadence)
Dry Docks x20 (on own)

The Coupon Death March
Description: Running up the hill by AO and down cardiac hill with coupons. 7 exercise stations along the way. Then, reverse it, doing same exercises on way back. 1 lap is when you’re back at coup stack. 2 laps total (Audible called after 1st lap for time, exercises cut to x10 and stopped at burpees).

Station 1: Coups Stack
Exercise: Merkins w/ rows (each arm) x15

Station 2: Parking Lot

Station 3: Gate
Exercise: Big Boy Sit-ups w/ coupon x15

Station 4: Top of Cardiac Hill by Benches
Exercise: Burpees x15

Station 5: Upper Switchback
Exercise: Big Boy Sit-ups w/ coupon x15

Station 6: Low Switchback
Exercise: Squat & Press w/ coupon x15

Station 7: Base of Cardiac
Exercise: Merkins w/ rows (each arm) x15


Return coups. Mosey to grassy area between pavilion and ball field. Line up and number off: 1s, 2s, 3s

Bermuda Triangle
Description: 3 groups at different spots each doing 15 reps. When done, rotate to next spot.

Group 1 – Pavilion
Tricep Dips on Benches x15

Group 2 – Dugout
Pull-ups x15

Group 3 – Curb by stairs
Box Jumps x15

Superman / Bananas on Q
Pickle Pounders x20 (IC)
Planks 60 seconds

Number off and Name-O-Rama

John 13 – Jesus washed his disciples feet. Real men serve others. A mark of a man is to serve others. To carry the burden, physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. To give credit and take the blame. To love the annoying guy at work. To do the hard thing when you just really don’t want to. Remember Jesus – God of universe – laid aside his glory to serve others. Let’s do the same, brothers!

It’s getting warmer, but the PAX keeps on doing work!  It was brutal running Cardiac Hill with coupons, but not only did everyone make it they made sure the men on their left and right made it as well.  Great morning and great way to get ready for the holiday weekend!


64 and rain close by

Welcome and Disclaimer

The Theme: DAY 26! Since its May 26, why not rep out everything in 26 or some form of 2’s and 6’s!

Squatsx26 (IC)
Imperial Squat Walkers x26 (IC)
Chinooks x26 (IC)
Baby Arm circles x26 (IC)

Mosey to pick up 5lb rocks and mosey back to tennis court

Line up on curb

Calf Raises
Toes in x26
Toes out 26
Regular x26

Mosey inside tennis court

Merkins and BBS
On one sideline of the tennis court BBS reps of 2,6,12,16,20,22,26.  Between reps DUCK walk to the other sideline and do Merkins 2,6,12,16,20,22,26

Lazy Doras
P1 does 26 squats while P2 does performed exercises below
Total shoulder presses 126
TOTAL triceps extensions 226
TOTAL curls 326

Circle up for

Sqauts x26 (IC)
BBS x26 (IC)
American Hammers x26 (IC)

Number off and Name O Rama

“IN a world of unrelenting changes, I am the one who never changes, I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and last, the beginning and the end, Find in me the stability for which you have yearned”

Tuesday’s Daily Dose…

53 & clear

F3 Welcome & disclaimer

SSH x 20 (IC)
Cherry Pickers x 18 (IC)
Little Baby Arm Circles Forward x 20 (IC)
Little Baby Arm Circles Reverse x 20 (IC)

Indian run through marina parking lot to gravel at the top of the hill and partner up.

Each group completes 200 merkins, 200 squats, & 200 mountain climbers.
While Partner 1 is completing reps, Partner 2 runs to pavilion to attempt 10 pull-ups. If pull-up failure is reached prior to 10 reps, drop down and finish set with dips before returning to relieve Partner 1.

20 second recovery

Mosey to bottom of marina parking lot

Each person complete 5 8-ct. Body Builders & 5 Big Boy Sit-ups.
Repeat with descending reps (4,3,2,1).

Mosey back to to AO with sprint from speed bumps if desired.

Box Cutters x 25 (IC)
Never Cross Dolly x 20 (IC)
Bicycle Kicks x 20 (IC)

Number off and Name-O-Rama

“A comfort zone is a beautiful oasis, but nothing ever grows there”

As men and as leaders, we cannot afford to shy away from opportunity just because it lies outside of our comfort zones. Stepping outside your wheelhouse will allow you to expand your skill set, meet new people, and gain new experience.

It was a great morning to be outdoors and we had a great PAX. The cool, clear morning had everyone pushing hard and everybody worked up a good sweat by the end of the workout. It was a different experience being in the center of the circle this time but I left feeling very refreshed and ready to take on another day – I hope everyone else did, too.