F3 Knoxville

Punxsutawney Skunk

THE SCENE: Chilly with a touch of ice.  Around 30 degrees at circle up


20 SSH on 4ct, 10 Plank Jacks on 4ct, 10 Tempo Merkins, A little this and that, Jog the lot, Rocky B’s x20, Mosey back and Grab a CMU

Mosey with CMU to pavilion for 20 table rows and 20 dips.  Pick up the CMU and mosey to Circus Maximus.  There perform 5 rounds of 2 sets of exercises (50 reps each) then take a lap.

Round 1: 50 OH PRESS, 50 LBC, 1 LAP

Round 2: 50 CURLS, 50 JUMP SQUATS, 1 LAP

Round 3: 50 MERKINS, 50 SQUATS, 1 LAP

Round 4: 50 ROWS (25 EACH ARM), 50 HEEL TOUCH, 1 LAP

Round 5: 50 DRY DOCKS, 50 SKATERS, 1 LAP

With time left just pick a round or mix and match

Mosey back to pavilion for 20 table rows and 20 dips

Put back the CMU’s and mosey to Little Everest for 2 rounds of 20 4ct Flutter kicks then run to top (Rinse and Repeat)


My bom was interrupted by two skunks doing what two skunks do when they are married and love each other very much.  Basically, the BOM was that we all have a purpose that God has laid out for us.  So live with purpose and pursue your creator.

Marginal Gains

THE SCENE: Weather advisory – super gloomy.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I don’t know what I’m doing.  Go home.  Don’t kiss me.
25 SSH IC.
PAX got their funk on.
Starting in Al Gore, we listened to James Brown – Sex Machine with a reverse squat on every ‘Get Up’.  We took it to the bridge and switched it up for Plank with Merkins then moved onto a low plank and did pickle pounders when required to “shake your money maker”.  Once warmed, we went ahead, hit it and quit.
A circuit around the AO, the parking lots of Circus Maximus and the Pavalon with Pain Stations along the journey.  25s (Two exercises at each station to a total of 25 reps).

  • AO – Rocky Balboas & Asymmetrical Merkins
  • Entrance to cloud – Big Boys & Hello Dolly (4ct)
  • Far end of lot – Plank Jacks (4ct) & Crab Jacks (4ct)
  • Top of Circus Maximus – Squats & Iron Mikes
  • Bottom of Circus Maximus – Captain Thors & Heels to Heaven
  • Pavalon – Dips & Table Rows

We made it to 3.5 loops.

There was a tech breakdown so we had to make do with

  • 20 Big Boys IC
  • 25 Freddie Mercurys (4ct) IC
  • 15 Side crunches (4ct).

16 Strong
Sir David Brailsford revolutionized the UK cycling by making them focus on Marginal Gains.  Big changes are hard.  Instead, look for lots of small change that you can compound over time to make change a process.
Hat Tip to Bunny for praying us out.
CSAUP’s coming.

4 Stations of the Barkley

THE SCENE: Cold. Damp.  Spitting snow at the end.

SSH, 4 ct, x 20 (IC); 2 burpees; CP, IC, x 5; 4 burpees; BAC, forward and back, IC, x 10 each way; 6 burpees
Mosey to the Overlook for a Barkley.  Grab a battle buddy, running the perimeter of the Asylum building, with 4 stations.  Each station has 3 exercises, 1 for each lap.

  • Station #1 (Overlook): Merkins x 25; CDD x 25; Dips x 25
  • Station #2 (Westside stop sign):  LBCs (4ct) x 25; American Hammers (4ct) x 25; Hello Dollys (4ct) x 25
  • Station #3 (Old rock pile): Squats (4ct) x 20; Smurf Jacks (4ct) x 20; Iron Mikes (4ct) x 20
  • Station #4 (Eastside stop sign): Burpees x 10; Man Makers x 10; Hand Release Burpees x 10

After finishing all 3 laps, wagon wheel for the 6 and mosey back to the AO
Cat Gut leads the Pax in several minutes of Boat Canoe.  Finish strong with ATMs.


From Matthew  26:52-53: “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.  Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?”

In today’s world, gentleness is not really celebrated.  To show gentleness is to show weakness.  And yet, it is one of the Fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:23).

When we look at the Jesus, we see that gentleness is a chief trait.  As he was being betrayed, arrested, and (as he knew), led off to die, he could’ve called down destruction at any moment. But he humbled himself and died for us instead.

Gentleness is strength and power under control

Prayers to lift up our community, our nation, for Charmin’s cousin’s family after a sudden death, for Cat Gut’s nephew and his family, as he has been seriously injured in a motorcycle wreck.
CSAUP Jan. 30!  Sign up!

Farming Two Rivers

THE SCENE: 30s and a tad damp

Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Temp Merkins, Dancing Bear, Temp Squats
Farmer Carry CMUs to Two Rivers Church parking lot.

  • Sets of 30-25-20-15-10: Perform 1 set of Alpo, famer carry CMU 50 yards, Perform 1 set of Shoulder Press, farmer carry back to start.  Repeat with last sets at 10.
  • Farmer Carry CMU down the hill to bottom of parking lot. Parking lot is divided up into two square sections, a heavy side and a light side.  Group split into two (one attacking the heavy, one the light).
    • Heavy side: 7 cones with exercises at each – all with CMU, all while farmer carrying CMU to each.  Buy in with 5 Burpee jump overs. Exercises: 10 Thrusters, 10 Merkin Overs, 15 Shoulder Raises, 15 Shoulder Press, 15 Squats, 20 Curls, 20 Tri-cep Extensions
    • Light side: without CMU, Mosey around the section, 5 Burpees at start and every turn (4 corners total).
  • Groups repeated each side twice

Flutters, LBCs, Box Cutters, Hello Dollies

11 Strong

Discussed January and the notoriously high rate of suicides this time of year.  Pay attention to those around you and be someone who is willing to be “in the fire” with a brother who is struggling.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 “I call Heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Therefore, choose life, that you may live, you and your descendants; to love the Lord your God. To obey His voice, and to cling to Him; for he is your life, and the length of your days;

Doubtfire showed up to Coffeeteria, but not the beatdown.

Blood Drive 1-29, Asylum CSAUP 1-30

Alphabet Soup

Frosty with increasing Gloom.

I am not a doctor.  Keep your brothers distant and your snot to yourself.

SSH x 21 IC.
BBQ Squats x10 IC
Mosey around the parking lot to collect Archie, and head down to the block paved lots

The Q presented a sheet of 26 exercises – 1 per letter.  With a battle buddy, for more mumblechatter and letters, PAX worked their way through each F3 name with a run to the top of Baby Everest between each letter.  At the top of B.E. do one more merkin than last time, then back down to the start.

e.g. K=10 x Windmills, ascend Baby Everest, 1 merkin
E=Bear Crawl to other side of the road, ascend Baby Everest, 2 merkins
N=10 Merkins (4ct), ascend Baby Everest, 3 merkins,
T= etc…

If this is a Kentucky workout, we have to finish with the Bicycle Race.  Freddie Mercurys to the tune of Bicycle Race, with a Big Boy every time FM sings Bike, or Bicycle.
To the eternal shame of the Mall Walkers, they watched and didn’t join in.

16 Strong, including 5 Mall Walkers, who couldn’t manage a single Freddie between them.

Eddie the Eagle was an Olympic Athlete and example to us all.  He was bad at ski jumping (relatively), but kept going to matter what.  As Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the Olympics said “The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle, the essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.”  Fight well my bothers, fight well!

CSAUP at the end of the month.  Order a new Asylum T-shirt to show off at the event!