F3 Knoxville

THE SCENE: First Frost on the Ground

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
10 tempo merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Lunges (forwards, backwards, side to side)
Moroccan nightclub 20
10 Windmills in cadence
Mosey to the big parking lot for Soccer Drills

  • Stopping for:
    Merkins x20
    Squats x20
    Flutter kicks x20
  • Soccer Drills
    Running in and out fo the parking spaces facing: forward, backwards, and side to side.
  • LBC x20
    Lunges x20 single count
    Burpees x5
  • Mosey to Tomo Poke stairs stopping for dips on the guardrail.
  • At the top
    Merkins x20 run around
    Squats x20 run around
    Flutter kicks x20 run around
  • At the bottom
    LBC x20 run stairs
    Lunges x20 single count run stairs
    Burpees x5 run stairs
  • Mosey to Hard Knox parking lot for Merkin Leap Frogs across the parking lot
  • Grab two rocks.
  • 20 curls
  • 20 dips
  • Rinse and Repeat

Core workout: American Hammers, Heels to Heaven, and Plank with variation.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
I’ve got some friends I’m very close to, that are suffering right now. A lot of it’s self inflicted (addiction, alcohol, etc…) but they’ve reached out recently.

How do you handle that?

I’m trying to be a HIM a spiritual gangster. Like you guys! I pray for them multiple times a day. I try to get them involved with F3 (where they live). I ask them to serve food at a rescue ministry. I try to get them to count blessings and not your mistakes.

They have a lot going on for them, super talented, but don’t feel like it right now.

You might feel that way too. It’s OK. Know you are loved . I love you. More importantly God loves you.

Booster recently posted, “You can sit with me at church…”

“for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”
“and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

Romans 3:23 -24

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Bring your jackets! F3 Gathering at Judge Judy’s

Be a Good Driver


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
41 ℉ 83% 36 ℉ 6.1 mi/h NNE

I am not a professional.  I have a phone.  Workout as injuries allow.


Happy Jacks (5)
High Knees (15)
Abe Vigodas (10)
Cherry Pickers (3)

Mosey to CMUs.

On way, Burpeevators to 8.  (Start regular Burpee, 2nd is Burpee with 2 Merkins. 3rd, Burpee with 3 Merkins up to 8th and Burpee with 8 Merkins.)

On to CMU pile and have everyone grab two. Using parking lot, place a CMU on each side of the parking lot. Starting at one CMU#1, do an exercise, mosey to CMU#2 do exercise, mosey back to CMU#1 do exercise, mosey to CMU#2 do exercise, and then mosey back to start CMU#1. While waiting for six, do second exercise. Finally, when six has finished doing first exercise four times, do third exercise in cadence. So, first exercise 4 times with CMUs, second exercise while waiting, and third exercise as group.
1, 15 CMU Merkin walk-overs, Squats, Jump Squats
2, 15 Overhead CMU Press, Big boys, Flutters
3, 20 CMU Curls, Calf Raises, Twinkle Toes
4, 25 CMU Bench Press, Hello Dollys, LBCs
5, 15 CMU Triceps, Lunge, Jump Squats
6, 15 CMU Rows OR CMU Kettle Bells, LBCs, Box Cutters. Due to time, PAX was given a choice. And Recover was called cutting this short.

No real time for Mary but some got in almost 10 or 10 American Hammers.

16 total.  8 Bootcamp/PT and 8 Rushers.


“If a guy cuts you off in traffic, you can take that as “drop dead” and respond in kind. Or you can just assume that he is a bad driver and keep driving reasonably. If you choose the former, that means that you too become a bad driver and may provoke another negative response from him. A good driver wouldn’t do that because it might disrupt him from getting to his destination safely, which is the whole purpose in driving, to get where you are going in one piece.”
With your goals, don’t let the bad change you in a way that could keep you from where you want to end up.


For our suffering friends and our student in intensive care and for their families.  For my mother and all of my family.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.


Foggy Dora

THE SCENE: Super foggy, a bit chilly at 47 degrees, but the chill was gone after the warmup…

Tempo Squats
Hairy Rocketts
Calf Raises


Mosey to the New Building
Dora Up
– 150 Dips
– 250 Squats
– 350 2-count Freddy Mercuries
Partner runs around the building in-between
Mosey to the Large Parking Lot
50 1-count Flutter Kicks
Run to the other end
50 Merkins
Run back to the beginning, that’s 1 set
Perform 4 sets
Mosey back to the AO

Imperial Walkers

Hello Dolly


2Tim 4:3-5
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Lots of “influencers” self-proclaimed experts, and other current events that seek to take our eyes off of sound doctrine, stay focused on God’s Word and truly test what you hear in the media, online, or at the water cooler to make sure it lines completely up to the Word of God.

Move It

THE SCENE: Mid fifties with some drizzle

Baby arms circles forward IC x 11

Reverse Arm Circles IC x 7

Harry Rockets IC x 15

SSH IC x 20
Mosey toward Sophomore hill while doing a burpee at each tree (left side only) ~20

Four corner style: Reps of 15 at each corner (thanks 5K)

  • Knee-up jumps; Bernie up the hill
  • Staggered merkins (do an extra to keep both sides balanced); side shuffle
  • Squat jacks; mosey down (and avoid the skunk)
  • Diamond merkins; side shuffle (the other way)

Rinse and repeat.  Fill in with flutter kicks and LBCs as we wait for the six.

Mosey to the coupon pile for the next circuit.

Each person grab a coupon or CMU and head to stadium hill.

11 style workout: Slow thrusters at the bottom and Bonnie Blairs up top.  Alternate run and bear crawl as you go up on each set.

  • This was brutal….

Put away the block and mosey back to the flag.

Finish off with plank jack until time; ~1 min.

If What If, by Tony and Daniel Myles.

Sometime in the near future your family will all need to be somewhere at a certain time.  It will require nothing short of pure hustle as you all get ready to leave, because while everyone seems to be moving in that direction, they will also get distracted.  This will become a moment of glory for someone who is willing to step up and rally everyone else to “move it”

God invited Abram into His revolution with a command to move his family to a new land along with a promise that all nations would be blessed through them.  Keep in mind that in Abram’s era, people worshiped idols they’d made.  So, having the true God speaking to him was a new thing.  In response to God, the Bible says, “Abram went” (v.4). Abram without hesitation chose rapid obedience to God instead of arguing back.  Although Abram later had moments where his trust in the Lord dipped, this was a great moment we can celebrate and learn from.

You and your family have that same opportunity to respond with rapid obedience to whatever God asks you to do. Don’t “get around to it later” or think that someone else will do it for you.  Growth is all about you purposefully moving beyond what’s familiar and into the unknown.

Choose to be courageous by stepping into these life-changing moments without a guarantee of how everything will turn out.  God’s revolution is more about putting our faith in Him than in circumstances anyway.  Just as He moved you in one way in the past, let Him keep moving you in other ways.  By moving we become a movement….so move it.

Genesis 12:1-9
BroVember challenge for the month and Christmas party at Judge Judy’s

Do the leg work

THE SCENE: 50’s and clear

22xlbac fwd, 15xlbac bck, 7xCherry Pickers, 10xTempo Merkins, 20xSSH

Mosey to the courtyard of the new building for some 11’s.

11’s of Box Jumps in the courtyard and Diamond Merkins on the road at the bottom of the stairs.

Mosey to the light poles heading toward the Information Center.

Lunge forward one light pole and perform 15 merkins, 15 squats, and 15 BBS then Bernie back one light pole. Once there, sprint forward two poles. Repeat till at the road.

Mosey to the information center and partner up to complete 100xBaby Merkins & 100xCalf Raises.

One partner performs exercise while the other runs one lap around the information center.

Mosey back to the flag.

No time

16 men willing to do the leg work.

I’ve been studying church organization/leadership and one thing that I keep coming back to in everything I read is that we still have responsibility for ourselves. Yes, there are men elected to roles of leadership and charged with overseeing the congregation, but we ourselves still retain responsibility. We need to recognize that responsibility and not forsake it. Take the talents that God has given you and use them for good works.

Luke 12:48b – “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”

Great to see the numbers coming back at JUCO. Keep EHing!