F3 Knoxville

Quality Time at Sophomore Hill

THE SCENE: Nice 70ish degrees with about 55% humidity.

High Knees
Tempo Squats
Freddy Mercuries


Last Man Up to Sophmore Hill (doing a set of Flutter Kicks along the way
Burp Back Mountain
– pairing up with one person proceeding to run backward up the hill/forward down the hill while the other person is performing burpees. The individuals continue to alternate running with burpees until 100 total burpees are completed
Cindy Crawford (5 corners)
– AMRAP 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, and 15 squats, 20 LBCs and 25 Calve raises


Freddie Mercuries


Heb 10:24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
Eccl 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!


Privilege to be together with you men, you encourage and inspire me to be a better Christ-follower, let’s continue to bring others into the F3 fold and watch them change!


Bold Tree Removal

THE SCENE: 67 °F, air nice ‘n thick

Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Merkins, Side straddle hop and Chinooks
30 Guardrail dips on the way to Jucomajaro

  • Split into 2 teams of 4; at each line (100ft), team had to do 8 burpees and 8 squats to the tree
  • At the tree, 1 team cut branches off the dead tree with a saw that happened to be there while the rest of the team did a stationary exercise, then carried wood up the hill
  • The  other team was doing a moving exercise and took over sawing when they got back.
  • Stationary Exercises: Merkins, Burpees, Flutter Kicks and squats
  • Moving: Bear crawl, crab walk, lunges and bernie.

The tree was cleared from the road; only took a couple years.

Time for 5 whole big boy sit ups

The wicked flee when no one is pursuing them, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.  Proverbs 28:1

Starting with a side bar: My non-running daughter prefers the version of this verse that says, “only the wicked run when no one is chasing them”  But I want to focus on the second half of the verse and the topic of Courage as it relates to being bold in facing failures aka shortcomings aka lies aka sin (that’s what God calls it) in our life.  Are we masters of “perception management” knowing what people think of us and keeping our image up? Or are we real, transparent and bold/courageous enough to be real with people and confess our sins to God and then to others?  It’s hard to be bold.  It’s hard to be honest, but that is what we are called to.

Allows me a silly analogy to the tree removal we did this morning.  Removing the clutter and lies from our life isn’t easy work and we get used to operating by just walking/working around them.  Pretty soon, we don’t even see them. But God will show us, through other guys in our lives most often, that we need to remove the things that block our full potential.   I hope the time off today for many of us allow us time to have God show us where lies are in our life.

The other part of this verse that got me thinking is this sounds like a chicken or the egg thing.  The Boldness can comes from Righteousness and Righteousness comes from Boldness.

So what starts it?   (Hint: The church answer works here)  God.   God starts the work in our heart.  Righteousness comes from God; and when being right with God can boldly face life.  But it takes courage to face the sin in our lives.  Only the Holy Spirit can give us the boldness to face our sin and that is through the finished work of Jesus Christ.

5K BYOS (bring your own steak) Tuesday night.  See slack for details.




  • reach for the sky
  • left/right foot hang
  • tempo squat
  • arm circles
  • tempo merkins
  • SSH

Mosey to big front parking lot. Welcome to Ab day.

Find 10 exercise marked in parking spots. Partner up and pick an exercise. Both partners complete the exercise then mosey to light pole. Do 5 burpees. Mosey back and pick a different exercise. Rinse and Repeat.

Exercises are:

  • Flutter kicks (100)
  • ABC’s
  • Hello Dolly (100)
  • Plank (90 Sec)
  • LBC ( 100)
  • BBS (50)
  • Mountain Climbers (100)
  • Pickle Pounders (50)
  • Freddy Mercurys (100)
  • Side Crunch (25 per side)

After completion, do an Al Gore while waiting for the 6.

Gather up and recover, just in time to take a lap around the lake.

Times almost up, head back to the flag.

15 4ct Imperial Walker
15 squats on your own

Isaiah 44:1-8

Isaiah 44:6

Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts:

I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.

Excerpt from New Morning Mercies:

If God is in control of every aspect of your world and his grace covers all your sin, why would you ever give way to fear?

  • Paul David Tripp; New Morning Mercies

The reason we might is we forget the sovereignty of God. We forget He is in control. When we focus on the world around us, it becomes really big and God becomes small. The problems around us overwhelm us.
Today be reminded of who God is, that he’s in control and if we’re in him, he’s covered all our sin.

We have no reason to fear, besides Him these is no god.

Friendship and Servant Leadership

The Scene: 70 and humid

Welcome/Disclaimer – YES

Warmup: SSH, Tempo Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Overhead Clap, LBAC-fwd/bckwd, Projectivator, Cherry Pickers

The Thang
• Follow the Leader to Library Parking Lot: mosey, side step, karaoke, bear crawl, skip, high knees to library parking lot: burpee broad jump toward Amphitheater
• Mucho Chesto @ Amphitheater: 10 – merks, 10 – werkins, 10 – diamond merks, 10 – stagger right, 10 – stagger left (hold plank – someone lead until 6)(rinse/repeat)
• 10 Box Jump/Step Up and Bernie up hill, 10 jump squats at top. (rinse/repeat)
• @ Playground: Baby Murph – 5 pull-ups, 10 merks, 15 squats (5 rounds) = 25 pull-ups, 50 merks, 75 quats
• Bear Crawl to Pool: 10 Wallups
• Follow the Leader to Friendship Bell: mosey to Parallel Bars – hold Al Gore till each pax has a chance to hand walk across bars, BBS till 6, mosey to Friendship Bell for Mary

Kick-Flip to lead, other AOQs and guests, and Judge Judy


2 years and 2 months ago, David Greer became Kick-Flip. (He pointed out that I was on Q that day!) Today we know him as a man of character, a leader among men. When he leads, he’s creative, he’s personal, he pushes us. He serves us by leading. So many of his Qs are memorable, the workout, the word, his leadership and drive, his friendship and encouragement. We are all better men because of him and we are glad to give him the Shovel Flag as our AOQ at the Project.
Maybe one of you will be AOQ after him. I hope you will all step up to Q soon. Just as we need Kick-Flip to show up, we all need you/each other to show up. It’s not only how we get better as men and leaders, it’s how we see and experience the diversity and creativity of God in fitting us together, in both our leading and our following. Your strengths pushes us in our weakness and vice versa. We are all disciples, followers/fellow travelers, friends, of Jesus. In Christian friendship, we disciple each other. We encourage each other. We call each other higher up and further in. Friendship is discipleship when Christ is in you. When you Q, you both lead and serve the men around you as friends. It is both friendship and servant leadership.

Much appreciation to Judge and guys from other AOs who came to support and celebrate the passing of the The Project Shovel Flag to Kick-Flip. Shout out to Trolley who began the tradition of taking the picture at the Friendship Bell.


Ribbed’s wife, men at Equalizer and other AOs whose marriages are struggling, Kick-Flip’s wife and new baby on the way

July 24 CSAUP “Off the Chain”


The Dirty Dozen Tour De JUCO

THE SCENE: 60 degrees with a beautiful sunrise.

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
10 Windmills in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
Mountain Climbers 20
8 Count Merkins AKA Bouble Burpees


We did 1 lap around the campus.

  • Mosey w/ the person in back weaving his way to the front. AKA Black Snake
    10 8 ct merkins
    20 squats
    30 flutter kicks
  • Mosey w/ the person in the front falling off for 2 burpees
  • Pit stop 🛑 at coupon pile
    15 thrusters
    25 curls
    25 triceps
  • Mosey w/ the person in back sprinting to the front.
    10 8 ct merkins
    20 squats
    30 flutter kicks
  • Mosey w/ the person in back weaving his way to the front.
    10 8 ct merkins
    20 squats
    30 flutter kicks
  • Mosey w/ the person in the front falling off for 3 burpees
  • Line up on the curb for toe taps.
  • 10 8 ct merkins
    20 squats
    30 flutter kicks
  • Cardio Island: walking lunges, high knees, high heels, side lunge hops, sprints, and side to side low
  • Mosey back to the flag, with a jail break.
  • 10 8 ct merkins
    20 squats
    30 flutter kicks

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” – Ephesians 2:10

Your potential is huge. Reach for it.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Workday at Wesley House – show up between 8a-9a
1719 Reynolds St, Knoxville, TN 37921