F3 Knoxville

The Beatdown That Keeps on Giving

THE SCENE: Mid 40’s.

Walking Lunges With a Twist (100ft)
Carolina Dry Docks (IC x 10)
Burnie Sanders Back (100ft)
Inchworms (50ft)
SSH (IC x 20)
Broad Jumps (50ft)
T-Merkins (OYO x 10)
Burnie Sanders Back (100ft)
High Kick Forward and Back (100ft)
Rockette Line in lieu of Woodshack (IC x 10)
Burnie Sanders Back (100ft)

Starting with 3 balls to the wall you have completed round 1. Add the next movement for round 2 – 3 balls to the wall, 5 pull-ups, run back to beginning. Round 3 begins with balls to the wall, pull-ups, adding merkins, then run back to start….
Round 10:
3 Balls to the Wall
5 Pull-ups
10 Merkins
15 V-Ups
20 Iron Mikes
25 Dips
30 Shoulder Taps
40 Rotating BBS
50 CMU Overhead Press
CMU Farmer Carry Back to Start

LBC (oyo x20)
Ankle Touches (oyo x25)
Hello Dolly (4ct x20)
Slutter Kick (4ct x15)
Mountain Climbers (4ct x20)
Bycycle (4ct x10)

9 Pax out for TOUGH beatdown!
Finding myself struggling daily to find and hang on to the intensity and motivation to stay fit; I find myself searching and looking for motivational quotes, stories, and videos.  In my most recent search I found a list of 10 reasons to stay fit:
1. Get confident in your own abilities
2. Extend life expectancy
3. raise quality of life
4. Look and feel better
5. Be in a better mood
6. Have a stress-free life
7. Be more energetic
8. Become more productive
9. Discover who you are
10. Become Harder to kill
Though this list may not be the most motivating list to get fit or re-find the motivation it did sit on my mind heavily from another perspective. I couldn’t help but to reflect on God while reading this list, and finding that the list is almost a perfect reason to be a Christ follower. I found a way to incorporate following God into each of these 10 items and how this list served me more as a reason to follow Him!

There’s rumor of a CSAUP headed this way….

Where Do You Want to Go

THE SCENE: 33 degrees F, 97% humidity, overcast skies

SSH, Cherry Pickers, Little Baby Arm Circles, Overhead/Forward Hand Claps

Run to Dalton Street and then down to the base of Waxjob Hill for a set of 7’s.  Started with one BBS at the base and 6 Burpees at the top.  Each time was Bear Crawl up and Mosey down.

Three stations using CMU’s

Station 1 (Touch It)

  • Incline Merkins – x17
  • Toe touches – x17/foot
  • Decline Merkins – x17
  • Dips – x17
  • Crossover Planks – x17
  • Bobby Hurleys – x17
  • Shoulder Taps – x17

Run length of the Grinder and return to Station 1.  Bear Crawl with CMU to Station 2.

Station 2 (Lift It)

  • Bent Rows – x12
  • CMU Swings – x12
  • Squat to OH Press – x12
  • Dead Lifts – x12/arm
  • Triceps Extension – x12
  • Curls – x12
  • Goblet Squat – x12

Run length of Grinder and return to Station 2.  Overhead carry CMU to Station 3.

Station 3 (Throw It)

  • Two hand CMU push throws toward West direction.  Throw six times.  Retrieve and OH carry back to Station 1 then run length of the Grinder.

Return to Station 1 and repeat stations 1 through 3.

Flutter kicks, box cutters, LBC’s, ABC’s (capital letters), LBC’s
Total of 18.  No FNG’s.
I try to read two books a year.  I just made it under the wire in 2018 when I finished “Everybody Always” by Bob Goff on December 30th.  In the book Bob mentions that he recognized each of his 4 children’s 10th birthday in a special way.  His question to them was, “where do you want to go?”  His 4th child is an adopted boy from Uganda who had been mutilated by a witch doctor in that country.  His genitals had been cut off when he was 8 years old and left to die.  Charlie at age 10 wanted to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.  After a few days they made it to 16,400 feet when Charlie decided he could not go any further.  At that point Bob holds a ceremony and gives Charlie medals for his efforts.  Medals for bravery, for effort, for strength.  He proclaimed him a Mountain Climber.  Bob Goff finishes Chapter 23 with this encouragement:

The most important part of our ceremony wasn’t what I said or all the medals.  It was what I didn’t say.  You see, I didn’t tell Charlie how far he had to go.  I said, “Charlie, look how far you’ve come.”  People who are becoming love celebrate how far the people around them have come.  They’re constantly asking the question, “Where do you want to go?”  Then they help the people around them get there.

Go do that with the people you love, including your enemies.  Don’t talk to them about their failures and the dark places they’ve been.  Talk to them about who they’re becoming and the bright hope that is their future.  Speak truthful and wise words over them.  Bring a few medals too.  As you put the last one on their chest, look them in the eye and tell them, “Look how far you’ve come.”  Knowing that the journey you and I are on never really ends, we can ask the people we love one of the most important questions ever conceived.

“Where do you want to go?”

I personally want to add that I see a lot of this going around with the Bomb Shelter HIM’s.  Sometimes we even intuitively know where our partners in the gloom are going.  We are there for them and we help them get there.

Continued to lift Derrick up in prayer as he endures a long recovery from an auto accident  We added Tony for surgery recovery and also Rainman from F3 Knoxville.
Partnership construction with Blount County Habitat for Humanity has been cancelled for this Saturday.  A reschedule for late February is anticipated.

As a Man Thinketh

THE SCENE: Cool and Cloudy (33˚F)

Cherry Pickers 8 (4 Count), Little Baby Arm Circle 15 Fwd/Bwd, High Knees (1 Minute)

Indian Run to Mt. Krumpet!  (Looping down the trail along Darwin, across the wood bridge, and finally across the road all the way to Krumpet.)

Krumpet Dora (Krumpa…Drumpet…)

Split into two man groups for partner Dora.

Hill Workout….Alternate from Bear Crawl, Bernie, and Sprinting to the top of Krumpet.

  • Hillbilly’s 200 (2 Count)
  • Dry Docks 200
  • Squats 200
  • Mountain Climbers 200 (4 Count)
  • Big Boys Sit-ups 300….for a lucky few

Ab-Kraken; LBC’s x 20, Pick Pounder x 10, (4 Count) Captain Thor’s x 5, Pick Pounder x 10, (4 Count) Box Cutters x 10, Pick Pounder x 10 Big Boys x 20, Pick Pounder x 10

13 Strong at the Bombshelter! Back Up, Butterfingers, Cable Guy, Dreamer, Drifter, Emeril, Hammy, Jamaican, Neighbor, Pinocchio, Proton, Tin Man, Wood Shack

As a Man Thinketh

Into your hands will be placed the exact results of your own thoughts; you will receive that which you earn; no more, no less. Whatever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain, or rise with your thoughts, your Vision, your Ideal. You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration.  – James Allen


All that we are is the result of which we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become. – Buddha

Your disposition will be suitable to that which you most frequently think on; for the soul is, as it were, tinged with the color and complexion of its own thoughts…

Your life is what your thoughts make it. – Marcus Aurelius





Just 3 reps

THE SCENE: 38 degrees


10 squads ic

10 imperial walkers x10 ic

10 imp squat walkers ic
1/2 mile loop, do 3 reps of said exercise at each light pole. Only do one exercise per loop. Once loop is complete, lunge 33 times , then begin the next loop w the next exercise. Exercise were;

  • Merkins
  • bobby jacks. Combo of Bobby Hurley’s and star jacks
  • cmu curl/cmu row


100 Peter Parker’s 2ct

200 flutters /4ct

300 lbc

12 pax
Friction, the right amount of friction is needed. Not enough, nothing happens , too much friction is counter productive.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

I’m up, they see me, I’m down

THE SCENE: 25ish

Fire Team Drill – “I’m up, they see me, I’m down”

  • Start at the bottom of the hill by the Grinder with 5 Merkins
  • Stand up and take off while saying “I’m up, they see me, I’m down” then hit the ground for 5 more merkins
  • Repeat until reaching the pine tree at the top
  • Start over at the bottom again, but with situps


CMU Playtime

  • OH lunge to first cone – 5 Mr. Spectacular
  • OH lunge to second cone – 10 CMU Step-up Merkins
  • OH lunge to third cone – 20 OH Presses
  • OH lunge to fourth cone – 30 Curls
  • Leave your CMU and run to the Troll Bridge and back
  • Repeat


  • Thunderstruck – Hold a plank through the song and do a merkin every time you hear “thunder” or “thunderstruck” and do should taps during the solo
  • ABC’s with your legs

12 HIMs
Focus on your mental toughness, both in exercise and in your daily life. There’s a big difference between hitting your comfort limit and your actual limit. Push yourself to do more for yourself and for others. Give your all.

“If we did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.”
Praying for Squiggly’s mother in law and the family for comfort