F3 Knoxville

Climb the ladder

THE SCENE: Cool morning at The Arsenal

3 stations along greenway. CMUs at one end, park benches in middle and third station by the bridge. Ladder work out, with 2 reps of each station the first round, running back to start. Reps increase by two each round until 2 reps performed, at which point reps start counting back down. Exercises as follows

  • CMU ground to overhead
  • Step ups
  • Merkins

Pax Roulette.  we did flutter kicks, ABCs, and I believe they were called 100s fri
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Being part of a group can help push you when you aren’t feeling it. This morning was like that for me. I slept poorly and likely would have slept in had I not had this group to come to. I’m blessed to have such HIMs in my life
Safe travels for Hammy and Rep Sleepy. Congratulations to Moses for his third place finish over the weekend.
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Grindin with the CMU

THE SCENE: 63 degrees and feeling like fall is coming


SSH IC x 10

Tempo squat IC x 10

LBAC forward IC x 10

Bear crawl inch worm length of width of Grindstone.

CMU lined up on baseline.

5 CMU thruster buy in for every loop.

Start by completing 1 suicide along full length of court with 4 checkpoints.

OH carry CMU around BBall court to 3 stations as follows:

CMU swings

Up and over CMU merkins


All exercises performed pyramid style. Rep counts 5-10-15-20-15-10-5. 5 thruster buy in remains the same throughout. Complete as many rounds as possible.

CMU press flutter kick IC x 20

LBCs to close last 10 seconds
6 HIMS. Shout out to Hotsquat with 3 straight beatdowns at Arsenal.
College football season is upon us and it’s my favorite time of the year. I’m a huge Georgia fan so I’ve been reminiscing on some past seasons. During a recent season which Georgia did well, the head coach created a mantra which the team adopted: “keep the main thing the main thing.” As someone who has been getting bogged down with negative energy recently I feel like we can all take something from this. Focus on what you need to do in life and cut out the distraction or those with negative input who keep you from your purpose. We all have things/people that try and keep us from achieving goals. Cut the noise and stay the path.

“Keep the main thing the main thing.”


THE SCENE: just the slightest hint of fall in the air.

In cadence: 20 SSH, 10 Merkings

Some planks with arm circles. Some light stretching.
Massive Inchworm of Death (MIWOD)

Line up in plank. Bear crawl to the front of the line.

Hold table top. Crab walk to the front of the line.

Hold squat. Inchworm to front of the line.

Stop for PT. Then Rinse and repeat.

PT consisted of:

  • 20 squats in cadence (so really 40)
  • 20 lunges, or 20 beast merkins, or 20 merkins
  • 20 sit ups, or 20 flutter kicks, or 10 leg lifts and hold 6 inches

A short run at the end before heading back for Mary.

Thunderstruck came on the playlist on our way back, so we caught the tail end of that. Mountain climbers throughout and merkins on every “thunder”. 20 box cutters. 25 superman swims. LBC cash out.
8 PAX today!
Resilience. Just learned about creepy AI that is learning how to exploit weaknesses in human decision making. To me this means we need to have some resolve on the things that matter and be resistant. We just learned we can do this physically. But we also need to do this mentally and emotionally too. Just know that you can make it, and you have brothers right there with you all along the way.

Hardship hill coordinating obstacles. Discussions started on potentially migrating some slack channels one direction or another.

2018 IP revist

THE SCENE: said it once say it all summer, warm and humid

walk with blocks. OH carry , rev lunge, rielf carry to the baseball field.

Thang 1:

  • 15 Burpee block jump overs
  • 50 HR Merkins
  • Broad Jump 10 yrds out and back
  • 14 BBJO
  • 50 goblet squats
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 13 BBJO
  • 50 Leg Raises w CMU at arms extended
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 12 Burpee block jump overs
  • 50 HR Merkins
  • Broad Jump 10 yrds out and back
  • 11 BBJO
  • 50 goblet squats
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 10 BBJO – most the pax made it here in the 30 min allotted
  • 50 Leg Raises w CMU at arms extended
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 9 Burpee block jump overs
  • 50 HR Merkins
  • Broad Jump 10 yrds out and back
  • 8 BBJO
  • 50 goblet squats
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 7 BBJO
  • 50 Leg Raises w CMU at arms extended
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 6 Burpee block jump overs
  • 50 HR Merkins
  • Broad Jump 10 yrds out and back
  • 5 BBJO
  • 50 goblet squats
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 4 BBJO
  • 50 Leg Raises w CMU at arms extended
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 3 Burpee block jump overs
  • 50 HR Merkins
  • Broad Jump 10 yrds out and back
  • 2 BBJO
  • 50 goblet squats
  • BJ 10yrd O/B
  • 1 BBJO
  • 50 Leg Raises w CMU at arms extended
  • BJ 10yrd O/B

Tabatta Mary- 30 sec on 10 off- Bear crunch, side plank- repeat for time
“Confidence is preparation. Everything else is beyond your control”- Richard Kline

“When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can amazing things. “- Joe Namath
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Something different but kind of the same

THE SCENE: Raining lightly

Warm up stuff

Start at first cone. Do qty of 1 of 1st exercise. Move to next cone, do qty of 2, next cone qty of 3 etc. Total of  8-9 cones across lot. Run a lap around the lot after completing all cones and go back to start doing same exercise adding up again. switch to second exercise, then 3rd,4th. While waiting on the six, do LBCs or hold plank.

exercises with travel movements are:

  • Merkins with runs
  • Squat jumps with bear crawls (every other cone)
  • Dry docks with low Bernie Sanders
  • Lunges with side shuffle

mosey back to start, divide into teams of 2. 1 member walks item to end of grinder while 1 member does exercise while waiting on him. Once it arrives, switch up. Switch to different item after both have carried.
exercises are: Big log: dealers choice Merkins , small log: speed skaters, HEAVY CMU: step ups, light CMU: LBCs

MARY: No time for her

8 pax
“Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have laid dormant” Horace (Roman Poet)

we talked about our nation’s wounded veterans and first responders and how they overcome adversity With the help of operation enduring warrior. We discussed the Hardship Hill and how they can get involved.

I was expecting an absolute downpour this morning, but gladly took just a steady light rain. It was actually kind of refreshing kind of like doing a Nestea plunge into a pool while holding an ice tea. I always enjoy coming out to the bomb shelter, guys here are solid hard-working dudes. Did you know that The Hall of Fame Pittsburgh Steeler Lynn Swann was born in Alcoa. Although he moved to California to grow up, we can still claim him as a Alcoan. I have been a lifelong Steelers fan my entire life, but really haven’t watched much football in the last 6 years. Don’t care for the product anymore. What I do care for is a nice pizza pie. I’ve had pizza every day this week. Am I getting sick of it?….no. That and Mexican food I can eat pretty much every day. Although my bowels would disagree with me. Speaking of, as I mentioned to Woodshack this morning, I had the urge to go mid work out. I don’t think that’s ever happened to me. Thank God it subsided. My son came out to F3 and got named backsplash because he could not get it to subside. Don’t think he cares for that nickname too much. Well I’ve got to get going and get ready to have some breakfast with my father-in-law. He is a great guy and I’m happy to have him in my life. Everyone have a great day and I hope you enjoyed the work out and back blast. If so post a gorilla 🦍 emoji on the slack post, you will be a part of the very Exclusive I read tanks back blast club. Late

Hardship Hill