F3 Knoxville

Be Present

THE SCENE: Soggy but no rain, bit on the humid side 69degrees at circle up…

Start with SSHX30 on 4CT, Baby Arm circles front/back/and overhead claps x10 each, Windmills x10, Tempo Merkins x10, Jog down and back in parking lot then mosey…
Mosey to front entrance of Asylum alternating between bear crawls and crab walks by light pole to the base of everest.  11 Poles total.

At Everest perform 1min of exercise then sprint up to Tree and back.  Exercises consisted of Merkins, Overhead claps, Mountain climbers, SSH, Carolina DD’s, and Squats

Once completed summit Everest with 15 tempo squats at top

Mosey back to AO



Perform Captain Thor’s x26/Hello Dolly x20
7 HIM’s @qvc @snitch @crab-legs @music city @gibbler @hands
Shared article about a counselor from a Nursing home who shared what people at the latter part of their lives longed to go back and do.  What do they regret, if anything?  Almost all responded that they would go back to the time in their lives when they’re kids were home.  When life was crazy and uncertain.  Chaotic.  We always seem to be thinking about the next thing.  It is a challenge to stop and realize we are in a special spot in our lives.  To be present and in the moment.

Heavy Things I Cannot See

THE SCENE: Upper 50s with a light breeze a.k.a freakin’ gorgeous

10 burpees OYO

9 burpees OYO

8 burpees OYO

7 burpees OYO

6 burpees OYO

5 burpees OYO

4 burpees OYO

3 burpees OYO

2 burpees OYO

10 burpees OYO

The PAX caught on to this quickly and whined consistently, but once you start Shock & Awe you can’t let off the throttle!
I requested the PAX bring some heavy things to play with today and they delivered a variety of coupons including medicine balls, a cannonball, some sandbags, dumbbells, and CMUs. We assembled into a straight(ish) line with every other PAX holding a coupon.

The PAX moseyed along until the poor soul carrying the 60# sandbag went silent. We then stopped to swap up who was carrying coupons. Each time we stopped to pass coupons we performed 40 reps of merkins, squats, dry docks, or star jacks at the Q’s discretion.

This continued until we reached the staircases. We dropped our coupons and Crawl Beared up the steps and then ran to the top. Once the 6 arrived, we bear crawled back down (including the steps, thanks to Mayberry’s good example) and picked up our coupons to continue towards the Pa-va-lon.

Inside the Pa-va-lon we performed 3 sets of the following

  • 10 x pull-ups
  • 15 x box jumps
  • 20 x dips
  • 25 x derkins

We picked up our coupons from here and rolled back to the AO with a few coupon swaps and then rocked a set of Shoulder Blasters for good measure.


I really regret we didn’t have time to shred our core. Guess I’ll make up for this on the next Q…



“The IMPACT (for good or bad) that a man has on his children cannot be underestimated

The quality of a man’s relationship with his children defines the quality of their relationships with everyone else for the rest of their lives. If he is absent, they will be distrustful. If he is capricious, they will be unjust. If he is cold, they will be withdrawn. But, if he is present, just and warm the HIM will have imprinted upon his children’s hearts a template of relational success upon which they can rely throughout their lives. They will in turn pass it on to their Shorties. In this way, the IMPACT is infinite.”

I discussed these words with the PAX and highlighted how important this relationship is. We often take the blessings of our 2.0s for granted amongst the stress and anxiety that comes with them, but it’s impossible overvalue how critical our relationship with our kids (and with our fathers, for that matter) really is.

Lot’s of new faces from the Aslyum and one PAX from Chicagoland. Thanks for trekking out to the Dog Pound, gents! Also, Shooter is welcome for the Phish reference in the title.

Harness your spirit animal

THE SCENE: humid low 70s

10 cherry pickers in cadence

10 baby arm circles in cadence 10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

Sloth crawl to parking lot then 10 supple hip squats

Bear crawl back with high knee lunges 10

Gorilla hops to end then mountain climbers 10  4 count cadence then jog back

3 rounds beat the clock 15 minutes

10 CMU press

10 inch-worms

10 lunges with CMU

20 spider merkins (10 per side)

20 side straddle hops single cadence

We made it in 7:32 seconds

3 Bears bear hug relay

3 people  bear hug carry a sandbag of differing weights  to end of parking lot and back while others are doing an exercise until all have completed their run carrying each bag

Hold my Bear:

4 rounds

Bear crawl with CMU pull throughs

10 CMU bearpies



50 Squat

25 LBCs

40 SQuat

20 LBCs

30 squat

15 LBCs

40 squat

20 LBCs

50 Squats

20 LBCs

Hands Assfault Cheatsheet lillydipper Pele Flashback Waffle House Husker
Be a wolf
Be a Lion

Take nothing for granted Set goals

Be a better person


Pyramid Scheme

THE SCENE: A nice reprieve from 2 days of rain with plenty of humidity to go around.


  • Side Straddle Hop x 20
  • 1 Burpee
  • Imperial Squat Walker x 15
  • 2 Burpee
  • Merkin x 10 (4 ct)
  • 3 Burpee
  • Baby Arm Circles x 15, Over head Clap x 10
  • 4 Burpee
  • TN Rocking Chair x 15


Mosey to the lower parking lot, See Skunk, Stop abruptly, fast mosey…

Pyramid Scheme.    Partner up with someone of similar speed.  Run in the opposite direction and every time you meet do 25 of the following exercises with the exception of burpees which are x 10

  • lap 1 merkins
  • lap 2 merkins, superman
  • lap 3 merkins, Superman, mtn climbers
  • lap 4 merkins, Superman, mtn climbers, Bobby Hurley
  • lap 5 merkins Superman mtn climbers, Bobby Hurley and burpees
  • lap 6 Superman, mtn climbers , Bobby Hurley’s , burpees
  • lap 7 mtn climbers , Bobby Hurley , burpees
  • lap 8 Bobby Hurley’s , burps
  • lap 9 burps
  • lap 10 victory lap

Mosey to the Cloud.

  • 7’s with Box jumps and Bulgarian squats

Mosey through the start point to the base of baby Everest….sike.  No, we are not going to circle up for mary.

  • Grinders x 3 
    • Sprint up the hill 2 burpees
    • Reverse up the hill 4 burpees
    • Sprint up the hill 6 burpees

MARY: Flutter kicks by 30, BBS x 20

Be Proactive in life not Reactive.   If you only react to the day you will be subject to the circumstances that come your way.   Working out in the am before the sun comes up ensures you will get it in.   We can proactive in our spiritual lives and relationships as well.   “Play the ball before the ball plays you”

Gibbler is Always Ready

THE SCENE: The kind of morning where nobody signed up for Q
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER No but he lack of Q could be read as a meditation on the meaning of the word “volition”

SSH x 30 IC. Rocky Balboas on the curb. Squats.
Let’s get it out of the way that nobody signed up for Q. Normally that might precipitate some real Headlocking, Iron Sharpening, or High-Impact soul searching, but for the Tuesday AM crowd it’s an opportunity. Gibbler’s always the fastest out of the gate, and he took the Q quicker than anybody else could. Considering his travel schedule, YHC estimates that he Qs at 83% of the mornings he posts. This morning, on the fly, he cooked up:

  • An unholy pyramid of table rows, Irkins, and three other things I can’t remember and don’t want to remember
  • Calf raises (Gotta keep those Legs Crabby)
  • A boatload of Bulgarian squats, step ups (don’t judge, youngsters…your back will one day deteriorate like ours), and bicycle kicks. Imagine what kind of mind can think up this kind of torture on the spot.

YHC wanted to be Gibbler’s understudy so we invited Jack Webb to the party. We tried Ascending Testicles (probably not a repeat), and picked up the CMUs. Mixed in with some burpees and bernie, that took us home.

Not when your timing is as good as Gibbler’s